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Last active November 27, 2021 12:48
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import requests
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import time
coin_api_key = 'YOUR-KEY-HERE'
slack_token = 'YOUR-KEY-HERE'
# define functions
def COINprices(crypto):
# get current price
url = '{0}/USD'.format(crypto)
headers = {'X-CoinAPI-Key' : coin_api_key}
response = requests.get(url, headers = headers)
content = response.json()
current_price = content['rate']
current_time = content['time']
# get historical prices (30 days)
url = '{0}/USD/latest?period_id=1DAY&limit=30'.format(crypto)
headers = {'X-CoinAPI-Key' : coin_api_key}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
content = response.json()
df_30 = pd.DataFrame(content)
# get historical prices (90 days)
url = '{0}/USD/latest?period_id=1DAY&limit=90'.format(crypto)
headers = {'X-CoinAPI-Key' : coin_api_key}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
content = response.json()
df_90 = pd.DataFrame(content)
# calculate percentiles
day_30_percentile = stats.percentileofscore(df_30.price_close, current_price)
day_90_percentile = stats.percentileofscore(df_90.price_close, current_price)
return {'current_price': current_price, 'day_30_percentile': day_30_percentile , 'day_90_percentile': day_90_percentile}
def createMessage(cyrpto, current_price, day_30_percentile):
if day_30_percentile <= 20:
status = 'BARGIN'
elif day_30_percentile <= 80:
status = 'TYPICAL BUY'
status = 'RIP-OFF'
percentile_formatted = "{:.1%}".format(day_30_percentile/100)
current_price_formatted = '${:,.2f}'.format(current_price)
message = '{0} is a {1} today. The current price of {2} is higher than {3} of closing prices during the last 30 days.'.format(crypto, status, current_price_formatted, percentile_formatted)
def SLACKmessage(text):
slack_api_url = ''
data = {'token': slack_token,
"channel": "YOUR-CHANNEL-ID-HERE",
"text": text}
# post message to crypto-alerts slack channel
r = = slack_api_url, data = data)
cryptos = ['BTC', 'ETH', 'XRP']
for crypto in cryptos:
result = COINprices(crypto)
current_price = result['current_price']
day_30_percentile = result['day_30_percentile']
day_90_percentile = result['day_90_percentile']
message = createMessage(crypto, current_price, day_30_percentile)
print(crypto, current_price, day_30_percentile, day_90_percentile)
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