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Created February 24, 2012 10:10
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Comparison Java + JAX-RS vs. Java + Playframework 2 vs. Scala + Playframework 2
package se;
import com.sun.jersey.api.NotFoundException;
import java.util.Collection;
@Path(value = "/recept")
public class ReceptResource {
public Collection<ReceptRepository.Recept> all() {
return ReceptRepository.all();
public Response get(@PathParam("id") int id){
ReceptRepository.Recept recept = ReceptRepository.get(id);
if(recept == null){
throw new NotFoundException("Recept id " +id + " finns inte");
CacheControl cacheControl = new CacheControl();
EntityTag eTag = new EntityTag("" + recept.hashCode());
return Response
.tag(eTag )
package controllers;
import play.mvc.*;
import test.ReceptRepository;
import static play.libs.Json.toJson;
import static test.ReceptRepository.*;
public class PlayJavaReceptResource extends Controller {
public static Result all() {
return ok( toJson( ReceptRepository.all() ) );
public static Result get(int id) {
Recept recept = ReceptRepository.get(id);
if(recept == null){
return notFound("Recept " +id +" finns inte");
response().setHeader(CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=3600");
response().setHeader(ETAG, "" +recept.hashCode());
return ok( toJson(recept) );
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
import com.codahale.jerkson.Json._
import test.ReceptRepository
import play.api.http.ContentTypes
object ReceptResource extends Controller {
def get(id: Int) = Action { request =>
ReceptRepository.get(id) match {
case Some(recept) =>
Ok( generate(recept))
CACHE_CONTROL -> "max-age=3600",
ETAG -> ("" + recept.hashCode()))
case none => NotFound
def all = Action {
Ok( generate( ReceptRepository.all)).as(ContentTypes.JSON)
package test;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import java.util.*;
public class ReceptRepository {
private static Map<Integer, Recept> data = new HashMap<Integer, Recept>();
static {
List<ReceptIngrediens> sjomansbiffIngredienser =new ArrayList<ReceptIngrediens>();
sjomansbiffIngredienser.add(new ReceptIngrediens(1, "Sjöman"));
sjomansbiffIngredienser.add(new ReceptIngrediens(1, "Öl"));
Recept sjomansbiff = new Recept(1, "Sjömansbiff", "Koka den hackade sjömannen i länge i öl", sjomansbiffIngredienser);
List<ReceptIngrediens> fiskMedSasIngredienser =new ArrayList<ReceptIngrediens>();
fiskMedSasIngredienser.add(new ReceptIngrediens(1, "Fisk"));
fiskMedSasIngredienser.add(new ReceptIngrediens(1, "Sås"));
Recept fiskMedSas = new Recept(2, "Fisk med Sås", "Blanda fisken med såsen", fiskMedSasIngredienser);
data.put(, sjomansbiff);
data.put(, fiskMedSas);
public static Collection<Recept> all() {
return data.values();
public static Recept get(int id) {
return data.get(id);
static public class Recept {
public final int id;
public final String namn;
public final String beskrivning;
public final List<ReceptIngrediens> ingrediensLista;
/* Jaxb need this default constructor */
private Recept(){
id = 0;
namn = null;
beskrivning = null;
ingrediensLista = null;
public Recept(int id, String namn, String beskrivning, List<ReceptIngrediens> ingredienser){ = id;
this.namn = namn;
this.beskrivning = beskrivning;
this.ingrediensLista = ingredienser;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Recept)) return false;
Recept recept = (Recept) o;
if (id != return false;
if (beskrivning != null ? !beskrivning.equals(recept.beskrivning) : recept.beskrivning != null)
return false;
if (ingrediensLista != null ? !ingrediensLista.equals(recept.ingrediensLista) : recept.ingrediensLista != null)
return false;
if (namn != null ? !namn.equals(recept.namn) : recept.namn != null) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = id;
result = 31 * result + (namn != null ? namn.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (beskrivning != null ? beskrivning.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (ingrediensLista != null ? ingrediensLista.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
static public class ReceptIngrediens {
public final int mangd;
public final String beskrivning;
/* Jaxb need this default constructor */
private ReceptIngrediens(){
mangd = 0;
beskrivning = null;
public ReceptIngrediens(int mangd, String beskrivning){
this.mangd = mangd;
this.beskrivning = beskrivning;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof ReceptIngrediens)) return false;
ReceptIngrediens that = (ReceptIngrediens) o;
if (mangd != that.mangd) return false;
if (beskrivning != null ? !beskrivning.equals(that.beskrivning) : that.beskrivning != null) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = mangd;
result = 31 * result + (beskrivning != null ? beskrivning.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
package test
case class Recept(id: Int, namn: String, beskrivning: String, ingredienser: List[ReceptIngrediens])
case class ReceptIngrediens(mangd: Int, namn: String)
object ReceptRepository {
val sjomansBiff = Recept(1,
"Hacka en sjöman. Lägg i en gryta. Koka i öl. Länge.",
List( ReceptIngrediens(1, "Sjöman"),
ReceptIngrediens(1, "Öl")))
val fiskMedSas = Recept(2,
"Fisk med sås",
"Ta en fisk. Blanda med sås",
List( ReceptIngrediens(1, "Fisk"),
ReceptIngrediens(1, "Sås")))
val data: Map[Int, Recept] = Map( -> sjomansBiff, -> fiskMedSas)
def get(id: Int): Option[Recept] = data.get(id)
def all: Iterable[Recept] = data.values
GET /recept controllers.ReceptResource.all
GET /recept/:id controllers.ReceptResource.get(id: Int)
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Three roughly equivalent implementations of a very simple (read only) REST interface.

This is not an example of pure or correct "REST-ness", i know it´s not.
This is not an example of how to set appropriate response headers

This is just a quick comparison to diplay how on could go about to:

  1. Generate json from some domain classes
  2. Set some HTTP response properties (headers, content type status code etc)
  3. Map urls to Classes and metods and parameters

All implementations have

  • A resource
  • A repository
  • Some "domain" classes (implemented as inner classes in the repos, just to make it fewer files in this gist)

The "routes" file is needed by the play implementations
Both Java implementations use the same domain classes, but the play implementation could remove the JAXB annotations.

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gobijan commented Feb 24, 2012

Be fair and also use the java stack of playframework as comparison ;)

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@tschundee: It was never my point to be fair ;-) But you are right. I added a "PlayJavaReceptResource"
The Repositry and "domain classes" in that case are identical with the JAX-RS ones, only that I removed the JAXB annotations.

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gobijan commented Feb 24, 2012


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