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Last active September 25, 2015 07:03
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CouchDB query server js call penalties
// Tests process switching penalties for calling
// CouchDB query server js functions.
// Requires jQuery
var passes = 50, host="";
function go (msg, url) {
var pi = $.Deferred(),
ctr = passes,
acc = [];
(function chain () {
$.ajax({ url:host+url, dataType:"text", cache:false })
if (--ctr) chain();
else {
console.log(msg, acc.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b},0) / acc.length);
return pi.promise();
function cgo (msg, url) {return function(){return go(msg,url);}}
go ("Req to file", "_design/testr/testr.json")
.then(cgo("Req to view", "_design/testr/_view/testr"))
.then(cgo("View through list", "_design/testr/_list/testr/testr"))
.then(cgo("View through rewrite","_design/testr/_rewrite/x/testr"));
//Run in parallel
go("Req to file", "_design/testr/testr.json");
go("Req to view", "_design/testr/_view/testr");
go("View through list", "_design/testr/_list/testr/testr");
go("View through rewrite", "_design/testr/_rewrite/x/testr");
Design document json:
"_id": "_design/testr",
"name": "Test _list switch penalties",
"lists": {
"testr": "function (head,req) {\n\t\tstart({\theaders: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}});\n\t\tsend('{\"total_rows\":0,\"offset\":0,\"rows\":[\\n\\n]}\\n');\n\t}"
"views": {
"testr": {
"map": "function (doc) {\n\t\t\temit (doc._id, null);\n\t\t}"
"rewrites": [
"from": "/x/*",
"to": "../../_design/testr/_view/*"
"_attachments": {
"testr.json": {
"content_type": "application/json",
"data": "eyJ0b3RhbF9yb3dzIjowLCJvZmZzZXQiOjAsInJvd3MiOlsKCl19"
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