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Last active March 31, 2022 06:41
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Testing Bitcoin Core 23.0 Release Candidates

Following test instructions on


  • Apple M1 MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)
  • macOS Big Sur 11.6.4 (20G417)

Mainnet tests

  1. Started IBD on mainnet with a pruned node using the default settings
  2. Changed units from BTC to mBTC to µBTc (bits) to Satoshi (sat)
  3. Inspected peers tab, switched through the tabs to see information, console and network traffic
  4. On Console tab, tested reducing and increasing font size using A-/A+ buttons
  5. On Console tab, tested gettxoutsetinfo command and clear button
  6. On Network Traffic tab, tested the horizontal scrollbar which seems to change the interval (not super intuitive) what it does should there be a label here?
  7. On Network Traffic tab, tested reset button
  8. On Information tab, opened debug log file
  9. Hid the IBD window
  10. Created a new wallet, named it Wallet 1, with default options Encrypt Wallet = false, Disable Private Keys = false, Make Blank Wallet = false, Descripor Wallet = true
  11. If I check Disable Private Keys, then Make Blank Wallet is also checked. If I uncheck it Disable Private Keys is also unchecked. Intentional?
  12. Before clicking create, tried erasing the Wallet Name to make sure the Create button is disabled when name is empty
  13. Switch to Transactions tab, click export. MacOS will ask for permission to my data folder. Exported the CSV file. Opened it in an editor to inspect content.
  14. Switch to Receive tab, generated all kinds of receive address with no fields filled in. Removed all receive addresses, both one by one and then by selecting all.
  15. Switched over to do the Signet and Testnet tests and then returned here to let the IBD finish, restarting in between to try out the encrypted wallet problems that were discussed in bitcoin/bitcoin#24501 (comment) and bitcoin-core/gui#571
  16. Completed the IBD and 2 GB of storage is used for the pruned blockchain.
  17. Tried to reopen Wallet 1 got two error messages image image Tried a restart and then the app froze! on this screen, which required a force quit image
  18. After about four or five restart attempts the wallet is successfully loaded and I'm able to generate all four types of receiving addresses.
  19. Is this mainly a problem with wallets created during IBD and when using a pruned node? I think the errors could be improved or users facing this error and unable to load the wallet could think they have lost their funds.

Signet tests

  1. Edited bitcoin.conf and set signet=1
  2. Restarted app
  3. Splash screen and dock icon changed to yellow
  4. IBD completed
  5. Created wallet with name Signet Wallet 1!"#€!", options Encrypt Wallet = true, Disable Private Keys = false (disabled), Make Blank Wallet = false, Descriptor Wallet = true, External signer = false (disabled)
  6. Added a 100 character long password
  7. Received from faucet to all three addresses available on Signet:
  • Base58 (Legacy)
  • Base58 (P2SH-SegWit)
  • Bech32 (SegWit)
  1. Tested a self transfer from P2SH-SegWit to Legacy
  2. Tested a self transfer from P2SH-SegWit to Bech32


Testnet tests

  1. Edited bitcoin.conf and set testnet=1 to activate Testnet
  2. Restarted app
  3. Splash screen and dock icon changed to green

UX considerations

  1. In the Receive tab, if I double click (or triple click depending on how fast I am) the Create new receiving address two or more addresses are generated and multiple QR codes are shown
  2. Regarding consistency, some buttons are Named With Capital letters, but most are Named with only starting capital letters. Is there a reason for this, or should they all follow the same pattern? Some examples: External signer, Generate receiving address, Use available balance but Add Recipient, Clear All, Open Configuration File, Reset Options
  3. If I right click and edit label on a self transfer transaction which contains many addresses, I get an error: The entered address "myBWQQjTUdyBCVbFPzEpY7Rv3K3LbpHnR3, mir36n3M4GBt6sZVZ4FpCrBHYJiCTCTVix" is not a valid Bitcoin address.
  4. In some dialogs, there is no space after dot/comma in the error message (see screenshots above for an example).


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