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Last active May 3, 2022 03:33
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    "_id": "RHEA:10000",
    "equation": "H2O + pentanamide = NH4(+) + pentanoate",
    "is_transport": false,
    "ec_link": "",
    "ec_id": "",
    "status": "Approved",
    "children_rheas": [
    "side_l": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15377",
            "name": "H2O",
            "formula": "H2O",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:16459",
            "name": "pentanamide",
            "formula": "C5H11NO",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "1"
    "side_r": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:28938",
            "name": "NH4(+)",
            "formula": "H4N",
            "charge": "1",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:31011",
            "name": "pentanoate",
            "formula": "C5H9O2",
            "charge": "-1",
            "stoich": "1"

RHEA:10192 ("is_transport": true)

    "_id": "RHEA:10192",
    "equation": "ATP + H2O + sulfate(out) = ADP + H(+) + phosphate + sulfate(in)",
    "is_transport": true,
    "ec_link": "",
    "ec_id": "",
    "status": "Approved",
    "citations": [
    "children_rheas": [
    "side_l": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:30616",
            "name": "ATP",
            "formula": "C10H12N5O13P3",
            "charge": "-4",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15377",
            "name": "H2O",
            "formula": "H2O",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:16189",
            "name": "sulfate",
            "formula": "O4S",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "1",
            "location": "out"
    "side_r": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:456216",
            "name": "ADP",
            "formula": "C10H12N5O10P2",
            "charge": "-3",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15378",
            "name": "H(+)",
            "formula": "H",
            "charge": "1",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:43474",
            "name": "phosphate",
            "formula": "HO4P",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:16189",
            "name": "sulfate",
            "formula": "O4S",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "1",
            "location": "in"

RHEA:26019 (for some reason ID RHEA:26018 was not used)

    "_id": "RHEA:26019",
    "equation": "beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6(F)-phosphate + H2O = beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside + phosphate",
    "is_transport": false,
    "ec_link": "",
    "ec_id": "",
    "status": "Approved",
    "citations": [
    "children_rheas": [
    "side_l": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:58870",
            "name": "beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6(F)-phosphate",
            "formula": "C12H21O14P",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15377",
            "name": "H2O",
            "formula": "H2O",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "1"
    "side_r": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:51833",
            "name": "beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside",
            "formula": "C12H22O11",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:43474",
            "name": "phosphate",
            "formula": "HO4P",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "1"

RHEA:10256 ("stoich": "N" and "stoich": "2n")

    "_id": "RHEA:10256",
    "equation": "[(1->4)-6-phospho-alpha-D-glucosyl](n) + n ATP + n H2O = [(1->4)-3,6-bisphospho-alpha-D-glucosyl](n) + n AMP + 2n H(+) + n phosphate",
    "is_transport": false,
    "ec_link": "",
    "ec_id": "",
    "status": "Approved",
    "citations": [
    "children_rheas": [
    "side_l": [
            "poly_id": "12983",
            "name": "[(1->4)-6-phospho-alpha-D-glucosyl](n)",
            "formula": "H2O(C6H9O8P)",
            "charge": "(0)(-2)",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:30616",
            "name": "ATP",
            "formula": "C10H12N5O13P3",
            "charge": "-4",
            "stoich": "N"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15377",
            "name": "H2O",
            "formula": "H2O",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "N"
    "side_r": [
            "poly_id": "14598",
            "name": "[(1->4)-3,6-bisphospho-alpha-D-glucosyl](n)",
            "formula": "H2O(C6H8O11P2)",
            "charge": "(0)(-4)",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:456215",
            "name": "AMP",
            "formula": "C10H12N5O7P",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "N"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15378",
            "name": "H(+)",
            "formula": "H",
            "charge": "1",
            "stoich": "2n"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:43474",
            "name": "phosphate",
            "formula": "HO4P",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "N"

RHEA:23392 ("stoich": "Nminus1")

    "_id": "RHEA:23392",
    "equation": "(n-1) H2O + RNA(n) = n a ribonucleoside 5'-phosphate + n H(+)",
    "is_transport": false,
    "status": "Approved",
    "citations": [
    "children_rheas": [
    "side_l": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15377",
            "name": "H2O",
            "formula": "H2O",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "Nminus1"
            "poly_id": "14527",
            "name": "RNA(n)",
            "formula": "H2O(C5H7O6PR)",
            "charge": "(0)(-1)",
            "stoich": "1"
    "side_r": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:58043",
            "name": "a ribonucleoside 5'-phosphate",
            "formula": "C5H8O7PR",
            "charge": "-2",
            "stoich": "N"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15378",
            "name": "H(+)",
            "formula": "H",
            "charge": "1",
            "stoich": "N"

RHEA:14993 ("stoich": "Nplus1")

    "_id": "RHEA:14993",
    "equation": "acetyl-CoA + 2n H(+) + n malonyl-CoA + 2n NADPH = a long-chain fatty acid + n CO2 + (n+1) CoA + 2n NADP(+)",
    "is_transport": false,
    "ec_link": "",
    "ec_id": "",
    "status": "Preliminary",
    "citations": [
    "children_rheas": [
    "side_l": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:57288",
            "name": "acetyl-CoA",
            "formula": "C23H34N7O17P3S",
            "charge": "-4",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:15378",
            "name": "H(+)",
            "formula": "H",
            "charge": "1",
            "stoich": "2n"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:57384",
            "name": "malonyl-CoA",
            "formula": "C24H33N7O19P3S",
            "charge": "-5",
            "stoich": "N"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:57783",
            "name": "NADPH",
            "formula": "C21H26N7O17P3",
            "charge": "-4",
            "stoich": "2n"
    "side_r": [
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:57560",
            "name": "a long-chain fatty acid",
            "formula": "CO2R",
            "charge": "-1",
            "stoich": "1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:16526",
            "name": "CO2",
            "formula": "CO2",
            "charge": "0",
            "stoich": "N"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:57287",
            "name": "CoA",
            "formula": "C21H32N7O16P3S",
            "charge": "-4",
            "stoich": "Nplus1"
            "chebi_id": "CHEBI:58349",
            "name": "NADP(+)",
            "formula": "C21H25N7O17P3",
            "charge": "-3",
            "stoich": "2n"
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