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Last active September 18, 2015 20:59
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if is_yak then
shave yak
bathe yak
do productive_work
--> (if is_yak then
((shave yak)
(bathe yak))
((do productive_work))
for yak in yaks first
print "Here are some yaks:"
print yak
print "And that's all the yaks!"
print "I'm afraid there are no yaks."
if is_yak then
shave yak
elif is_gerbil then
preen gerbil
# One possible way to parse this:
sentences = sentence+ # starting point
sentence = line blocks?
line = word+ newline
blocks = indent sentences other_blocks? outdent
other_blocks = partial_outdent other_block+
other_block = line indent sentences outdent
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