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Overview on building web API with Flask

Building Web APIs with Flask

Following the same-name course on

1. Getting up to speed with Flask

  • Use of __var_name and self.var_name in model
  • Decorator for oop in Python: @var_name.setter...
  • User serialize() for convert a class instance to dictionary type
  • Use app.error_handler_spec dictionary to map error handler to different handler

2. Create and Read

2.a. Create

  • Create operation -> POST
  • Meaningful HTTP Response code:
    • 201 Created,
    • 500 Internal Server Error,
    • 400 Bad Request
  • If success -> response should contain access path for new entity
  • Always authenticate

2.b. Read

  • Use parameter serialize = True/False to get entity in different format

3. Update and Delete

3.a. Update

  • Use PUT
  • 2 approaches:
    • Can create data if not existed -> if new entity, return code 201 Created
    • NOT create data -> return that there's nothing to update
  • Response code:
    • 404 Not Found
    • 200 OK: for success, response contains entity
    • 204 No Content: for success, response NOT contains entity

3.b. Delete

  • Use DELETE
  • Response code:
    • 404 Not Found
    • 204 No Content : for a successful delete
    • Optional: 200 OK - for a successful delete but with the deleted entity in response body

3.c. Hypermedia & HATEOAS

  • Using JSON LD

4. Extending the Web API

4.a. Authentication

  • Different mechanisms:
    • Basic HTTP authentication:
      • Use pair of username/password
      • Request headers with contain: Authorization header with content is Basic {base65_encoded_user_password}
      • Can implement using a wrapper decorator
    • Cookies
    • Hash message based authentication
    • OAuth
  • Should always use SSL/HTTPS

4.b. HTTP Caching

  • What is caching
    • Component that stores data -> future requests for the data can be served faster
  • Types of caching
    • HTTP Header caches with ETag
      • ETag header store cache info eg. the time that request was responded
      • Use with Cache-Control header too
    • Application Level cache (eg. Redis, Hazel Cache)
    • Gateway or Reverse Proxy cache
  • Use eTags for cache control
    • ETag = entity tag, based on resourced hashed and timestamp
  • Code for setting ETag

4.c. Error Handling in RESTful APIs

  • HTTP error codes
    • Common codes: 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 500, 501
  • Application Specific Error Codes in HTTP Headers
    • Custom headers should start with X-HEADER_NAME
    • Code: X-MyAPI-Error-Code: 15
    • Message: X-MyAPI-Error-Message: "error message here"
  • Meaningful error messages in HTTP Headers

4.d. Guidelines for Building Large Projects

  • Modular architecture
    • App is built up using small parts
    • Modules connect to each other through well defined interfaces
    • Modules can be reused in different projects
  • REST API architecture guideline
    • Define interface -> human readable, meaningful routes, easy to remember
    • Apply standards for HTTP Response codes
    • Version the API
    • Follow KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
    • Design for supporting:
      • CRUD operations
      • Authorization
      • Permissions
      • Caching
  • Flask Blueprints
    • What?
      • Application component within Flask
      • Have access to app config
      • Can change app config when registered
    • Why?
      • Help to build up large apps
      • Can be registered for subdomains or URLs
      • Different Blueprints can be created for different versions

5. Securing Web APIs

5.a. Why HTTPS?

  • HTTPS use TLS or SSL
  • Ensures secure communication transport
  • Messages sent from client to server are encrypted
  • Protects from:
    • Man in the middle attacks
    • Eavesdroppers (unwanted listeners of the communicating channel)

5.b. Token Authentication

  • Token
    • Stateless -> should be sent with each request
    • Usually set in HTTP header
  • Flask-security can be used
  • Implement token-based authentication

5.c. Cookies

  • Sent between browser and server
  • Common types:
    • Secure Cookie
    • HTTP Only Cookie
    • Session Cookie
    • Persistent Cookie

5.d. Storing Passwords

  • Always store as some form of hash code
  • User credentials should be held in a separate database on different server
  • If needed, an authentication microservice can be implemented for authentiation

6. Testing Web APIs

6.1. Using the Flask Test Client

  • Flask test client - from the Werkzeug framework
  • Works with unittest module

6.2. Testing Custom Flask Routes

6.3. Testing CRUD

6.4. Testing Authentication

  • Test authorization success + fail

REST Best Practices

  • Always apply versioning for your API
  • Always use meaningful HTTP Response Codes (200 OK, 404 Not Found, 401 Unauthorized, 201 Created, etc.)
  • Secure data with authentication
  • Use caching if needed

Other Notes

  • PUT vs PATCH:
    • Both for update
    • PUT first try to update the data item, if it's not existed, it will try to save the item
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