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Created January 18, 2020 00:27
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Configurations for a Local WordPress site
# Script Options
$shortopts = "";
# $shortopts .= "p:"; // Required value
# $shortopts .= "v::"; // Optional value
$shortopts .= "i"; // Use http
$longopts = array(
# "optional::" // Optional value
# "required:", // Required value
# "novalue", // No value
"path:", // Path to local site
"prod-url:", // Url for remote site
"upload-dir:", // Path to uploads
"git-remote:", // Path to remote repository to use as origin
"insecure", // Use http instead of https
$options = getopt( $shortopts, $longopts );
# var_dump($options);
# Set the path for the local site
if ( array_key_exists( 'path', $options ) ) {
# use the specified value
$path = $options['path'];
} else {
# try looking around in the cwd
if ( is_dir( 'conf' ) ) {
# if there is a conf dir, we're probably in the folder for the local site
$path = getcwd();
} else if ( is_dir( '../../conf' ) ) {
# we're in the app/public dir, look up to get to conf
$path = getcwd();
} else {
# I don't know where I am
echo 'Please run this script in a Local site directory, or specify path with --path="path/to/site"' . PHP_EOL;
# Set paths for our conf files
$uploads_proxy_conf_path = $path . '/conf/nginx/includes/uploads-proxy.conf';
$site_conf_hbs_path = $path . '/conf/nginx/site.conf.hbs';
# Set up production URL
if ( array_key_exists( 'prod-url', $options ) ) {
# Use the provided url
$produrl = rtrim( $options['prod-url'], '/' );
# Remove the protocol for the URL
$produrl = str_replace( 'https://', '', $produrl );
$produrl = str_replace( 'http://', '', $produrl );
} else {
echo 'Please specify a remote site URL for image proxy using --prod-url=""' . PHP_EOL;
# Set the protocol
if ( array_key_exists( 'insecure', $options ) || array_key_exists( 'i', $options ) ) {
$protocol = 'http://';
} else {
$protocol = 'https://';
# Set the upload directory
if ( array_key_exists( 'upload-dir', $options ) ) {
# user specified a custom upload directory
$uploaddir = $options['upload-dir'];
$uploaddir = ltrim( $uploaddir, '/' );
$uploaddir = rtrim( $uploaddir, '/' );
} else {
# Use the default WordPress upload directory
$uploaddir = 'wp-content/uploads';
# Set up our string for the proxy config
$uploads_proxy_conf = sprintf( 'location ~ ^/%s/(.*) {
try_files $uri $uri/ @uploadsproxy;
location @uploadsproxy {
resolver; # Use Google for DNS.
resolver_timeout 60s;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_pass %s%s/%s/$1$is_args$args;
}', $uploaddir, $protocol, $produrl, $uploaddir );
# Write the proxy config
if ( file_put_contents( $uploads_proxy_conf_path, $uploads_proxy_conf ) === false ) {
echo 'Writing uploads-proxy.conf failed' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'Wrote to ' . $uploads_proxy_conf_path . PHP_EOL;
# Set up our string for the site config file
$site_conf_hbs = ' # Proxy requests to the upload directory to the production site
include includes/uploads-proxy.conf;
# Static file rules';
# Get the current contents of the file
$site_conf_hbs_content = file_get_contents( $site_conf_hbs_path );
# This is ghetto. This directive needs to go in a certain place in the file
$site_conf_hbs = str_replace( '# Static file rules', $site_conf_hbs, $site_conf_hbs_content );
# Write the site config
if ( file_put_contents( $site_conf_hbs_path, $site_conf_hbs ) === false ) {
echo 'Writing site.conf.hbs failed' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'Wrote to ' . $site_conf_hbs_path . PHP_EOL;
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This script sets up some customizations for a Local by Flywheel (or Local Lightning? Or just Local?) development site on your computer. After setting up a site, you can run this script with some arguments to proxy your local images to a production or staging server -- this allows you to get up and running with a local environment very quickly.

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