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Created September 19, 2019 11:28
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JavaScript code sample. This is part of a project which allows users to add a new event listing to a website. Project used Node.js and Express.js
// for add event page
// these variables are required for each route
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
// GET home page
router.get('/add-event', function(request, response){
// this refers to the add-event.ejs file in views folder
response.render('add-event', {
pageTitle: "Add Your Event",
pageID: 'add-event'
}); // end response
}); //end router
module.exports = router;
// Saves a new event to the database
"use strict";
(function () {
var userEventsRef = firebase.database().ref("user-events");
var eventsRef = firebase.database().ref("events");
var uploadfile = document.getElementById('evimage');
// listen for file selection, once file is selected save to folder under users uid
uploadfile.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
var uidforpics = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
var imgfile = $("#evimage").prop('files')[0];
var imgref ='listingpics/' + uidforpics + '/' +;
var progressbar = document.getElementById('uploader');
// upload the image
var uploadimg = imgref.put(imgfile);
// update progress bar
function progress(snapshot) {
var percent = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
progressbar.value = percent;
function error(err) {
function complete() {
var setimgurl = document.getElementById('imgurl');
// set the value of form field w/URL
setimgurl.value = url;
var submitEvent = function () {
var userid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
// Get input values from each of the form elements
var title = $("#eventtitle").val();
var description = $("#desc").val();
var begDate = $("#startdate").val();
var begTime = $("#starttime").val();
var finDate = $("#enddate").val();
var finTime = $("#endtime").val();
var addrOne = $("#addrlnone").val();
var addrTwo = $("#addrlntwo").val();
var place = $("#city").val();
var post = $("#postcode").val();
var country = $("#country").val();
var eventurl = $("#website").val();
var eventcontact = $("#contactinfo").val();
var cost = $("#price").val();
var quantity = $("#quantity").val();
var category = $("#category").val();
var picurl = $("#imgurl").val();
// set the data that will be saved in the db
var newEvent = { // items on left are db labels right are variable names.
"title": title,
"description": description,
"startdate": begDate,
"starttime": begTime,
"enddate": finDate,
"endtime": finTime,
"addressone": addrOne,
"addresstwo": addrTwo,
"website": eventurl,
"contact": eventcontact,
"city": place,
"country": country,
"postcode": post,
"price": cost,
"quantity": quantity,
"category": category,
"image": picurl,
"uid": userid
// pushes data to the user-events collection in Firebase database
var newEventRef = userEventsRef.push(newEvent);
// adds data to events collection with same push key
}; // end submitEvent function
$(window).load(function () {
}); // end window load
})(); // end file wrapper
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