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Last active July 20, 2016 15:34
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Entity Component System Tutorial
/* =========================================================================
* Components.js
* This contains all components for the tutorial (ideally, components would
* each live in their own module)
* Components are just data.
* ========================================================================= */
// Appearance
// --------------------------------------
ECS.Components.Appearance = function componentAppearance ( params ){
// Appearance specifies data for color and size
params = params || {};
this.colors = params.colors;
// generate random color if not passed in (get 6 random hex values)
this.colors = {
r: 0,
g: 100,
b: 150
this.size = params.size || (1 + (Math.random() * 30 | 0));
return this;
}; = 'appearance';
// Health
// --------------------------------------
ECS.Components.Health = function componentHealth ( value ){
value = value || 20;
this.value = value;
return this;
}; = 'health';
// Position
// --------------------------------------
ECS.Components.Position = function componentPosition ( params ){
params = params || {};
// Generate random values if not passed in
// NOTE: For the tutorial we're coupling the random values to the canvas'
// width / height, but ideally this would be decoupled (the component should
// not need to know the canvas's dimensions)
this.x = params.x || 20 + (Math.random() * (ECS.$canvas.width - 20) | 0);
this.y = params.y || 20 + (Math.random() * (ECS.$canvas.height - 20) | 0);
return this;
}; = 'position';
// playerControlled
// --------------------------------------
ECS.Components.PlayerControlled = function componentPlayerControlled ( params ){
this.pc = true;
return this;
}; = 'playerControlled';
// Collision
// --------------------------------------
ECS.Components.Collision = function componentCollision ( params ){
this.collides = true;
return this;
}; = 'collision';
/* =========================================================================
* Entity.js
* Definition of our "Entity". Abstractly, an entity is basically an ID.
* Here we implement an entity as a container of data (container of components)
* ========================================================================= */
ECS.Entity = function Entity(){
// Generate a pseudo random ID = (+new Date()).toString(16) +
(Math.random() * 100000000 | 0).toString(16) +
(Math.random() * 100000000 | 0) +
// increment counter
// The component data will live in this object
this.components = {};
return this;
// keep track of entities created
ECS.Entity.prototype._count = 0;
ECS.Entity.prototype.addComponent = function addComponent ( component ){
// Add component data to the entity
this.components[] = component;
return this;
ECS.Entity.prototype.removeComponent = function removeComponent ( component ){
// Remove component data by removing the reference to it
delete this.components[];
return this;
ECS.Entity.prototype.print = function print () {
// Function to print / log information about the entity
console.log(JSON.stringify(this, null, 4));
return this;
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