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Last active September 14, 2021 09:15
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Save erinshellman/7405574 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert Python dictionary to R data.frame
py_dict = readLines('python_dictionary.txt')
# e.g.
#{"cat_name": "Ella", "dwell_status": "tree_dweller", "coat_color": "gray, white, orange", "is_from_hell": "Y"}
#{"cat_name": "Billie", "dwell_status": "bush_dweller", "coat_color": "gray, white", "is_from_hell": "N"}
dict_to_df = function(dict) {
df = data.frame()
df_temp = list()
store = list()
for (i in 1:length(dict)) {
# Split up the dictionary entry
split = unlist(strsplit(dict[i], '\",'))
split = gsub('\\{', '', split)
split = gsub('\\}', '', split)
values = unlist(strsplit(split, ':'))
# Parse out what will be the df headers
headers = values[seq(1, length(values), 2)]
headers = gsub('\"', '', headers) # Remove quotes
headers = gsub(' ', '', headers) # and whitespace
# Parse out what will be the df values
row_values = values[seq(0, length(values), 2)]
row_values = gsub('\"', '', row_values) # Remove quotes
row_values = gsub(' ', '', row_values) # and whitespace
# Construct a dataframe with 1 row
out = data.frame(t(row_values))
colnames(out) = headers
store[i] = list(out)
if (i %% 1000 == 0) { print(round(i / length(dict), 2)) }
# rbind all the dataframes together into one dataframe
list_length = length(store)
# If the dictionary is sufficiently large rbind will be slow
# as all hell, so break the rbinding into multiple steps
if (list_length >= 3000) {
no_splits = round(list_length / 500)
chunks = split(store, 1:no_splits)
for (j in 1:no_splits) {
df_temp[j] = list(rbind.fill(chunks[[j]]))
df = rbind.fill(df_temp)
else {
df = rbind.fill(store)
r_df = dict_to_df(py_dict)
# cat_name dwell_status coat_color is_from_hell
#1 Ella tree_dweller gray,white,orange Y
#2 Billie bush_dweller gray,white N
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Watch for big performance losses as your dictionary size increases:

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Thanks for this script. I had to fiddle with it as my application required the ordering of dict to be retained, and currently that is lost where list_length>=3000 (due to call of interaction within store when applied to a list).

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