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Last active April 4, 2019 21:27
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Example file for Magento 2 project

Title of Site

Developer Setup

Run through the following steps to setup this project on your local environment. These instructions assume you're using the standard Classy Llama devenv.

Server Access

Use the following to connect to stage.


Server Setup

The Rackspace server consists of three servers:

Sync Database From Prod > Stage

# TODO: Document steps for doing this, ideally using a script like this:

Server Error Logs


For Magento internal errors, run these commands and then reproduce issue:

tail -fn0 /var/www/stage/current/var/log/*.log

For server errors (500, etc) run these commands and then reproduce issue:

tail -fn0 /var/log/php-fpm/www-stage-error.log /var/log/nginx/*error*.log

To see errors on pages that list an error number at the bottom of the page:

cat /var/www/stage/current/var/report/<REPORT NUMBER>


For Magento internal errors, run these commands and then reproduce issue (connect to whichever server is relevant to what you're doing):

# This is the server that runs the admin and CRON jobs
ssh www-prod@
# This is the server that runs the frontend traffic
ssh www-prod@
tail -fn0 /var/www/prod/current/var/log/*.log

For server errors (500, etc) run these commands and then reproduce issue (connect to whichever server is relevant to what you're doing):

# This is the server that runs the admin and CRON jobs
ssh www-prod@
# This is the server that runs the frontend traffic
ssh www-prod@
tail -fn0 /var/log/php-fpm/www-prod-error.log /var/log/nginx/*error*.log

To see errors on pages that list an error number at the bottom of the page:

ssh www-prod@
cat /var/www/prod/current/var/report/<REPORT NUMBER>

The production admin can be accessed by this url (without setting up a hosts record):


Deployments are run from a host (developer) computer using Capistrano. Overview of deploying with Capistrano.

Commands used to deploy to stage:

cd tools/cap
bundle exec cap stage deploy

Commands used to deploy to prod:

cd tools/cap
bundle exec cap prod deploy

Initial Project Setup

  1. Install application from within VM:

     cd /var/www/sites/
     git clone -b develop ./
     ln -s app/etc/env.php
     composer install
     chmod +x bin/magento

    The ln -s app/etc/env.php command above is optional. Some developers would prefer to make changes to their env.php file that they don't want to track in source control (for example, using a different DB host or DB name like example_dev2). For those developers, they should run this command instead: cp app/etc/ app/etc/env.php. The Tech Lead on this project will do their best to notify developers when changes are made to that should be included in all env.php files.

    1. Since this site uses Git submodule(s), run this command:

       cd /var/www/sites/
       git submodule init
       git submodule update
  2. Configure your session storage as described in "Session Storage".

  3. Add the following entry to your /etc/hosts file:
  4. Update vhost configuration.

Sync Database From Stage

Run these commands from within your VM any time you need to sync the stage database to your local environment. Run these commands from within the project directory.

# Create database
mysql -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS example_dev;"
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS example_dev;"

# Dump DB
# Note: change STRIP_FLAG variable (or don't set it) if you need customer/sales data (e.g., @stripped)
STRIP_FLAG='@idx @log @trade @search catalog_product_index_eav_replica catalog_product_index_price_replica'
DUMP_FILENAME=example_stage_$(date +%F).sql.tgz
ssh -C "mr --root-dir=/var/www/stage/current db:dump --stdout --strip="'$STRIP_FLAG'" | gzip" | \
pv > /tmp/$DUMP_FILENAME

# Import DB
pv /tmp/$DUMP_FILENAME | gunzip | mysql example_dev;

# Update base urls
mr db:query 'UPDATE core_config_data SET `value` = REPLACE(VALUE, "://www.", "://") WHERE `path` LIKE "web%url";'
mr db:query 'UPDATE core_config_data SET `value` = REPLACE(VALUE, "://stage.", "://") WHERE `path` LIKE "web%url";'
mr db:query 'UPDATE core_config_data SET `value` = REPLACE(VALUE, ".com", ".dev") WHERE `path` LIKE "web%url";'

# Flush cache, upgrade DB, reindex
cd /var/www/sites/
bin/magento app:config:import
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
bin/magento cache:clean
bin/magento indexer:reindex

Sync Media From Stage

rsync -avz --exclude=catalog/product/cache \ /var/www/sites/

Sync Database From Prod

Reference the commands above and edit for usage on prod. Generally, syncing should be done from stage, not prod.

Sync Media From Prod

rsync -avz --exclude=catalog/product/cache \ /var/www/sites/
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