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Created May 3, 2024 20:45
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Console Printer for elm-syntax "Expression" AST
module PP exposing (..)
import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (..)
import Elm.Syntax.Infix exposing (InfixDirection(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Pattern exposing (..)
import Elm.Writer as Write
import Hex
logExpr : String -> Expression -> Expression
logExpr msg expr =
_ =
log msg (toString expr)
log : String -> String -> ()
log msg str =
_ =
Debug.log ("[" ++ msg ++ "]" ++ " " ++ str) ()
pp : Node Expression -> String
pp (Node _ expr) =
toString expr
toString : Expression -> String
toString expr =
writeRecordSetter : RecordSetter -> String
writeRecordSetter ( name, expr_ ) =
String.join " " [ Node.value name, "=", pp expr_ ]
case expr of
UnitExpr ->
Application exprs ->
"Application " ++ printList ( pp exprs)
OperatorApplication op _ left right ->
"OperatorApplication " ++ printList [ pp left, printStr op, pp right ]
FunctionOrValue mod name ->
"FunctionOrValue " ++ printList mod ++ " " ++ printStr name
IfBlock pred true false ->
"IfBlock " ++ String.join " " [ parens (pp pred), parens (pp true), parens (pp false) ]
PrefixOperator str ->
"Prefix " ++ printStr str
Operator str ->
"Op " ++ printStr str
Integer int ->
"Int " ++ String.fromInt int
Hex int ->
"Hex 0x" ++ Hex.toString int
Floatable f ->
"Float " ++ String.fromFloat f
Negation ex ->
"Negation " ++ pp ex
Literal str ->
"Lit " ++ printStr str
CharLiteral char ->
"Char " ++ Debug.toString char
TupledExpression ex ->
"( " ++ String.join ", " ( pp ex) ++ " )"
ParenthesizedExpression ex ->
"( " ++ pp ex ++ " )"
LetExpression letBlock ->
writeLetDeclaration : Node LetDeclaration -> String
writeLetDeclaration (Node _ letDeclaration) =
case letDeclaration of
LetFunction function ->
declaration =
Node.value function.declaration
"LetFunction "
++ String.join " "
[ -- Debug.toString ( Node.value function.documentation)
-- , Debug.toString ( Node.value function.signature)
parens (Node.value ++ " " ++ String.join " " ( (parens << Debug.toString << Node.value) declaration.arguments) ++ " = " ++ pp declaration.expression)
LetDestructuring pattern expression ->
Debug.toString pattern ++ pp expression
"LetExpression "
++ printList ( writeLetDeclaration letBlock.declarations)
++ parens (pp letBlock.expression)
CaseExpression caseBlock ->
writeCaseBranch : ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> String
writeCaseBranch ( Node _ pattern, expression ) =
printPattern pattern ++ " -> " ++ pp expression
"CaseExpression " ++ "{ expression = " ++ pp caseBlock.expression ++ ", cases = " ++ printList ( writeCaseBranch caseBlock.cases) ++ " }"
LambdaExpression lambda ->
"LambdaExpression " ++ printList ( Debug.toString lambda.args) ++ pp lambda.expression
ListExpr xs ->
"ListExpr " ++ printList ( pp xs)
RecordAccess expression accessor ->
"RecordAccess " ++ String.concat [ parens (pp expression), " ", printStr (String.concat [ ".", Node.value accessor ]) ]
RecordAccessFunction s ->
"RecordAccessFunction "
++ (if String.startsWith "." s then
String.concat [ ".", s ]
RecordExpr setters ->
"RecordExpr " ++ "{ " ++ String.join ", " ( (Node.value >> writeRecordSetter) setters) ++ " }"
RecordUpdateExpression name updates ->
"RecordUpdateExpression "
++ String.concat
[ "{"
, Node.value name
, "|"
, String.join ", " ( (Node.value >> writeRecordSetter) updates)
, "}"
GLSLExpression s ->
"[glsl|" ++ s ++ "|]"
printPattern : Pattern -> String
printPattern p =
case p of
AllPattern ->
UnitPattern ->
CharPattern char ->
"CharPattern " ++ "'" ++ String.fromChar char ++ "'"
StringPattern str ->
"StringPattern " ++ printStr str
IntPattern i ->
"IntPattern " ++ String.fromInt i
HexPattern int ->
"HexPattern 0x" ++ Hex.toString int
FloatPattern f ->
"FloatPattern " ++ String.fromFloat f
TuplePattern pats ->
"TuplePattern " ++ printList ( (printPattern << Node.value) pats)
RecordPattern [] ->
RecordPattern names ->
"RecordPattern { " ++ String.join ", " ( Node.value names) ++ " }"
UnConsPattern (Node _ hd) (Node _ tl) ->
"UnConsPattern " ++ printPattern hd ++ " :: " ++ printPattern tl
ListPattern pats ->
"ListPattern " ++ printList ( (printPattern << Node.value) pats)
VarPattern str ->
"VarPattern " ++ printStr str
NamedPattern q pats ->
"NamedPattern " ++ Debug.toString q ++ printList ( (printPattern << Node.value) pats)
AsPattern (Node _ pat) str ->
"AsPattern " ++ printPattern pat ++ " as " ++ Node.value str
ParenthesizedPattern (Node _ pat) ->
parens (printPattern pat)
parens : String -> String
parens s =
"(" ++ s ++ ")"
printList : List String -> String
printList ls =
case ls of
[] ->
_ ->
"[ " ++ String.join ", " ls ++ " ]"
printStr : String -> String
printStr s =
"\"" ++ s ++ "\""
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