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Created February 14, 2017 16:43
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protocol ViewModelType {
associatedtype Model
associatedtype Input
init(model: Model, input: Input)
class ViewModel: ViewModelType {
let model: Model
required init(model: Model, input: Input) {
self.model = model
struct Model {
let userId: String
struct Input {
//let buttonTap: Observable<Void>
enum Bindable<T: ViewModelType> {
case unbound(model: T.Model)
case bound(model: T.Model, viewModel: T)
mutating func bind(input: T.Input) -> T {
switch self {
case let .unbound(model), let .bound(model, _): // <- using the same name for both values of a generic type
let viewModel = T(model: model, input: input) // <- EXC_BAD_ACCESS here prior to Swift 3.1
self = .bound(model: model, viewModel: viewModel)
return viewModel
let input = ViewModel.Input()
let model = ViewModel.Model(userId: "123")
var b: Bindable<ViewModel> = .unbound(model: model)
let viewModel = b.bind(input: input)
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