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Last active July 21, 2023 05:27
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Save erikpena/a01ace32f7bef4a5ec52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple hardware button debouncer using ESP8266 libraries within the Arduino IDE.
// pin is 2.
const int multiButton = 2;
void setup() {
// Configure the pin mode as an input.
pinMode(multiButton, INPUT);
// Attach an interrupt to the pin, assign the onChange function as a handler and trigger on changes (LOW or HIGH).
attachInterrupt(multiButton, onChange, CHANGE);
void loop() {
// Main part of your loop code.
// Holds the current button state.
volatile int state;
// Holds the last time debounce was evaluated (in millis).
volatile long lastDebounceTime = 0;
// The delay threshold for debounce checking.
const int debounceDelay = 50;
// Gets called by the interrupt.
void onChange() {
// Get the pin reading.
int reading = digitalRead(multiButton);
// Ignore dupe readings.
if(reading == state) return;
boolean debounce = false;
// Check to see if the change is within a debounce delay threshold.
if((millis() - lastDebounceTime) <= debounceDelay) {
debounce = true;
// This update to the last debounce check is necessary regardless of debounce state.
lastDebounceTime = millis();
// Ignore reads within a debounce delay threshold.
if(debounce) return;
// All is good, persist the reading as the state.
state = reading;
// Work with the value now.
Serial.println("button: " + String(reading));
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seife commented Jan 26, 2021

it's software debounce of a hardware button ;-)

But another nitpick: I had "surprising" results with Serial() stuff in an interrupt routine (panics, crashes, random resets), so I'd advise against that.

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