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Last active August 6, 2022 00:15
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ZORA API Hackathon API Submissions

ZORA API Hackathon API Submissions

NFT Widget

An iOS widget that displays your NFT

Author(s): 0xbE694be8e812ae1a99443b32041142C36597A772

Github: link


A simple way to visualize a selection of NFTs in anyone's wallet.

Author(s): 0x784FA0c3C12aEe8f571EF3c91408cb2219B431dC

Github: link

Other Links: &


A real-time sales historical tracker and dashboard for Web3 creators.

Author(s): 0x8b097e585EEF04E929C1b973d64593D85105C5AD

Github: link

Other Links:


An NFT turned based multiplayer game. The game let's people play against each other using their favorite NFT.

This will evolve into allowing people to have special power ups depending on collection rarity and even mint their own dynamic NFTs based on their game record. This is for now a basic version of the game to show the potential of using zora+redis as a winning combination for NFT gaming.

Author(s): 0xeE656Ff300be8B8867711139FE496b9790b8d4AE

Github: link

Other Links:

ZoraGM Mobile kit

For Web3 to gain user adoption and attract builders, apps user interface and experience needs to evolve into more rich, intuitive and customized solutions for mobile. Building native apps is a great way to get the most out of devices capabilities and resources to create personalized experiences. I created this project to show other native devs how easy it is to integrate your apps with web3 content (thanks Zora for this API!) and not feel overwhelmed by the steep learning curve to start developing with web3 apps. Mobile native experiences will become very important when it comes to NFT gaming and metaverse applications.

This project is a quickstart with sample code and tools to use ZORA API to query blockchain information for native iOS apps. The sample apps queries and displays NFTs

Author(s): 0xFDD6AF85172A18A02651e63929fF2f46E4714156

Github: link

Other Links: Appstore link (in review, waiting on approval from apple):

demo gif:

NFT Music Discovery

This code is used to pull Music NFT data from various sources and organizes the repository for filtering and discovery purposes.

Architecture documentation can be found in the readme file of the github repo.

Author(s): 0x61379E0Aa98427e5d49D78b2EB54991e1ebF8d0d

Github: link

Other Links:

Zora-powered NFT AI Scanner

Have you ever wanted an image search, like in Google, but for NFTs? Now, with Zora's API and our outstanding data science expertise, this has become possible.

We present you an app that uses neural networks to find NFTs using text requests: picture of monkey? Done! 8-bit skeleton art? Here it is. If there's an NFT, we'll find it for you. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Do you want to check the authenticity of any NFT art? Our deep learning algorithms will scan through the blockchain and find out whether there are collections that look suspiciously similar to yours!

Finally, here's one more thing - our neural networks can also generate new NFTs! Just send your wallet address, and we'll synthesize a MetaNFT - all NFTs in your account, blended together by generative networks.

Author(s): 0xDf63A5df29F1a1098Eb3D341597e811f00bdbaA9

Github: link

Other Links: Short project demonstration:, API server:, frontend deployment


The best way to use the Zora API in your Swift projects. Swift-ZoraKit brings easy to use API loaders and pre-built SwiftUI components together so native Apple platform developers (iOS, macOS, tvOS) can quickly build against the Zora API.

Author(s): 0xe0A169d8a7CEf6c1bB2bB966066A3778a52Fe712

Github: link


This is our solution for creating non-existent and truly unique NFTs, which can be immediately uploaded to IPFS and the blockchain. The current version allows you to pick and create NFTs on the Rinkeby network.

We have created an open source organization on github, where any member of the community can ask questions and use it for themselves and help improve the code!

To show the user the NFTs that already exist in the collection, we use the Zora API, as well as media react components to display the correct image from the IPFS. At the moment, data is displayed from the collection, the images for which we used in our dataset for training. This is because of the inability to deploy the contract in the mainnet.

Author(s): 0x8a12C5C81240d00C2b79b6713ae3F4f440Ecf5dB

Github: link

Other Links:

NFT exes

This project aims to bring more attention to individual NFT history to make them more distinguishable even inside their own collection.

How it works: You can enter your address to see all past owners of your NFTs and how long they was holding it. Addresses of some people would be highlighted with certain color. Famous people, such as Beeple and Vitalik, would be highlighted with blue, while any punk or BAYC holder would be highlited with amber. In the future there would be more categories for better navigation

if you want to see this project in it's full glory, you can use 0x367dc97068ab54ba1dfbfc0fad12fbcb7b3a0d09 address as input

This is my first experience in frontend, sorry for bad adaptability!

Author(s): 0xb23C6962c431524c154b3eA088fC3Ca0Dc4b0B94

Github: link

Other Links:


Empowering decentralised mental health initiatives

Author(s): 0xCB53a818042Db647cb01672751B0E4efCa29cF55

Github: link

Other Links:


A tool for seeing a timeline of every NFT you've ever owned. Still WIP, plan to add "what-if" features for if you bought earlier or held longer or shorter with portfolio metrics.

Author(s): 0x65bc567290b4Ed1175ac21A399F7BC01d66EF03F

Github: link

Other Links:


to understand how we’ve made use of the API, first we must introduce you to yume.

in short, we are building a decentralised fashion marketplace, where you buy clothing designs (as nfts) which you can then redeem for the actual garment. the nft contains all the metadata needed for the production of the clothing, so any manufacturer can handle it. this eliminates waste, empowers small creators, fights fast fashion, facilitates merch releases by organisations, accompanied by a number of other benefits on which you can learn more in our docs or articles.

coming back to Zora API: we used this tool to create a demo of yume’s marketplace, a visualisation of how it could potentially look like once it launches, a simulation of a sort. (maybe it is a potential partnership with zora and added utility to zorbs, who knows)

however, since there are no yume clothing nfts released yet, we instead chose a handful of zora nfts, and gave them the status of “yume eligible”.

as such, we then used the API to display all these (yume eligible) zora nfts in one place, presenting all kinds of information (for example recent and biggest sales), with the possibility to sort through them based on your chosen criteria. this should reflect how you would browse through all yume clothing nfts. it has the same features: if you want to filter out all t-shirt designs, or you want to see all available gray and blue designs, using the API you will be able to accomplish that! the only missing element is the “buy” feature, but it was not necessary for demonstrating the use of the Zora API.

moreover, we created a “dashboard” feature, which is an equivalent of your “clothing nfts closet”. it provides you with an overview of your collection, where you can see the details and if you wish so, redeem for a physical item. it is exactly the same experience as you would have with your yume clothing nfts.

by the way, if you happen to own any of the zorb nfts, you will see them there. and who knows, maybe there will be enough interest in the zora community that these yume eligible Zora nfts will be actually made into yume merch one day!

Author(s): 0xD09b52A63a7E537504a58f5Ee2132961F4b2c7b7

Github: link

Other Links:

Bright Moments Citizen Viewer

A React App that interacts with the Zora wallet API and displays our Crypto Citizens, in your connected wallet

Author(s): 0xAf627400C87350438700f933cC631dF1f1bab874

Github: link

Other Links: |


My submission is a lightweight, native objective-c client to consume GraphQL output from the ZORA API.

This is the bare minimum necessary to interact with the ZORA API using obj-c without third party libraries or frameworks.

A demonstration of the capabilities takes a contract address as input, and shows various stats such as the contract name, symbol, total supply, total number of owners, as well as a breakdown of the top 20 owners.

Additionally, a more in-depth demonstration of the analytics capabilities made possible with the ZORA API can be found with the “Get Top Collections” feature (output is currently logged to console rather than displayed in GUI), which processes the wallets for all token holders for a given contract, and generates the top 10 shared collections across those wallets. This could be useful for community building, outreach, marketing, and tracking emerging trends in the NFT ecosystem. (Please note that this feature takes awhile to run, and these calculations could be performed much more efficiently on the backend. Perhaps some convenience accessor methods from the ZORA team in the future for some of this type of data?)

Author(s): nptacek.eth

Github: link

Other Links:

Zorbz Data Visualizer

ZORBZ is our MVP data visualization tool using ZORBS metadata, creative code with p5 js, and Zora’s API(zAPI) 💻

This implementation was inspired by and HASH by Proof of Beauty. With Zora's zAPI, we’re able to abstract that meta data, and use it as a parameter for things, like visuals, so we can further understand things happening on the blockchain beyond zeros and ones.

Author(s): 0x787Bc4D2DA1CFCD5db700547B491E9Fd332e77C8

Github: link

Other Links:, Ideation Board:, Overview:


NFT / Token walled event ticketing app. Organisers create event and selecting a collection required for entry (API use search). Attendees on arrival scan a QR code generated by app to verify ownership of collection at door (API use NFTs for wallet). Database saves the collection address so another API use is when this data is retrieved - we need a the UI friendly name, so look this up using API.

Example use case: NFT NYC next week, a lot of events are for token holders, they need to be able to verify this on the door.

Next Steps(more backend related): Platform persists attendees list for organisers to later use for exports for airdrops etc. Also recommend events which other participants are going to based on previous shared participations.

Author(s): 0x067b122c50aA3D3b6D7faf95774653e56A0B581B

Github: link

Other Links: (will upload a vid in action later on)

Zora Foundation

Creating a clone of Foundation app using Zora API and Degen design system from mirror to enable dark mode for marketplace and custom themes.

Has floating tooltips for user profiles and the user menu using framer-motion. Link below on the playground UI.

Author(s): 0xf153337f18951B65642Cc88CcdF7f957CF993F9e

Github: link

Other Links:

NFT Brew

NFT Brew is aimed at helping people keep track of NFT collections with daily emails.

You sign up with your wallet, specify your email, select collections you want to keep track of and every morning receive an email with a breakdown of how each collection did in the previous 24 hours. Average sale, highest sale, lowest save, volume, the difference to the day before this.

All to help you keep your eye on interesting collections with easy-to-check emails that you have daily.

Author(s): 0xE992ebcaBC18bC1dd10a5dF2dEf1b0685D8488E7

Github: link

Other Links:


ZoraKit -- and

What is the hack?

During the twitter spaces event Jem, floated the idea of a Zora dev tool to bootstrap a project with the Zora API, RainbowKit and GraphQL.

What does ZoraKit do?

yarn create zorakit@latest and you'll get a bootstrapped Zora GraphQL Project.

  • What's in ZoraKit?
  • ApolloClient
  • Zora GraphQL API
  • RainbowKit (wagmi, ethers.js)
  • @zoralabs/nft-components/
  • typescript support
  • next.js
  • graphql-codegen (which autogenerates react hooks based off your queries and the graphql introspection layer). What's super nice about codegen is the developer gets type safe hooks and data responses right out of the box. more here if anyone is interested.

The template will connect to a wallet via RainbowKit and load your NFT's via Zora API and Zora NFT-Components. Side note, only two of my NFT preview thumbnail images were rendering. Assuming it's just the NFT not having a thumbnail field.

How it was built:

  • Forked RainbowKit, threw in the template above and published it to npm.

There's still a little bit of clean up to do and doc updates but I wanted to post it sooner than later if it would be helpful for anyone else starting their project

Author(s): benschac.eth

Github: link

Other Links:

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