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Last active February 27, 2021 16:24
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The Melon Fund Uniswap Bot
export class UniswapBot {
public static async create(hubAddress: string, tokenOneSymbol: string, tokenTwoSymbol: string) {
const environment = createEnvironment();
const hub = new Hub(environment, hubAddress);
const routes = await hub.getRoutes();
const manager = await hub.getManager();
const account = (await environment.client.getAccounts())[0];
if (!sameAddress(manager, account)) {
throw new Error('You are not the manager of this fund.');
const trading = new Trading(environment,;
const accounting = new Accounting(environment, routes.accounting);
const adapterAddress = environment.deployment.melon.addr.UniswapAdapter;
const adapter = await UniswapTradingAdapter.create(environment, adapterAddress, trading);
const factoryAddress = environment.deployment.uniswap.addr.UniswapFactory;
const factory = new UniswapFactory(environment, factoryAddress);
const tokenOne = environment.getToken(tokenOneSymbol);
const tokenTwo = environment.getToken(tokenTwoSymbol);
return new this(environment, account, hub, trading, accounting, adapter, factory, tokenOne, tokenTwo);
public readonly environment: DeployedEnvironment,
public readonly account: string,
public readonly hubContract: Hub,
public readonly tradingContract: Trading,
public readonly accountingContract: Accounting,
public readonly uniswapAdapterContract: UniswapTradingAdapter,
public readonly uniswapFactoryContract: UniswapFactory,
public readonly tokenOne: TokenDefinition,
public readonly tokenTwo: TokenDefinition
) {}
public fortuneTeller(expectedPrice: PriceQueryResult) {
// this is my sophisticated trading strategy you could build
// something more elaborate yourself.
return Math.random() > 0.5;
public async makeMeRich() {
// call the getFundHoldings method which returns an array of hodlings.
const balances = await this.accountingContract.getFundHoldings();
// if you have a zero balance, the getBalances method will return only 1/2 objects that you care about
// if you have a balance in both, the map function has logic to suss out the one with lower holdings
// filter the holdings array to get only the tokens your bot cares about
const tokenOneHolding =
balances.find((balance) => sameAddress(balance.address, this.tokenOne.address))?.amount || new BigNumber(0);
const tokenTwoHolding =
balances.find((balance) => sameAddress(balance.address, this.tokenTwo.address))?.amount || new BigNumber(0);
* Specific to my strategy, where we are either long MLN or long ETH but never long both,
* baseCurrency is the currency with holdings, quote currency is the currency without.
* It will be the case that they're both non-zero only if the bot starts running
* with balances that it has not traded. In that case, I've set MLN to be
* the base ccy (bot will sell MLN balance buy WETH)
const baseCurrency = tokenOneHolding.isGreaterThan(tokenTwoHolding) ? this.tokenOne : this.tokenTwo;
const quoteCurrency = baseCurrency === this.tokenOne ? this.tokenTwo : this.tokenOne;
const baseQuantity = baseCurrency === this.tokenOne ? tokenOneHolding : tokenTwoHolding;
// pass them all to the getPrice function to see what the rates are
const priceObject = await this.getPrice(baseCurrency, quoteCurrency, baseQuantity);
if (this.fortuneTeller(priceObject)) {
return this.makeTransaction(priceObject);
return null;
public async getPrice(baseCurrency: TokenDefinition, quoteCurrency: TokenDefinition, baseQuantity: BigNumber) {
// Every uniswap exchange is WETH/someToken, and identified by the non-weth token
const exchangeToken = baseCurrency.symbol === 'WETH' ? quoteCurrency : baseCurrency;
// call the method to find the address
const exchangeAddress = await this.uniswapFactoryContract.getExchange(exchangeToken.address);
// instantiate the exchange contract
const exchange = new UniswapExchange(this.environment, exchangeAddress);
// call the correct method to get the price. If the base currency is WETH, you want to go ETH => token and vice versa
const quoteQuantity =
baseCurrency.symbol === 'WETH'
? await exchange.getEthToTokenInputPrice(baseQuantity) // quantity passed is in WETH if you're trying to sell WETH for MLN
: await exchange.getTokenToEthInputPrice(baseQuantity); // quantity passed is in MLN if you're trying to sell MLN for WETH
// price will be important if you're doing any TA. My magicFunction doesn't use it but I've included it anyway.
const priceInBase = quoteQuantity.dividedBy(baseQuantity);
const priceInQuote = new BigNumber(1).dividedBy(priceInBase);
return {
baseCurrency: baseCurrency,
quoteCurrency: quoteCurrency,
priceInBase: priceInBase,
priceInQuote: priceInQuote,
sizeInBase: baseQuantity,
sizeInQuote: quoteQuantity,
exchangeAddress: exchangeAddress,
} as PriceQueryResult;
public async makeTransaction(priceInfo: PriceQueryResult){
// adjust the target amount of token to buy
const slippage = 0.97;
// use the price query results to construct the uniswap order argument object
const orderArgs = {
makerQuantity: priceInfo.sizeInQuote.integerValue().multipliedBy(slippage),
takerQuantity: priceInfo.sizeInBase.integerValue(),
makerAsset: priceInfo.quoteCurrency.address,
takerAsset: priceInfo.baseCurrency.address,
`Buying ${orderArgs.makerQuantity} ${priceInfo.quoteCurrency.symbol} by selling ${orderArgs.takerQuantity} ${priceInfo.baseCurrency.symbol}`
// instantiate the transaction object
return this.uniswapAdapterContract.takeOrder(this.account, orderArgs);
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