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Last active July 29, 2020 18:31
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DOM 101 notes

DOM - Document Object Model

Object structure for HTML document parsing, entry point for all the document content.



The root object.

The DOM tree


  <title>The document title</title>
  The document content

That's the DOM:

      #text: \n, 2 spaces
        #text: The document title
      #text: \n
    #text: \n
      #text: The document content

Live DOM Viewer:

If html or body doesn't exists in document, it exists in DOM due to autocorrection. Same for open tags and tbody.

All spaces and newlines before head are ignored. All content after body is moved inside.

The browser tools hides the spaces/newline only text elements.

Most important node types:

  • document, the root;
  • elements, the document tags;
  • text;
  • comments (yes, you can read and process them).

Getting DOM elements

  • document.documentElement: the html tag
  • document.head: the head tag
  • document.body: the body tag, or null if called inside the head tag (the browser didn't read it yet).

Walking the tree


  • children: all elements direct inside the element, including text and comment elements
  • descendants: all children and their childrens (all branches and leaves)
  • parent: the direct above element in tree
  • ancestor: the chain of parents;
  • siblings: elements with the same parent
All Element-only Description
childNodes children live read-only collection of children (use for..of to iterate)
childNodes[n] children[n] n th child
firstChild firstElementChild first child
lastChild lastElementChild last child
parentNode parentElement the parent of the element (document.documentElement.parentNode === document but document.documentElement.parentElement === null)
nextSibling previousElementSibling the next sibiling
previousSibling nextElementSibling the previous sibiling
hasChildNodes() N/A element has children?
length N/A number of children


  • <table> has rows, caption, tHead, tFoot, tBodies;
  • <thead>, tfoot and tbody has rows;
  • tr has cells (<td>'s and <th>'s), rowIndex (whole table) and sectionRowIndex (section only);
  • <td>'s and <th>'s has cellIndex (in parent <tr>).

Getting specific elements using id

There is id-named global variables, but teh use is not recommended. If there is a JS variable whith the same name, it takes precedence.

If the id is not unique, all the techniques are unpredictable!

  • document.getElementById('myId') gets the element of id equals myId, no matter where.

Getting specific elements using CSS selectors

  • elem.querySelectorAll(cssSelector) gets a static collection with all elements inside elem matching cssSelector;
  • elem.querySelector(cssSelector) gets the first element inside elem matching cssSelector;
  • elem.matches(cssSelector) return if any element inside elem matches cssSelector;
  • elem.contains(otherElem) checks if otherElem is descendant of elem.
  • elem.closest(cssSelector) gets the closest ancestor of elem matching cssSelector (including itself).

Other methods for getting specific elements

Use getElement_ (singular) for first and getElements_ (plural) for a live collection:

  • elem.getElementsByTagName(tag) gets by tag name ("*" means any tags);
  • elem.getElementsByClassName(class) gets elements having the given class name;
  • document.getElementsByName(name) gets by element name attribute.
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