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Forked from progschj/kepler.cpp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
const double G = 6.674e-11; // gravitational constant
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
// solvers for Kepler's equation (Newton's method)
double solve_E(double M, double e)
double E = M;
double diff = 1.0;
double epsilon = 1.e-13;
while(std::abs(diff/E) > epsilon)
diff = (E - e*std::sin(E) - M)/(1-e*std::cos(E));
E -= diff;
return E;
double solve_H(double M, double e)
double H = M;
double diff = 1.0;
double epsilon = 1.e-13;
while(std::abs(diff/H) > epsilon)
diff = (e*std::sinh(H) - H - M)/(e*std::cosh(H)-1.0);
H -= diff;
return H;
struct Orbit {
double p, e, a, n, mu, T, t0, theta0;
glm::dmat3 coordinates;
double t2theta(double t)
t /= 2.0*PI*n;
t -= std::floor(t);
double M = 2.0*PI*t;
double theta;
double E = solve_E(M, e);
theta = 2.0*atan2(std::sqrt(1.0+e)*std::sin(E/2.0), std::sqrt(1.0-e)*std::cos(E/2.0));
double H = solve_H(M, e);
theta = 2.0*atan(std::sqrt((e+1.0)/(e-1.0))*std::tanh(H/2.0));
return theta;
double theta2t(double theta)
double M;
double E = 2.0*atan2(std::sqrt(1-e)*std::sin(theta/2.0), std::sqrt(1.0+e)*std::cos(theta/2.0));
M = E - e*std::sin(E);
double H = 2.0*atanh(std::sqrt((e-1.0)/(e+1.0))*std::tan(theta/2.0));
M = e*std::sinh(H)-H;
double t = M*n;
return t;
// position at time t
glm::dvec3 r(double t)
double theta = t2theta(t0+t);
double r = p/(1.0 + e*cos(theta));
return coordinates*glm::dvec3(r*std::cos(theta), r*std::sin(theta), 0.0);
// velocity at time t
glm::dvec3 v(double t)
double theta = t2theta(t0+t);
double r = p/(1 + e*cos(theta));
double v = std::sqrt(mu*(2.0/r-1.0/a));
return coordinates*glm::dvec3(-v*std::sin(theta), v*std::cos(theta), 0.0);
// position and velocity at time t (solves Kepler's equation only once)
std::pair<glm::dvec3, glm::dvec3> state(double t)
double theta = t2theta(t0+t);
double r = p/(1 + e*cos(theta));
double v = std::sqrt(mu*(2.0/r-1.0/a));
return std::make_pair(
coordinates*glm::dvec3(r*std::cos(theta), r*std::sin(theta), 0.0),
coordinates*glm::dvec3(-v*std::sin(theta), v*std::cos(theta), 0.0)
Orbit calcElements(glm::dvec3 r_vector, glm::dvec3 v_vector, double M)
// the orbited mass (M) is assumed at the coordinate origin (0, 0)
double mu = G*M;
double r = glm::length(r_vector); // radius
glm::dvec3 n = r_vector/r; // normal from origin (x)
double vr = glm::dot(n, v_vector); // radial velocity
glm::dvec3 t = v_vector-n*vr; // tangent
double vt = glm::length(t); // tangential velocity
t /= vt;
double p = (r*r*vt*vt)/mu; // semi-latus rectum
double v0 = std::sqrt(mu/p);
double ec = vt/v0-1.0; // e*cos(theta)
double es = vr/v0; // e*sin(theta)
double e = std::sqrt(ec*ec + es*es);
double theta = std::atan2(es, ec);
double c = ec/e;
double s = es/e;
// find basis vector of our coordinate frame
glm::dvec3 x = c*n - s*t;
glm::dvec3 y = s*n + c*t;
glm::dvec3 z = glm::cross(n,t);
Orbit result;
result.p = p;
result.e = e;
result.a = p/(1.0-e*e); = mu;
result.n = std::sqrt((std::abs(result.a*result.a*result.a))/mu);
result.T = 2.0*PI*result.n;
result.theta0 = theta;
result.t0 = result.theta2t(theta);
result.coordinates = glm::dmat3(x,y,z);
return result;
// calculates energy (which should be preserved)
double energy(std::pair<glm::dvec3, glm::dvec3> state, double M)
double r = glm::length(state.first);
double v2 = glm::dot(state.second, state.second);
return 0.5*v2 - G*M/r;
// Runge-Kutta-Nyström integrator
template<class F>
std::pair<glm::dvec3, glm::dvec3> rknv(std::pair<glm::dvec3, glm::dvec3> state, const F &f, double h)
glm::dvec3 r = state.first;
glm::dvec3 v = state.second;
glm::dvec3 k[4];
k[0] = f(r, v);
k[1] = f(r + 1./2.*h*v + h*h*1./8.*k[0], v + 1./2.*h*k[0]);
k[2] = f(r + 1./2.*h*v + h*h*1./8.*k[0], v + 1./2.*h*k[1]);
k[3] = f(r + h*v + h*h*1./2.*k[2], v + h*k[2]);
r += h*v + h*h*1./6.*(k[0] + k[1] + k[2]);
v += h*1./6.*(k[0] + 2.*k[1] + 2.*k[2] + k[3]);
return std::make_pair(r, v);
// acceleration ftor for the numerical integrator
struct acceleration {
acceleration(double M) : M(M) { }
glm::dvec3 operator()(glm::dvec3 r, glm::dvec3) const
double mu = G*M;
double rr = glm::length(r);
return -mu*r/(rr*rr*rr);
double M;
int main()
double M_sun = 1.9891e30;
double v_earth = 29.29e3;
double r_earth = 152.10e9;
std::cout << std::setw(20) << "dt [s]" << std::setw(20) << "distance [m]" << std::setw(20) << "rel energy error" << std::endl;
// sweep over timesteps
for(double dt =7*24*60*60;dt>1.0;dt/=2.)
auto state = std::make_pair(glm::dvec3(r_earth, 0, 0), glm::dvec3(0, 1.0*v_earth, 0));
Orbit orbit = calcElements(state.first, state.second, M_sun);
double E0 = energy(state, M_sun);
double t = 0.;
acceleration a(M_sun);
for(;t<orbit.T;t+=dt) // simulate for one orbital period (orbit.T)
state = rknv(state, a, dt);
auto state2 = orbit.state(t);
// compare numeric solution with closed form orbit
std::cout << std::setw(20) << dt << std::setw(20) << glm::distance(state.first, state2.first) << std::setw(20) << (energy(state, M_sun) - E0)/E0 << std::endl;
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