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Created April 5, 2016 10:03
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Counting default vs custom Gravatars
set -euo pipefail
mkdir -p out
while read -r hash; do
if [ ! -f "out/$hash" ]; then
curl -I -s -o "out/$hash" "$hash"
echo "Fetched: $hash"
echo "Skipped: $hash"
done <email_hash_list.txt
set -euo pipefail
TOTAL_COUNT=$(find out | wc -l | xargs)
echo "Total Gravatar files:"
echo " $TOTAL_COUNT"
# Two known different default avatars with lengths of 2669 and 2637 bytes.
# Can check with: ack -h "Content-Length" out/* | sort | uniq -c
DEFAULT_COUNT=$(ack -l "Content-Length: (2669|2637)" out/ | wc -l | xargs)
echo "Default Gravatars found:"
echo "Percentage custom Gravatar set vs default Gravatar:"
echo " $(echo "scale=3; (1 - $DEFAULT_COUNT / $TOTAL_COUNT) * 100" | bc -l) (custom)"
echo " $(echo "scale=3; $DEFAULT_COUNT / $TOTAL_COUNT * 100" | bc -l) (default)"
$ ./
$ ./
Total Gravatar files:
Default Gravatars found:
Percentage custom Gravatar set vs default Gravatar:
21.000 (custom)
79.000 (default)
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