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Last active February 12, 2021 14:14
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Setting up Tensorboard with Pytorch

Setting up Tensorboard with PyTorch

TensorBoard is a visualization toolkit with allows the user to track and visualize metrics such as loss and accuracy, visualize the model graph, histograms, projects embeddings and much more.

Although Tensorboard was created by the TensorFlow people, it can also be used with PyTorch. This gist shows how one can do this.

Install PyTorch and Tensorboard

Install PyTorch

PyTorch is used to develop Neural Network models. To quickly install and use it one can run the following command. NOTE: Best way to install the PyTorch library is to follow the instructions.

conda install pytorch -c pytorch

Install Tensorboard

To install Tensorboard simply run the following command in your conda environment.

conda install tensorboard

Using Tensorboard in PyTorch

With tensorboard one can:

  • Inspect the models architecture
  • Track model training
  • Assess the trained model

In this section we will cover all of these points.

Preparing PyTorch and Tensorboard

Lets say that we have a model net, an data batch batch, a criterion criterion and optimizer optimizer already set. To write the information in Tensorboard readable format we must first initialize a SummaryWriter which can be imported from torch.utils.tensorboard.

from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

# the default directory where tensorboard writes stuff is "./runs"
# we can set the directory by providing it as the input; in this example
# we will write the information into the "./logs/Net" folder - with this
# convention we will know that the information is associated with our Net 
# model
writer = SummaryWriter("./logs/Net")

Inspect the model

To visualize the model architecture one add a graph of the model to tensorboard.

# write a new graph to tensorboard
writer.add_graph(net, batch)
# close the writer to flush the information into the file

Track the model training

When training the model we are interested in how the training loss changes through iterations. We can write the training loss using the add_scalar method.

We will illustrate how one can do this on a fictional example:

# set the hyperparameters
n_epochs = 1
n_steps = 100

running_loss = 0.0
for epoch in range(n_epochs): # loop over the training dataset `n_epochs` times

  # iterate through the training examples
  for i, example in enumerate(training_data, 0):
    # each example is an array containing the inputs and labels: [inputs, labels]
    # NOTE: you can have a different example structure
    inputs, labels = example
     # using the optimizer we set all model gradients to zero
     # do a forward pass
     outputs = net(inputs)
     # calculate the loss
     loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
     # do a backward pass
     # update the model using the optimizer
     # add the loss value to the running_loss
     # NOTE: important to use the .item() method; otherwise you will store tensors 
     # which in the CUDA setting would mean unnecessarily filling GPU space 
     running_loss += loss.item()
     if i % n_steps and i > 0:
        # every n_steps log the running loss
        # arguments:
        #   - the scalar label (tensorboard is able to plot multiple graphs for the same scalar label)
        #   - the average loss; consider this as the y-axis value
        #   - the iteration number; consider this as the x-axis value
        writer.add_scalar("training loss", running_loss / n_steps, epochs * len(training_data) + i)
        # set the running loss back to zero
        running_loss = 0.0

Viewing information on Tensorboard

Once we have some information stored we can run tensorboard as a web service. To do this execute:

tensorboard --logdir=./logs --port 6006

The arguments provided are:

  • logdir. The path to the folder containing the tensorboard information
  • port (optional). The port on which we wish to access tensorboard. Default: 6006

Once tensorboard is running we can go to our favorite browser and visit localhost:6006 or if we changed the port number to something else write localhost:{port} where {port} is the port number.

After that, we can access all of the stored information, view the models architecture and all of our scalar values.

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