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Created November 19, 2021 05:25
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Run shell commands from android app with kotlin
* Copyright (C) 2021 Jared Rummler
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jaredrummler.ktsh
import com.jaredrummler.ktsh.Shell.Command
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import java.util.regex.Pattern
/** Environment variable. */
typealias Variable = String
/** Environment variable value. */
typealias Value = String
/** A [Map] for the environment variables used in the shell. */
typealias EnvironmentMap = Map<Variable, Value>
* A shell starts a [Process] with the provided shell and additional/optional environment variables.
* The shell handles maintaining the [Process] and reads standard output and standard error streams,
* returning stdout, stderr, and the last exit code as a [Command.Result] when a command is complete.
* Example usage:
* val sh = Shell("sh")
* val result ="echo 'Hello, World!'")
* assert(result.isSuccess)
* assert(result.stdout() == "Hello, World")
* @property path The path to the shell to start.
* @property environment Map of all environment variables to include with the system environment.
* Default value is an empty map.
* @throws Shell.NotFoundException If the shell cannot be opened this runtime exception is thrown.
* @author Jared Rummler (
* @since 05-05-2021
class Shell @Throws(NotFoundException::class) @JvmOverloads constructor(
val path: String,
val environment: EnvironmentMap = emptyMap()
) {
* Construct a new [Shell] with optional environment variable arguments as a [Pair].
* @param shell The path to the shell to start.
* @param environment varargs of all environment variables as a [Pair] which are included
* with the system environment.
constructor(shell: String, vararg environment: Pair<Variable, Value>) :
this(shell, environment.toEnvironmentMap())
* Construct a new [Shell] with optional environment variable arguments as an array.
* @param shell The path to the shell to start.
* @param environment varargs of all environment variables as a [Pair] which are included
* with the system environment.
constructor(shell: String, environment: Array<String>) :
this(shell, environment.toEnvironmentMap())
* Get the current state of the shell
var state: State = State.Idle
private set
private val onResultListeners = mutableSetOf<OnCommandResultListener>()
private val onStdOutListeners = mutableSetOf<OnLineListener>()
private val onStdErrListeners = mutableSetOf<OnLineListener>()
private val stdin: StandardInputStream
private val stdoutReader: StreamReader
private val stderrReader: StreamReader
private var watchdog: Watchdog? = null
private val process: Process
init {
try {
process = runWithEnv(path, environment)
stdin = StandardInputStream(process.outputStream)
stdoutReader = StreamReader.createAndStart(THREAD_NAME_STDOUT, process.inputStream)
stderrReader = StreamReader.createAndStart(THREAD_NAME_STDERR, process.errorStream)
} catch (cause: Exception) {
throw NotFoundException(String.format(EXCEPTION_SHELL_CANNOT_OPEN, path), cause)
* Add a listener that will be invoked each time a command finishes.
* @param listener The listener to receive callbacks when commands finish executing.
* @return This shell instance for chaining calls.
fun addOnCommandResultListener(listener: OnCommandResultListener) = apply {
* Remove a listener previously added to stop receiving callbacks when commands finish.
* @param listener The listener registered via [addOnCommandResultListener].
* @return This shell instance for chaining calls.
fun removeOnCommandResultListener(listener: OnCommandResultListener) = apply {
* Add a listener that will be invoked each time the STDOUT stream reads a new line.
* @param listener The listener to receive callbacks when the STDOUT stream reads a line.
* @return This shell instance for chaining calls.
fun addOnStdoutLineListener(listener: OnLineListener) = apply {
* Remove a listener previously added to stop receiving callbacks for STDOUT read lines.
* @param listener The listener registered via [addOnStdoutLineListener].
* @return This shell instance for chaining calls.
fun removeOnStdoutLineListener(listener: OnLineListener) = apply {
* Add a listener that will be invoked each time the STDERR stream reads a new line.
* @param listener The listener to receive callbacks when the STDERR stream reads a line.
* @return This shell instance for chaining calls.
fun addOnStderrLineListener(listener: OnLineListener) = apply {
* Remove a listener previously added to stop receiving callbacks for STDERR read lines.
* @param listener The listener registered via [addOnStderrLineListener].
* @return This shell instance for chaining calls.
fun removeOnStderrLineListener(listener: OnLineListener) = apply {
* Run a command in the current shell and return its [result][Command.Result].
* @param command The command to execute.
* @param config The [options][Command.Config] to set when running the command.
* @return The [result][Command.Result] containing stdout, stderr, status of running the command.
* @throws ClosedException if the shell was closed prior to running the command.
* @see shutdown
* @see run
fun run(
command: String,
config: Command.Config.Builder.() -> Unit,
) = run(command, Command.Config.Builder().apply(config).create())
* Run a command in the current shell and return its [result][Command.Result].
* @param command The command to execute.
* @param config The [options][Command.Config] to set when running the command.
* @return The [result][Command.Result] containing stdout, stderr, status of running the command.
* @throws ClosedException if the shell was closed prior to running the command.
* @see shutdown
* @see run
fun run(
command: String,
config: Command.Config = Command.Config.default(),
): Command.Result {
// If the shell is shutdown, throw a ShellClosedException.
if (state == State.Shutdown) throw ClosedException(EXCEPTION_SHELL_SHUTDOWN)
val stdout = Collections.synchronizedList(mutableListOf<String>())
val stderr = Collections.synchronizedList(mutableListOf<String>())
val watchdog = Watchdog().also { watchdog = it }
var exitCode = Command.Status.INVALID
val uuid = config.uuid
val onComplete = { marker: Command.Marker ->
when (marker.uuid) {
uuid ->
try { // Reached the end of reading the stream for the command.
if (marker.status != Command.Status.INVALID) {
exitCode = marker.status
} finally {
val lock = ReentrantLock()
val output = Collections.synchronizedList(mutableListOf<String>())
// Function to process stderr and stdout streams.
fun onLine(
buffer: MutableList<String>,
listeners: Set<OnLineListener>,
onLine: (line: String) -> Unit,
) = { line: String ->
try {
if (config.notify) {
listeners.forEach { listener -> listener.onLine(line) }
} finally {
stdoutReader.onComplete = onComplete
stderrReader.onComplete = onComplete
stdoutReader.onReadLine = onLine(stdout, onStdOutListeners, config.onStdOut)
stderrReader.onReadLine = when (config.redirectStdErr) {
true -> onLine(stdout, onStdOutListeners, config.onStdOut)
else -> onLine(stderr, onStdErrListeners, config.onStdErr)
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
try {
state = State.Running
// Write the command and command end marker to stdin.
write(command, "echo '$uuid' $?", "echo '$uuid' >&2")
// Wait for the result with a timeout, if provided.
if (!watchdog.await(config.timeout)) {
exitCode = Command.Status.TIMEOUT
} catch (e: InterruptedException) {
exitCode = Command.Status.TERMINATED
} finally {
this.watchdog = null
state = State.Idle
if (exitCode != Command.Status.SUCCESS) {
// Exit with the error code in a subshell
// This is necessary because we send commands to signal a command was completed
write("$(exit $exitCode)")
// Create the result from running the command.
val result = Command.Result.create(
if (config.notify) {
onResultListeners.forEach { listener ->
return result
* Check if the shell is idle.
* @return True if the shell is open but not running any commands.
fun isIdle() = state is State.Idle
* Check if the shell is running a command.
* @return True if the shell is executing a command.
fun isRunning() = state is State.Running
* Check if the shell is shutdown.
* @return True if the shell is closed.
* @see shutdown
fun isShutdown() = state is State.Shutdown
* Check if the shell is alive and able to execute commands.
* @return True if the shell is running or idle.
fun isAlive() = try {
process.exitValue(); false
} catch (e: IllegalThreadStateException) {
* Interrupt waiting for a command to complete.
fun interrupt() {
* Shutdown the shell instance. After a shell is shutdown it can no longer execute commands
* and should be garbage collected.
fun shutdown() {
try {
} catch (ignored: IOException) {
} finally {
state = State.Shutdown
private fun write(vararg commands: String) = try {
commands.forEach { command -> stdin.write(command) }
} catch (ignored: IOException) {
private fun DataOutputStream.closeQuietly() = try {
} catch (ignored: IOException) {
* Contains data classes used for running commands in a [Shell].
* @see Command.Result
* @see Command.Config
* @see Command.Status
object Command {
* The result of running a command in a shell.
* @property stdout A list of lines read from the standard input stream.
* @property stderr A list of lines read from the standard error stream.
* @property exitCode The status code of running the command.
* @property details Additional command result details.
data class Result(
val stdout: List<String>,
val stderr: List<String>,
val output: List<String>,
val exitCode: Int,
val details: Details
) {
* True when the exit code is equal to 0.
val isSuccess: Boolean get() = exitCode == Status.SUCCESS
* Get [stdout] and [stderr] as a string, separated by new lines.
* @return The output of running the command in a shell.
fun output(): String = output.joinToString("\n")
* Get [stdout] as a string, separated by new lines.
* @return The standard ouput string.
fun stdout(): String = stdout.joinToString("\n")
* Get [stdout] as a string, separated by new lines.
* @return The standard ouput string.
fun stderr(): String = stderr.joinToString("\n")
* Additional details pertaining to running a command in a shell.
* @property uuid The unique identifier associated with the command.
* @property command The command sent to the shell to execute.
* @property startTime The time—in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT—when
* the command started execution.
* @property endTime The time—in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT—when
* the command completed execution.
* @property elapsed The number of milliseconds it took to execute the command.
data class Details internal constructor(
val uuid: UUID,
val command: String,
val startTime: Long,
val endTime: Long,
val elapsed: Long = endTime - startTime
companion object {
internal fun create(
uuid: UUID,
command: String,
stdout: List<String>,
stderr: List<String>,
output: List<String>,
exitCode: Int,
startTime: Long,
endTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
) = Result(
Details(uuid, command, startTime, endTime)
* Optional configuration settings when running a command in a [shell][Shell].
* @property uuid The unique identifier associated with the command.
* @property redirectStdErr True to redirect STDERR to STDOUT.
* @property onStdOut Callback that is invoked when reading a line from stdout.
* @property onStdErr Callback that is invoked when reading a line from stderr.
* @property onCancelled Callback that is invoked when the command is interrupted.
* @property onTimeout Callback that is invoked when the command timed-out.
* @property timeout The time to wait before killing the command.
* @property notify True to notify any [OnLineListener] and [OnCommandResultListener] of the command.
class Config private constructor(
val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID(),
val redirectStdErr: Boolean = false,
val onStdOut: (line: String) -> Unit = {},
val onStdErr: (line: String) -> Unit = {},
val onCancelled: () -> Unit = {},
val onTimeout: () -> Unit = {},
val timeout: Timeout? = null,
val notify: Boolean = true
) {
* Optional configuration settings when running a command in a [shell][Shell].
* @property uuid The unique identifier associated with the command.
* @property redirectErrorStream True to redirect STDERR to STDOUT.
* @property onStdOut Callback that is invoked when reading a line from stdout.
* @property onStdErr Callback that is invoked when reading a line from stderr.
* @property onCancelled Callback that is invoked when the command is interrupted.
* @property onTimeout Callback that is invoked when the command timed-out.
* @property timeout The time to wait before killing the command.
* @property notify True to notify any [OnLineListener] and [OnCommandResultListener] of the command.
class Builder {
var uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
var redirectErrorStream = false
var onStdOut: (line: String) -> Unit = {}
var onStdErr: (line: String) -> Unit = {}
var onCancelled: () -> Unit = {}
var onTimeout: () -> Unit = {}
var timeout: Timeout? = null
var notify = true
* Create the [Config] from this builder.
* @return A new [Config] for a command.
fun create() =
companion object {
* The default configuration for running a command in a shell.
* @return The default config.
fun default(): Config = Builder().create()
* Config that doesn't invoke callbacks for line and command complete listeners.
fun silent(): Config = Builder().apply { notify = false }.create()
* The command marker to process standard input/error streams.
* @property uuid The unique ID for a command.
* @property status the exit code for the last run command.
internal data class Marker(val uuid: UUID, val status: Int)
/** Exit codes */
object Status {
/** OK exit code value */
const val SUCCESS = 0
/** Command timeout exit status */
const val TIMEOUT = 124
/** Command failed exit status */
const val COMMAND_FAILED = 125
/** Command not executable exit status */
const val NOT_EXECUTABLE = 126
/** Command not found exit status */
const val NOT_FOUND = 127
/** Command terminated exit status. */
const val TERMINATED = 128 + 30
internal const val INVALID = 0x100
* Interface to receive a callback when reading a line from standard output/error streams.
interface OnLineListener {
* Called when a line was read from standard output/error streams
* @param line The string that was read.
fun onLine(line: String)
* Interface to receive a callback when a command completes.
interface OnCommandResultListener {
* Called when a command finishes running.
* @param result The result of running the command in a shell.
fun onResult(result: Command.Result)
* A timeout used when running a command in a shell.
* @property value The value of the time based on the [unit].
* @property unit The time unit for the [value].
data class Timeout(val value: Long, val unit: TimeUnit)
* The exception thrown when a command is passed to a closed shell.
class ClosedException(message: String) : IOException(message)
* The exception thrown when the shell could not be opened.
class NotFoundException(message: String, cause: Throwable) : RuntimeException(message, cause)
* Represents the possible states of the shell.
sealed class State {
/** The shell is idle; no commands are in progress. */
object Idle : State()
/** The shell is currently running a command. */
object Running : State()
/** The shell has been shutdown. */
object Shutdown : State()
* A class to cause the current thread to wait until a command completes or is aborted.
private class Watchdog : CountDownLatch(STREAM_READER_COUNT) {
private var aborted = false
* Releases the thread immediately instead of waiting for [signal] to be invoked twice.
fun abort() {
if (count == 0L) return
aborted = true
while (count > 0) countDown()
* Signal that either standard output or standard input streams are finished processing.
fun signal() = countDown()
* Causes the current thread to wait until [signal] is called twice.
* @param timeout The maximum time to wait before [AbortedException] is thrown.
* @throws AbortedException if the timeout completes before [signal] is called twice
* or if the thread is interrupted.
fun await(timeout: Timeout?): Boolean {
return when (timeout) {
null -> {
await(); true
else -> await(timeout.value, timeout.unit)
override fun await() = super.await().also {
if (aborted) throw AbortedException()
override fun await(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit) = super.await(timeout, unit).also {
if (aborted) throw AbortedException()
companion object {
* The number of times [signal] should be called to release the latch.
private const val STREAM_READER_COUNT = 2
* The exception thrown when [abort] is called and the [CountDownLatch] has not finished
class AbortedException : InterruptedException()
* The [OutputStream] for writing commands to the shell.
private class StandardInputStream(stream: OutputStream) : DataOutputStream(stream) {
* The helper function to write commands to the stream with an appended new line character.
* @param command The command to write.
fun write(command: String) = write("$command\n".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
* A thread that parses the standard/error streams for the shell.
* @param name The name of the stream. One of: [THREAD_NAME_STDOUT], [THREAD_NAME_STDERR]
* @param stream Either the [Process.getInputStream] or [Process.getErrorStream]
private class StreamReader private constructor(
name: String,
private val stream: InputStream
) : Thread(name) {
* The lambda that is invoked when a line is read from the stream.
var onReadLine: (line: String) -> Unit = {}
* The lambda that is invoked when a command completes.
var onComplete: (marker: Command.Marker) -> Unit = {}
override fun run() = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(stream)).forEachLine { line ->
pattern.matcher(line).let { matcher ->
if (matcher.matches()) {
val uuid = UUID.fromString(
when (val exitCode = {
null -> Command.Marker(uuid, Command.Status.INVALID)
else -> Command.Marker(uuid, exitCode.toInt())
} else {
companion object {
private const val GROUP_UUID = 1
private const val GROUP_CODE = 2
// <UUID><optional space><optional exit status>
private val pattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile(
internal fun createAndStart(name: String, stream: InputStream) =
StreamReader(name, stream).also { reader -> reader.start() }
companion object {
private const val THREAD_NAME_STDOUT = "STDOUT"
private const val THREAD_NAME_STDERR = "STDERR"
private const val EXCEPTION_SHELL_CANNOT_OPEN = "Error opening shell: '%s'"
private const val EXCEPTION_SHELL_SHUTDOWN = "The shell is shutdown"
private val instances by lazy { mutableMapOf<String, Shell>() }
* Returns a [Shell] instance using the [path] as the path to the shell/executable.\
operator fun get(path: String): Shell = instances[path]?.takeIf { shell ->
} ?: Shell(path).also { shell ->
instances[path] = shell
/** The Bourne shell (sh) */
val SH: Shell get() = this["sh"]
/** Switch to root, and run it as a shell */
val SU: Shell get() = this["su"]
* Execute a command with the provided environment.
* @param command
* The name of the program to execute. E.g. "su" or "sh".
* @param environment
* Map of all environment variables to include with the system environment.
* @return The new [Process] instance.
* @throws IOException
* If the requested program could not be executed.
private fun runWithEnv(command: String, environment: EnvironmentMap): Process =
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, (System.getenv() + environment).toArray())
* Convert an array to an [EnvironmentMap] with each variable/value separated by '='.
* @return The array converted to an [EnvironmentMap].
private fun Array<out String>.toEnvironmentMap(): EnvironmentMap =
mutableMapOf<Variable, Value>().also { map ->
forEach { str ->
str.split("=").takeIf { arr ->
arr.size == 2
}?.let { (variable, value) ->
map[variable] = value
* Convert an array of [Pair] to an [EnvironmentMap].
* @return The array of variable/value pairs as a new [EnvironmentMap].
private fun Array<out Pair<Variable, Value>>.toEnvironmentMap(): EnvironmentMap =
mutableMapOf<Variable, Value>().also { map ->
forEach { (variable, value) ->
map[variable] = value
* Converts an [EnvironmentMap] to an array of strings with the variable/value
* separated by an '=' character.
* @return An array of environment variables.
private fun EnvironmentMap.toArray(): Array<String> =
mutableListOf<String>().also { list ->
forEach { (variable, value) ->
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