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Created June 17, 2012 12:03
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Lenses in Scala with support for Maps, Seqs, and JSON (using the Jerkson library)
package lenses
import com.codahale.jerkson._, AST._
* Lenses allow retrieving and updating values of type `B` inside some enclosing value of type `A`.
* Since lenses can be composed together, arbitrary nesting is automatically taken care of.
case class Lens[A, B](get: A => B, set: (A, B) => A) {
* Composes two lenses.
def compose[C](that: Lens[C, A]): Lens[C, B] = Lens(
get = a => this.get(that.get(a)),
set = (c, b) => {
val a = that.get(c)
that.set(c, this.set(a, b))
* Alias for `compose` with the parameters swapped.
def andThen[C](that: Lens[B, C]): Lens[A, C] = that compose this
* A lens that transparently converts the value of type `B` to some other type `C`.
def withConversion[C](to: B => C)(from: C => B): Lens[A, C] = Lens(
get = (a) => to(this.get(a)),
set = (a, c) => this.set(a, from(c)))
* Changes a lens that focuses on an optional value into a lens that replaces `None` with a default value.
def withDefault[C](default: C)(implicit ev1: Option[C] =:= B, ev2: B =:= Option[C]): Lens[A, C] = Lens(
get = (a) => this.get(a).getOrElse(default),
set = (a, c) => this.set(a, Some(c)))
object Lens {
* A lens that simply focuses on itself.
def identity[A]: Lens[A, A] = Lens(get = (a) => a, set = (_, a) => a)
* A lens that focuses on the specified key in a `Map`.
def forMap[K, V](key: K): Lens[Map[K, V], Option[V]] = Lens(
get = (map) => map.get(key),
set = (map, value) =>
value match {
case Some(value) => map.updated(key, value)
case None => map - key
* A lens that focuses on the specified index in a `Seq`.
def forSeq[V, CC <: collection.GenSeqLike[V, CC]](index: Int)(implicit bf: collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[CC, V, CC]): Lens[CC, V] = Lens(
get = (seq) => seq(index),
set = (seq, value) => seq.updated(index, value))
* A lens that focuses on a specific field inside a JSON object.
def forJsonField(key: String): Lens[JValue, JValue] = Lens(
get = json => json \ key,
set = {
case (JNull, JNull) =>
case (JNull, value) =>
JObject(List(JField(key, value)))
case (JObject(fields), JNull) =>
JObject(fields.filter( != key))
case (JObject(fields), value) =>
fields.span( != key) match {
case (prefix, _ :: suffix) => JObject(prefix ::: JField(key, value) :: suffix)
case (_, Nil) => JObject(JField(key, value) :: fields)
case (json, _) =>
* A lens that focuses on a specific element inside a JSON array.
def forJsonArray(index: Int): Lens[JValue, JValue] = Lens(
get = json => json(index),
set = {
case (JArray(elements), value) if elements.indices contains index =>
JArray(elements.updated(index, value))
case (json, _) =>
object LensExamples {
case class Invoice(organization: Organization, number: String, totalAmount: Double)
case class Organization(name: String, attributes: JValue)
val attributesL: Lens[Organization, JValue] = Lens(get = _.attributes, set = (organization, attributes) => organization.copy(attributes = attributes))
val organizationL: Lens[Invoice, Organization] = Lens(get = _.organization, set = (invoice, organization) => invoice.copy(organization = organization))
val healthcareAttributesL: Lens[JValue, JValue] = Lens.forJsonField("healthcare")
val bigNumberAttributeL: Lens[JValue, Option[String]] = Lens.forJsonField("bigNumber").withConversion {
case JString(value) => Some(value)
case JNull => None
case x => throw new MatchError("cannot convert " + x + " to a String")
} {
case Some(value) => JString(value)
case None => JNull
val invoiceBigNumberL = organizationL andThen attributesL andThen healthcareAttributesL andThen bigNumberAttributeL
val example1 = Invoice(
number = "1001",
totalAmount = 2.71,
organization = Organization(name = "Bar BV", attributes = JNull))
val example2 = Invoice(
number = "1234",
totalAmount = 3.14,
organization = Organization(name = "Foo BV", attributes = Json.parse[JValue]("""{"healthcare":{"bigNumber":"4242-123"}}""")))
scala> import com.codahale.jerkson._, AST._
import com.codahale.jerkson._
import AST._
scala> import lenses._, LensExamples._
import lenses._
import LensExamples._
scala> invoiceBigNumberL.get(example1)
res0: Option[String] = None
scala> invoiceBigNumberL.get(example2)
res1: Option[String] = Some(4242-123)
scala> example1
res2: lenses.LensExamples.Invoice = Invoice(Organization(Bar BV,JNull),1001,2.71)
scala> invoiceBigNumberL.set(example1, Some("3434-123"))
res3: lenses.LensExamples.Invoice = Invoice(Organization(Bar BV,JObject(List(JField(healthcare,JObject(List(JField(bigNumber,JString(3434-123)))))))),1001,2.71)
// ^^^ intermediate nested JSON is automatically created!
scala> invoiceBigNumberL.set(example2, Some("9999-999"))
res4: lenses.LensExamples.Invoice = Invoice(Organization(Foo BV,JObject(List(JField(healthcare,JObject(List(JField(bigNumber,JString(9999-999)))))))),1234,3.14)
scala> invoiceBigNumberL.set(example2, None)
res5: lenses.LensExamples.Invoice = Invoice(Organization(Foo BV,JObject(List(JField(healthcare,JObject(List()))))),1234,3.14)
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