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Last active February 19, 2019 10:12
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Elm Backend Client
module YourAPIClient exposing (Config, otherFunctions)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
-- Config
{-| represents the client configuration
type Config
= Config
{ backend : String
, session : Maybe String
{-| returns a client configuration
config : { backend : String, session : Maybe String } -> Config
config params =
Config params
{-| sets configuration session id
startSession : String -> Config -> Config
startSession session (Config config) =
Config { config | session = Just session }
{-| clears configuration session id
clearSession : Config -> Config
clearSession (Config config) =
Config { config | session = Nothing }
{-| returns true if session id is set
hasSession : Config -> Bool
hasSession (Config config) =
config.session /= Nothing
getApples : Config -> Http.Request (List Apple)
getApples config =
request config
{ method = "get"
, path = "/apples"
, query = []
, body = Http.emptyBody
, decoder = applesDecoder
... more requests
type alias Apple =
{ color : String }
appleDecoder : Decode.Decoder Apple
appleDecoder =
Decode.succeed Apple
|: (Decode.field "color" Decode.string)
request :
-> { method : String
, path : String
, query : List ( String, String )
, body : Http.Body
, decoder : Decode.Decoder a
-> Http.Request a
request (Config config) { method, path, query, body, decoder } =
... get the session token from the config and, if it is present, add it to the
http request headers...
module Evt exposing (Evt, evt, none, toMaybe, map, update)
type Evt a
= Evt
{ value : Maybe a
evt : a -> Evt a
evt val =
Evt { value = Just val }
none : Evt a
none =
Evt { value = Nothing }
toMaybe : Evt a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (Evt evt) =
map : (a -> b) -> Evt a -> Evt b
map fn (Evt evt) =
case evt.value of
Just a ->
Evt { value = Just (fn a) }
Nothing ->
Evt { value = Nothing }
update : (msg -> model -> ( model, Evt msg, Cmd msg )) -> msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )
update standardUpdate msg model =
( model2, evt, cmd ) =
standardUpdate msg model
( model3, cmd2 ) =
case toMaybe evt of
Just msg2 ->
update standardUpdate msg2 model2
Nothing ->
( model2, Cmd.none )
cmd3 =
Cmd.batch [ cmd, cmd2 ]
( model3, cmd3 )
module Main exposing (..)
import Evt exposing (Evt)
import Html exposing (..)
import Http
import Navigation exposing (Location)
import Client
import Route exposing (Route)
import Routing
import Session
import Task
type Page
= Loading
| Loaded Routing.PageModel
| Failure Http.Error
| NotFound
type alias Model =
{ clientConfig : Client.Config
, page : Page
init : Flags -> Maybe Route -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags route =
( { clientConfig = Client.config { backend = flags.backend, session = Nothing }
, page = Loading
, Session.get
|> Task.andThen (\session -> Task.succeed ( route, session ))
|> Task.perform Initialized
type Msg
= NoOp
| Initialized ( Maybe Route, Maybe String )
| RouteTo (Maybe Route)
| PageLoaded (Result Http.Error Routing.PageModel)
| SignedIn String
| SignedOut
| RoutingPageMsg Routing.PageMsg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Evt Msg, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
( model, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
Initialized ( route, sessionID ) ->
( sessionID
|> (\sid -> { model | clientConfig = Client.startSession sid model.clientConfig })
|> Maybe.withDefault model
, Evt.evt (RouteTo route)
, Cmd.none
RouteTo (Just route) ->
hasSession =
Client.hasSession model.clientConfig
routeRequiresSession =
Route.isSecure route
loadCmd =
if hasSession == routeRequiresSession then
Task.attempt PageLoaded <| Routing.load model.clientConfig route
else if hasSession then
Route.redirectTo Route.secureEntry
Route.redirectTo Route.nonSecureEntry
( model, Evt.none, loadCmd )
RouteTo Nothing ->
( { model | page = NotFound }, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
PageLoaded (Ok pageModel) ->
( { model | page = Loaded pageModel }, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
PageLoaded (Err err) ->
case Debug.log "page load error: " err of
Http.BadStatus resp ->
if resp.status.code == 401 then
update SignedOut model
( { model | page = Failure err }, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( { model | page = Failure err }, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
SignedIn session ->
( { model | clientConfig = Client.startSession session model.clientConfig }
, Evt.none
, Cmd.batch
[ Task.perform (always NoOp) (Session.set session)
, Route.redirectTo Route.secureEntry
SignedOut ->
( { model | clientConfig = Client.clearSession model.clientConfig }
, Evt.none
, Cmd.batch
[ Task.perform (always NoOp) Session.clear
, Route.redirectTo Route.nonSecureEntry
RoutingPageMsg pgmsg ->
case of
Loaded pgmod ->
( pgmodnew, pgevt, pgcmd ) =
Routing.update model.clientConfig (Evt.evt << SignedIn) pgmsg pgmod
( { model | page = Loaded pgmodnew }, pgevt, RoutingPageMsg pgcmd )
_ ->
( model, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
case of
Loaded pgmod -> RoutingPageMsg <| Routing.subscriptions pgmod
_ ->
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case of
Loading ->
text "loading"
Loaded pageModel ->
Routing.view pageModel
{ toMsg = RoutingPageMsg
, onSignOut = SignedOut
Failure err ->
text "failure"
NotFound ->
text "not found"
type alias Flags =
{ backend : String
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
Navigation.programWithFlags (RouteTo << Route.route)
{ init = (\flags loc -> init flags (Route.route loc))
, update = Evt.update update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
module Page.Apples exposing (Model, Msg, load, update, subscriptions, view)
import Component.UserHeader as UserHeader
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Http
import Client
import Route
import Task exposing (Task)
type Model
= Model
{ user : Client.User
, apples : List Client.Apple
initialModel : Client.User -> List Client.Apple -> Model
initialModel user apples =
{ user = user
, apples = apples
load : Client.Config -> Task Http.Error Model
load client =
Task.map2 initialModel
(Http.toTask <| client)
(Http.toTask <| Client.getApples client)
type Msg
= DoSomething
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg (Model model) =
case msg of
DoSomething ->
(Model model, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> { toMsg : Msg -> msg, onSignOut : msg } -> Html msg
view (Model model) { toMsg, onSignOut } =
div []
[ UserHeader.view
{ onSignOut = onSignOut
, user = model.user
, toMsg <| applesView (Model model)
applesView : List Client.Apple -> Html Msg
applesView apples =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Choose apple" ]
, div [] ( appleView apples)
appleView : Client.Apple -> Html Msg
appleView apple =
a [ href (Route.path (Route.Navigation apple.color)) ] [ text apple.color ]
module Route exposing (..)
import Navigation exposing (Location)
import UrlParser exposing ((</>), s, int, string, parseHash, oneOf, map, top)
type Route
= SignIn
| Apples
| Apple String
redirectTo : Route -> Cmd msg
redirectTo r =
Navigation.newUrl (path r)
route : Location -> Maybe Route
route =
parseHash <|
[ map SignIn (s "signin")
, map Apples top
, map Apple (s "apples" </> string ")
path : Route -> String
path r =
++ case r of
SignIn ->
Apples ->
Apple color ->
"apples/" ++ color
isSecure : Route -> Bool
isSecure route =
case route of
SignIn ->
_ ->
nonSecureEntry : Route
nonSecureEntry =
secureEntry : Route
secureEntry =
module Routing exposing (PageModel, PageMsg, load, update, subscriptions, view)
import Evt exposing (Evt)
import Html exposing (..)
import Http
import Client
import Page.SignIn
import Page.Apples
import Page.Apple
import Route exposing (Route)
import Task exposing (Task)
type PageModel
= SignInModel Page.SignIn.Model
| ApplesModel Page.Apples.Model
| AppleModel Page.Apple.Model
type PageMsg
= SignInMsg Page.SignIn.Msg
| ApplesMsg Page.Apples.Msg
| AppleMsg Page.Apple.Msg
load : Client.Config -> Route -> Task Http.Error PageModel
load client route =
case route of
Route.SignIn -> SignInModel <| Page.SignIn.load client
Route.Apples -> ApplesModel <| Page.Apples.load client
Route.Apple color -> AppleModel <| Page.Apple.load client color
_ -> Http.NetworkError -- handle your page load failures in some application specific way
update : Client.Config -> (String -> Evt msg) -> PageMsg -> PageModel -> ( PageModel, Evt msg, Cmd PageMsg )
update client onSignIn msg model =
case ( msg, model ) of
( SignInMsg pgmsg, SignInModel pgmod ) ->
( pgmod_, evt, pgcmd ) =
Page.SignIn.update nconf onSignIn pgmsg pgmod
( SignInModel pgmod_, evt, SignInMsg pgcmd )
( ApplesMsg pgmsg, ApplesModel pgmod ) ->
( pgmod_, pgcmd ) =
Page.Apples.update pgmsg pgmod
( ApplesModel pgmod_, Evt.none, ApplesMsg pgcmd )
( AppleMsg pgmsg, AppleModel pgmod ) ->
( pgmod_, pgcmd ) =
Page.Apple.update pgmsg pgmod
( AppleModel pgmod_, Evt.none, AppleMsg pgcmd )
_ ->
( model, Evt.none, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : PageModel -> Sub PageMsg
subscriptions model =
case model of
ApplesModel model_ -> ApplesMsg <| Page.Apples.subscriptions model_
_ ->
view : PageModel -> { toMsg : PageMsg -> msg, onSignOut : msg } -> Html msg
view model { toMsg, onSignOut } =
case model of
SignInModel pgmod -> (toMsg << SignInMsg) <| Page.SignIn.view pgmod
ApplesModel pgmod ->
Page.Apples.view pgmod
{ toMsg = toMsg << ApplesMsg
, onSignOut = onSignOut
AppleModel pgmod ->
Page.Apple.view pgmod
{ toMsg = toMsg << AppleMsg
, onSignOut = onSignOut
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The Evt module is custom ( It's how we facilitate simple Child to Parent communication in our SPAs, between the "Page" level and root level (architecturally speaking) of our application. For example, we generally keep the authentication state (is the current user logged in or logged out) in the root level of the application. When a change of authentication state occurs inside of a page, that fact needs to be delivered to the root level, so the authentication state can be changed. We would use an Evt to transmit that message down to the root from the page.

In essence, Msgs travel from the root down to the pages, and Evts travel upwards from the pages to the root. If you look above, you can see a page returning an Evt:

If this is important to you, I can write a thorough explanation on elm-discuss.

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