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Last active December 29, 2015 01:39
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Guide to check/accept one pull requests
Step 1: Add a remote repository
$ git remote add <remote name> <url>
$ git remote add ricardo
Sept 2: Fetch all the data (branchs) of remote repository
$ git fetch <remote name>
$ git fetch ricardo
* Command to list all the remote branch
$ git branch -r
Step 3: Create a new local branch to track remote branch that want to test
$ git checkout -b <name local branch> <remote_name>/<name remote branch to test>
$ git checkout -b ricardo_fixing_bug_in_appeals ricardo/fixing_bug_in_appeals
* Git output will tell what remote branch is tracking the new local branch:
Branch ricardo_fixing_bug_in_appeals set up to track remote branch fixing_bug_in_appeals from ricardo.
Switched to a new branch 'ricardo_fixing_bug_in_appeals'
Note: A good convention would be <name local branch> = <remote name>_<name remote branch to test>
to easily identify which branch belongs to which remote repository
Step 4: Execute (inside of the new branch)
$ bundle => to install gems
$ rake db:create => to create a database if it doesn't exist
$ rake db:migrate => to update database tables
$ rake db:test:prepare => to set up database for tests
$ bundle exec rspec spec/ => to execute tests
$ rails s => to start the server and see the fixing or new features in action
Check the code
If everything was ok, and the changes are going to be accepted
Step 5: Fecth and merge
$ git pull --rebase
== Usar un branch para mezclar cambios ===
Copiar los cambios de master en 'Ricardo Simple Form'
➜ skynet git:(ricardo_simple_form) git rebase master
➜ skynet git:(d87c554) ✗ git rebase --continue
Una vez el branch esta mezclado y los conflictos fueron solucionados,
copiar todo los cambios de este branch en master, para que quede actualizado.
➜ skynet git:(ricardo_simple_form) gco master
➜ skynet git:(master) git rebase ricardo_simple_form
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