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Last active April 1, 2022 16:55
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Textual Data Entry Reader Widget - WIP

reader widget

Accepts text input from keyboard and emits content as message on hitting enter. Work in progress.

based on the brilliant pure-python TUI tools Textual and Rich from @textualizeio

from __future__ import annotations
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.align import Align
from rich.pretty import Pretty
from rich import box
from rich.traceback import Traceback
from rich.console import RenderableType
import rich.repr
from textual import events
from import App
from textual.reactive import Reactive
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.message import Message, MessageTarget
from textual.widgets import Placeholder, Footer, Header, Button, ScrollView
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger("rich")
class dataFinal(Message, bubble=True):
SQL = 0
TXT = 1
MD = 2
CSV = 3
def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
yield "datatype", ["SQL", "TXT", "MD", "CSV"][self.datatype]
yield "message:", self.mymessage
def __init__(
self, sender: MessageTarget, mymessage: str, datatype: int = 0
) -> None:
self.mymessage = mymessage
self.datatype = datatype
class Reader(Widget, can_focus=True):
"""Accepts text input from keyboard when has focus.
Emits content as dataFinal message on hitting [enter].
Definitely a work in progress.
has_focus: Reactive[bool] = Reactive(False)
mouse_over = Reactive(False)
style: Reactive[str] = Reactive("")
height: Reactive[int | None] = Reactive(None)
Reader_count: int = 0
def __init__(
name: str | None = None,
height: int | None = None,
showdetail: int = 0,
datatype: int = dataFinal.SQL,
) -> None:
self.height = height
self.showdetail = showdetail = (
if name is not None
else f"{self.__class__.__name__}_{Reader.Reader_count}"
self.datatype = datatype
self.NNdata = None
self.dataHistory = []
Reader.Reader_count += 1
def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
yield "name",
yield "Data:", self.NNdata
yield "has_focus", self.has_focus, False
yield "mouse_over", self.mouse_over, False
def render(self) -> RenderableType:
return Panel(
if self.showdetail > 1
else (self.dataHistory if self.showdetail > 0 else self.NNdata)
border_style="green" if self.mouse_over else "blue",
box=box.DOUBLE_EDGE if self.has_focus else box.ROUNDED,,
async def on_focus(self, event: events.Focus) -> None:
self.has_focus = True
async def on_blur(self, event: events.Blur) -> None:
self.has_focus = False
async def on_enter(self, event: events.Enter) -> None:
self.mouse_over = True
async def on_leave(self, event: events.Leave) -> None:
self.mouse_over = False
async def on_key(self, event: events.Key):
if self.has_focus:
if event.key == "enter" or event.key == "ctrl+r":
msg = dataFinal(self, self.NNdata)
self.dataHistory = [self.NNdata] + self.dataHistory
await self.emit(dataFinal(self, self.NNdata, self.datatype))
self.NNdata = None
elif event.key == "left" or event.key == "ctrl+h":
self.NNdata = self.NNdata[:-1] if not self.NNdata is None else None
elif event.key == "ctrl+d":
self.showdetail = (self.showdetail + 1) % 3
elif event.key == "up":
self.NNdata = self.dataHistory[0]
self.dataHistory = self.dataHistory[1:] + [self.dataHistory[0]]
elif event.key.isalnum() or event.key[0] in "!@#$%^&*()[]\{\}-+,.;_<>='\" ":
if self.NNdata is None:
self.NNdata = event.key
self.NNdata = self.NNdata + event.key
f"READER: {} on_key event - unknown key '{event.key}'"
if __name__ == "__main__":
class ReaderApp(App):
"""Demonstrates Character Reading Class"""
async def on_load(self, event: events.Load) -> None:
"""Bind keys with the app loads (but before entering application mode)"""
await self.bind("up", "view.toggle('Reader_0')", "Toggle sidebar")
# await self.bind("q", "quit", "Quit")
await self.bind("escape", "quit", "Quit")
async def on_mount(self) -> None:
self.body = ScrollView(gutter=1)
"""Build layout here."""
await self.view.dock(Header(), edge="top")
await self.view.dock(Footer(), edge="bottom")
readers = (Reader() for _ in range(3))
await self.view.dock(self.body, edge="right", size=60)
await self.view.dock(*readers, edge="top")
async def handle_data_final(self, thismessage: dataFinal) -> None:
"""A message sent by the reader when change is made."""
syntax: RenderableType
# Construct a Syntax object for the path in the message
syntax = str(thismessage.mymessage)
await self.body.update(syntax)
except Exception:
# Possibly a binary file
# For demonstration purposes we will show the traceback
syntax = Traceback(theme="monokai", width=None, show_locals=True)
await self.body.update(syntax)"textual.log")
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