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Created December 21, 2011 18:36
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Scala TreeSet/TreeMap benchmarks
import collection.immutable.TreeMap
import util.Random
object TreeMapTest {
def time(block: => Unit): Double = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val stop = System.nanoTime()
(stop - start) / 1.0e9
def bench(name: String, tree: TreeMap[Int, Int], count: Int)(block: TreeMap[Int, Int] => AnyRef): Any = {
var r: AnyRef = null
val s1 = time {
for (_ <- 1 to count) {
r = block(tree)
println("%-25s: size: %7d: %7d iterations in %6.3f seconds (%12.2f per second)".format(name, tree.size, count, s1, count / s1))
def tests(tree: TreeMap[Int, Int]) {
for (_ <- 1 to 10) {
val n = Random.nextInt(tree.size)
assert(tree == tree.take(n) ++ tree.drop(n), "take / drop")
assert(tree == tree.dropRight(n) ++ tree.takeRight(n), "dropRight / takeRight")
val (pr, sf) = tree.splitAt(n)
assert(pr.size == n, "prefix size")
assert(sf.size == tree.size - n, "suffix size")
assert(tree == pr ++ sf, "split")
assert(tree == tree.tail + tree.head, "head / tail")
assert(tree == tree.init + tree.last, "init / last")
val rnd = Random.nextInt(tree.size)
assert(tree == tree.takeWhile(_._1 < rnd) ++ tree.dropWhile(_._1 < rnd), "takeWhile / dropWhile")
val from = Random.nextInt(tree.size)
val until = Random.nextInt(tree.size) + 1
assert(tree == tree.take(from) ++ tree.slice(from, until) ++ tree.takeRight(tree.size - until), "slice")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sizes: Seq[Int] = if (args.size < 1) List(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000) else args(0).split(",").map(_.toInt).toSeq
val trees = for (size <- sizes) yield {
val values = Array.fill(size)({ val r = Random.nextInt; r -> r })
val tree = TreeMap(values: _*)
if (values.toSet != tree.iterator.toSet) {
println("Iterator not correct: expected\n\t<%s> was\n\t<%s>".format(values.toIndexedSeq.sorted, tree.iterator.toIndexedSeq))
val counts: Seq[Int] = if (args.size < 2) List(1000) else args(1).split(",").map(_.toInt).toSeq
for (_ <- 1 to 3; count <- counts; tree <- trees) {
// bench("headOption", tree, count) { _.headOption }
// bench("lastOption", tree, count) { _.lastOption }
// bench("tail", tree, count) { _.tail }
// bench("init", tree, count) { _.init }
// bench("drop(5)", tree, count) { _.drop(5) }
// bench("dropRight(5)", tree, count) { _.dropRight(5) }
// bench("take(5)", tree, count) { _.take(5) }
// bench("takeRight(5)", tree, count) { _.takeRight(5) }
// bench("splitAt(5)", tree, count) { _.splitAt(5) }
// bench("drop(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.drop(t.size / 2) }
// bench("dropRight(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.dropRight(t.size / 2) }
// bench("take(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.take(t.size / 2) }
// bench("takeRight(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.takeRight(t.size / 2) }
// bench("splitAt(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.splitAt(t.size / 2) }
bench("slice", tree, count) { t =>
val from = t.size / 3
val until = 2 * t.size / 3
t.slice(from, until)
// bench("dropWhile(_ => false)", tree, count) { _.dropWhile(_ => false) }
// bench("takeWhile(_ => false)", tree, count) { _.takeWhile(_ => false) }
// bench("span(_ => false)", tree, count) { _.span(_ => false) }
// bench("dropWhile(_._1 < 0)", tree, count) { _.dropWhile(_._1 < 0) }
// bench("takeWhile(_._1 < 0)", tree, count) { _.takeWhile(_._1 < 0) }
bench("span(_._1 < 0)", tree, count) { _.span(_._1 < 0) }
// bench("dropWhile(_ => true)", tree, count) { _.dropWhile(_ => true) }
// bench("takeWhile(_ => true)", tree, count) { _.takeWhile(_ => true) }
// bench("span(_ => true)", tree, count) { _.span(_ => true) }
// bench("iterator", tree, count) { _.iterator }
// bench("iterator.size", tree, count) { _.iterator.size: java.lang.Integer }
// bench("toStream", tree, count) { _.toStream }
// bench("toStream.size", tree, count) { _.toStream.size: java.lang.Integer }
// bench("submap", tree, count) { _.range(Random.nextInt, Random.nextInt) }
import collection.immutable.TreeSet
import util.Random
object TreeSetTest {
def time(block: => Unit): Double = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val stop = System.nanoTime()
(stop - start) / 1.0e9
def usedMemory = {
Runtime.getRuntime.totalMemory - Runtime.getRuntime.freeMemory
def tests(tree: TreeSet[Int]) {
for (_ <- 1 to 10) {
val n = Random.nextInt(tree.size)
assert(tree == tree.take(n) ++ tree.drop(n), "take / drop")
assert(tree == tree.dropRight(n) ++ tree.takeRight(n), "dropRight / takeRight")
val (pr, sf) = tree.splitAt(n)
assert(pr.size == n, "prefix size was " + pr.size + " expected " + n)
assert(sf.size == tree.size - n, "suffix size")
assert(tree == pr ++ sf, "split")
assert(tree == tree.tail + tree.head, "head / tail")
assert(tree == tree.init + tree.last, "init / last")
val rnd = Random.nextInt(tree.size)
assert(tree == tree.takeWhile(_ < rnd) ++ tree.dropWhile(_ < rnd), "takeWhile / dropWhile")
val from = Random.nextInt(tree.size)
val until = Random.nextInt(tree.size) + 1
assert(tree == tree.take(from) ++ tree.slice(from, until) ++ tree.takeRight(tree.size - until), "slice")
def bench(name: String, tree: TreeSet[Int], count: Int)(block: TreeSet[Int] => Unit): Unit = {
val s1 = time {
for (_ <- 1 to count) {
println("%-25s: size: %7d: %7d iterations in %6.3f seconds (%12.2f per second)".format(name, tree.size, count, s1, count / s1))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val memoryBefore = usedMemory
println("Used memory before allocating trees: %d KiB".format(memoryBefore / 1024))
val sizes: Seq[Int] = if (args.size < 1) List(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000) else args(0).split(",").map(_.toInt).toSeq
val trees = for (size <- sizes) yield {
println("Generating random numbers")
val values = Array.fill(size)(Random.nextInt)
println("Building tree")
val tree = TreeSet(values: _*)
// if (values.toSet != tree.iterator.toSet) {
// println("Iterator not correct: expected\n\t<%s> was\n\t<%s>".format(values.toIndexedSeq.sorted, tree.iterator.toIndexedSeq))
// }
val memoryAfter = usedMemory
println("Used memory after allocating trees: %d KiB (~%d bytes per node including boxed int)".format(memoryAfter / 1024, memoryAfter /
val counts: Seq[Int] = if (args.size < 2) List(1000) else args(1).split(",").map(_.toInt).toSeq
for (count <- counts; _ <- 1 to 5; tree <- trees) {
// val rnd = Random.nextInt
// bench("lookup", tree, count) { _.contains(rnd) }
// bench("foreach", tree, count) { _.foreach(_ => ()) }
bench("head", tree, count) { _.head }
bench("last", tree, count) { _.last }
// bench("headOption", tree, count) { _.headOption }
// bench("lastOption", tree, count) { _.lastOption }
// bench("tail", tree, count) { _.tail }
// bench("init", tree, count) { _.init }
bench("iterator", tree, count) { _.iterator }
bench("iterator.size", tree, count) { _.iterator.size }
// bench("toStream", tree, count) { _.toStream }
// bench("toStream.size", tree, count) { _.toStream.size }
// bench("drop(5)", tree, count) { _.drop(5) }
// bench("dropRight(5)", tree, count) { _.dropRight(5) }
// bench("take(5)", tree, count) { _.take(5) }
// bench("takeRight(5)", tree, count) { _.takeRight(5) }
// bench("splitAt(5)", tree, count) { _.splitAt(5) }
// bench("drop(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.drop(t.size / 2) }
// bench("dropRight(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.dropRight(t.size / 2) }
// bench("take(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.take(t.size / 2) }
// bench("takeRight(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.takeRight(t.size / 2) }
// bench("splitAt(size / 2)", tree, count) { t => t.splitAt(t.size / 2) }
// bench("slice", tree, count) { t =>
// val from = t.size / 3
// val until = 2 * t.size / 3
// t.slice(from, until)
// }
// bench("dropWhile(_ => false)", tree, count) { _.dropWhile(_ => false) }
// bench("takeWhile(_ => false)", tree, count) { _.takeWhile(_ => false) }
// bench("span(_ => false)", tree, count) { _.span(_ => false) }
// bench("dropWhile(_ < 0)", tree, count) { _.dropWhile(_ < 0) }
// bench("takeWhile(_ < 0)", tree, count) { _.takeWhile(_ < 0) }
// bench("span(_ < 0)", tree, count) { _.span(_ < 0) }
// bench("dropWhile(_ => true)", tree, count) { _.dropWhile(_ => true) }
// bench("takeWhile(_ => true)", tree, count) { _.takeWhile(_ => true) }
// bench("span(_ => true)", tree, count) { _.span(_ => true) }
// bench("range", tree, count) { _.range(Random.nextInt, Random.nextInt) }
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