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Created September 7, 2015 16:00
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Sample plugin manifest for Inliner
"id": "in.ToDo",
name:"Todo list",
"data": {
"cmd": "",
"filter": ["All"],
"editor": {
"_id": "",
"name": "",
"type": "todo",
"stamp": "",
"creator": "",
"parent": "cw-Demo-ToDo-1ccd",
"top": {
"done": "",
"text": "",
"stamp": ""
"list": [{
"done": "",
"text": "",
"stamp": "",
"isnew": true
"log": []
"key": "_"
"init": function ($o,form) {
var that=this, d =;
//enc key||"_";
"ui": {
"#list": {
"bind": "editor.list",
"manifest": "ToDoLine",
"list": "<div class=\"todo\"></div>",
"init": function ($o,form) {
$o.sortable(); // make items draggable
"#filter": {
"bind": function (d,v,$o) {
if (v!=null) d.filter=v;
.removeClass("todoAll todoDone todoActive")
return d.filter;
"init": function ($o) {
$o.tags({tags:[["Active","Done"]], empty:{"All":"All"}});
"FormHTML": "<div id=\"cont\" class=\"w700 oh dib vat\">\n\t\t<div class=\"w170 vat dib fs80 tar\" style=\"position:absolute; top:3px;right:0;z-index:+50\">\n\t\t\t<span id=\"filter\"></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t<div id=\"list\"></div>\n</div>",
"ToDoLine": {
"id": "TodoLine",
"data": {
"done": "",
"text": "",
"stamp": "",
"isnew": true
"init": function ($o,form) {
$o.html('<div id="isdone"></div>'
+'<textarea id="text" placeholder='
+'"What need to be done?"></textarea>');
if (!;
"ui": {
"#isdone": {
"bind": function (d,v,$o) {
if (v!=null) d.done = d.done?"":"done";
$o.toggleClass("fi-checkbox green o80", !!d.done)
.toggleClass("fi-check lgray", !d.done)
.parent().toggleClass("done", !!d.done);
"events": "click"
"#text": {
"bind": function (d,v,$o) {
if (v!=null) {
d.text = v.replace(/^-\s/,"— ");
var idx = $"index")+1,
if (!d.text && !d.isnew
&& $list.find(">div").size()>1
) {
// focus back after delay
$list.find(">div:eq("+(idx-2).clamp(0,1e5)+") #text").focus();
if (v.length) d.isnew=false;
// we have split
if (/[\r\n]/.test(v)) {
var a = v.split(/[\r\n]/);
if (!a[0].compact()) {
d.text=a[1]; idx-=1;
else if (!a[1].compact()) $o.trigger("insert","after");
else $o.trigger("insert",{where:"after", what:{text:a[1]}});
// focus back after delay
$list.find(">div:eq("+idx+") #text").focus();
if ($":visible")) (function(){$o.height(0).height($o[0].scrollHeight);}).delay(40);
return d.text;
"css": {
"sub": function (d) {
return /^(—.|–.|\*.|--)$/.test(
"imp1": function (d) {
return /[^!]!$/.test(d.text)
"imp2": function (d) {
return /!!$/.test(d.text)
"imp3": function (d) {
return /^\d+\./.test(d.text)
"style": {
" textarea": "border:none;min-height:0!important;font-size:16pt;transition: color 0.3s;resize:none;",
" .todo": "width:700px;overflow:hidden;cursor:move;padding:4px 0 4px 10px;",
" #isdone": "width:30px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;padding:1px 10px 3px 0;font-size:120%;opacity:0.7",
" #text": "margin:0;height:35px;width:660px;padding:0;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;",
" .fi-checkbox+#text": "text-decoration:line-through;opacity:0.7;color:inherit;",
" .sub": "padding:0px 0 2px 10px;",
" .sub #isdone": "opacity:0.4",
" .sub textarea": "font-size:15pt;height: 1.2em;",
" .imp1 textarea": "color:#05a;",
" .imp2 textarea": "color:#c02;",
" .imp3 textarea": "font-weight:bold;",
" .button": "border-radius:100px",
" .todoActive>.done": "display:none",
" .todoDone>div:not(.done)": "display:none"
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