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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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// CPUViewController.m
// Cue Point Usage
// Created by Robert Crooks on 11/14/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Robert Crooks. All rights reserved.
#import "CPUViewController.h"
// import the SDK master header and RAC EXTScope header
#import "BCOVPlayerSDK.h"
#import "ReactiveCocoa/RACEXTScope.h"
@interface CPUViewController ()
@implementation CPUViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// the following line is the basic way to access the catalog for non-Japanese accounts, not using a proxy
// self.catalog = [[BCOVCatalogService alloc] initWithToken:@"nFCuXstvl910WWpPnCeFlDTNrpXA5mXOO9GPkuTCoLKRyYpPF1ikig.."];
// the following lines use the media request factory - you must use this method for Japanese accounts
// or if you make the calls via a proxy
// note that for accounts in Japan, the baseURLString will be ""
self.mediaRequestFactory = [[BCOVMediaRequestFactory alloc] initWithToken:@"nFCuXstvl910WWpPnCeFlDTNrpXA5mXOO9GPkuTCoLKRyYpPF1ikig.." baseURLString:@""];
self.catalog = [[BCOVCatalogService alloc] initWithMediaRequestFactory:self.mediaRequestFactory];
self.controller = [[BCOVPlayerSDKManager sharedManager] createPlaybackControllerWithViewStrategy:nil];
self.controller.view.bounds = self.view.frame;
// create a playback controller delegate
self.controller.delegate = self;
self.controller.view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
[self.view addSubview:self.controller.view];
//This is how you play back videos
// retrieve the video from Video Cloud
[self.catalog findVideoWithReferenceID:@"lucy" parameters:nil completion:^(BCOVVideo *video, NSDictionary *jsonResponse, NSError *error) {
//Getting properties from the video, these keys can be found in BCOVCatalogConstants.h
NSLog(@"Name: %@",[kBCOVCatalogJSONKeyName]);
NSLog(@"Description: %@",[kBCOVCatalogJSONKeyShortDescription]);
//Cue points can be iterated through if you want to understand the cuepoints before the video is played
for(BCOVCuePoint *point in video.cuePoints){
NSLog(@"Cue Point:%@", point);
self.controller.autoAdvance = YES;
self.controller.autoPlay = YES;
[self.controller setVideos:@[video]];
[self.controller play];
//Using the playback controller delegate, you can take action when a cuepoint is hit
- (void)playbackController:(id<BCOVPlaybackController>)controller playbackSession:(id<BCOVPlaybackSession>)session didPassCuePoints:(NSDictionary *)cuePointInfo{
NSLog(@"Cuepoint hit!");
BCOVCuePointCollection *collection = cuePointInfo[kBCOVPlaybackSessionEventKeyCuePoints];
for(BCOVCuePoint *point in collection){
NSLog(@"Cuepoint Type %@ with Position %f", point.type, CMTimeGetSeconds(point.position));
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