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Last active August 17, 2024 06:52
Import/Export Cygwin List of installed packages

Import & Export Cygwin List of installed Packages

If you want to go from 32 to 64 bit Cygwin but keep all the packages[1], you might find yourself in a spot where you would like to export the list of cygwin packages and also be able to install cygwin with all these packages again. I will tell you how. Open your Cygwin shell and enter

cygcheck -c -d | sed -e "1,2d" -e 's/ .*\$//' > packagelist

This will simply dump a list of installed packages. To install Cygwin 64 with these packages selected, download setup-x86_64[2] and execute it with the command line parameters

./setup-x86_64 -P `awk 'NR==1{printf \$1}{printf ",%s", \$1}' packagelist`
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NotNormallyAGitUser commented Aug 15, 2023

I am not savvy with awk, so I found tr to work, too. Also, if the package list is short enough, the single comma-separated list of packages can be created on the source computer so destination computer does not need a pre-installed bare-bones Cygwin in order to assemble such a list:

cygcheck -cd | tail -n+3 | cut -d' ' -f1  | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e s=,$== | tee ~/tmp/PackageList.txt

This needs to be modified into a *.cmd file by prefixing the single-line comma-separated list with .\setup-x86_64.exe -P .

Just be aware that if you copy the file to a *.cmd file before prefixing the line, Windows 10 will "protect" you from running the file (even though you may select Edit from the context menu). You need to open Notepad first, then load the file.

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kasumiru commented Nov 17, 2023

cygcheck -c -d | sed -e "1,2d" -e 's/ .*\$//' | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/,/g'  > cygwin_list.txt

and after that on another Windows create bat file with:

setup-x86_64.exe -P _autorebase,adwaita-icon-theme,alternatives,archivemail,... etc full last list. 

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Det87 commented Aug 17, 2024

It's enough to do:

cygcheck -cdn

None of this sed'ding, bro.

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