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Recursive pattern matcher for CouchDB
(function () {
// matches.js
// ----------
// Powerful pattern matching for Javascript
// version : 0.5.1
// author : Nathan Faubion <>
// repo :
// license : MIT
// Ext and mod for CouchDB CommonJS require()
// by ermouth
"use strict";
// Parser
// ------
function parse (str) {
var inp = new Input(str);
var tree = start(inp);
return tree;
// The Input class represents the state of our parse. The `input` is the
// original string, while the `buffer` is the string that we consume.
function Input (str) {
this.input = str;
this.buffer = str;
this.pos = 0;
// Removes a chunk of length `len` from the buffer and returns it.
Input.prototype.take = function (len) {
var res = this.buffer.substr(0, len);
this.buffer = this.buffer.substring(len);
this.pos += res.length;
return res;
// Checks if the start of the buffer matches the given string or RegExp. If
// a RegExp is passed, it will return the subsequent match array.
Input.prototype.peek = function (str) {
return str instanceof RegExp
? this.buffer.match(str)
: this.buffer.substr(0, str.length) === str ? str : null;
// Tries the peek first, and if successful takes the length of the str.
Input.prototype.takeAPeek = function (str) {
var match = this.peek(str);
if (match) {
this.take((str instanceof RegExp ? match[0] : match).length);
return match;
// Consumes any whitespace at the beginning of the buffer.
Input.prototype.skipWs = function () {
while (this.takeAPeek(" ")) continue;
return this;
// Puts a string back on the buffer. This is rarely needed, and it's use is
// usually a sign that the parse function can be refactored to be clearer and
// more efficient.
Input.prototype.put = function (str) {
this.buffer = str + this.buffer;
var newpos = this.pos - str.length;
this.pos = newpos < 0 ? 0 : newpos;
return this;
// The entry point of the parser.
function start (inp) {
var res = parseArgumentList(inp.skipWs());
// If there is any leftover, we have input that did not match our grammar,
// so throw a generic syntax error.
if (inp.skipWs().buffer) syntaxError(inp);
return res;
// The root of the tree. An argument list is just like an array, but doesn't
// have the brackets around it.
function parseArgumentList (inp) {
return nodeArgumentList(parseRestPatterns(inp));
// A comma-separated list of patterns. Patterns are everything except rest
// expressions.
function parsePatterns (inp) {
return commaSeparated(parsePattern, inp);
// A comma-separated list of patterns, including rest expressions. Rest
// expressions only apply within an array-like context.
function parseRestPatterns (inp) {
return commaSeparated(parseRestPattern, inp, multiRestCallback());
// Matches a single rest expression or pattern.
function parseRestPattern (inp) {
return parseRest(inp)
|| parsePattern(inp);
// Matches a single pattern expression.
function parsePattern (inp) {
return parseWildcard(inp)
|| parseNullLiteral(inp)
|| parseUndefinedLiteral(inp)
|| parseBooleanLiteral(inp)
|| parseNumberLiteral(inp)
|| parseStringLiteral(inp)
|| parseClassPattern(inp)
|| parseExtractor(inp)
|| parseArray(inp)
|| parseObject(inp)
|| parseIdentPattern(inp);
// Parses a rest expression. A rest expressions is an ellipsis followed by
// another pattern (ie. mapping the pattern over a list). If the pattern is
// left off, a wildcard is implied.
function parseRest (inp) {
var res = inp.takeAPeek("...");
if (res) return nodeRest(parsePattern(inp) || nodeWildcard());
// Parses a wildcard.
function parseWildcard (inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek("_")) return nodeWildcard();
// Parses `null`.
function parseNullLiteral (inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek(NULL)) return nodeNullLiteral();
// Parses `undefined`.
function parseUndefinedLiteral (inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek(UNDEF)) return nodeUndefinedLiteral();
// Parses `true` or `false`.
function parseBooleanLiteral (inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(BOOL);
if (match) return nodeBooleanLiteral(match[0]);
// Parses a number. Numbers a fairly complicated and can appear in a variety
// of forms. You'll see the helper functions later on.
function parseNumberLiteral (inp) {
var res = parseNumber(inp);
if (res) return nodeNumberLiteral(res);
// Parses a string. Like numbers, strings are are quite compilcated. You'll
// see these helper functions later on.
function parseStringLiteral (inp) {
var res = parseString(inp);
if (res) return nodeStringLiteral(res);
// Parses class names and class destructuring. Classes can either be
// destructured with object-like matching or array-like matching. Object
// matching uses the curly-brace notation, while array matching uses paren
// notation (this differs from array literals which use brackets).
function parseClassPattern (inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(CLASS);
if (match) {
var name = match[0];
// Object-like destructuring.
var res = parseObject(inp);
if (res) return nodeClass(name, res);
// Array-like destructuring, but uses parens instead of brackets so we
// need to use a custom wrapper instead of reusing the array helper.
res = wrapped("(", ")", parseRestPatterns, nodeArray, inp);
if (res) return nodeClass(name, res);
// Just a class name.
return nodeClass(name);
// Parses custom extractors. Extractors are identifiers that begin with a
// dollar sign.
function parseExtractor (inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(EXTRACTOR);
if (match)
return wrapped("(", ")", parsePattern, extractorRes, inp)
|| nodeExtractor(match[1]);
function extractorRes (res) {
return nodeExtractor(match[1], res);
// Parses array destructuring.
function parseArray (inp) {
return wrapped("[", "]", parseRestPatterns, nodeArray, inp);
// Parses object destructuring.
function parseObject (inp) {
return wrapped("{", "}", parseObjectPatterns, nodeObject, inp);
// Comma-separated list of object patterns.
function parseObjectPatterns (inp) {
return commaSeparated(parseObjectPattern, inp);
// Objects can only contain keys or key-value pairs.
function parseObjectPattern (inp) {
var res = parseKey(inp);
if (res) {
if (inp.skipWs().takeAPeek(":")) {
var patt = parsePattern(inp.skipWs());
if (patt) return nodeKeyValue(res, patt);
return nodeKey(res);
// Keys can be strings or JS identifiers.
function parseKey (inp) {
var res = parseString(inp);
if (res) return res;
var match = inp.takeAPeek(JS_IDENT);
if (match) return match[0]
// Parses identifiers and binders, which are for when you want to destructure
// the value but also pass the original value to the function. Binders are
// an identifier, followed by an @ and another pattern.
function parseIdentPattern (inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(IDENT);
if (match) {
if (inp.takeAPeek("@")) {
var patt = parseBinderPattern(inp);
if (patt) return nodeBinder(match[0], patt);
return nodeIdentifier(match[0])
// Binders don't allow just any expression. Literals are left out because if
// you are matching on a literal, you already know what the value is so why
// would ou need to pass it on to the function?
function parseBinderPattern (inp) {
return parseClassPattern(inp)
|| parseArray(inp)
|| parseObject(inp);
// Parses a wrapped pattern, like an array or object.
function wrapped (del1, del2, pattFn, nodeFn, inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek(del1)) {
var res = pattFn(inp.skipWs());
if (inp.skipWs().takeAPeek(del2)) return nodeFn(res);
else syntaxError(inp, "Expected " + del2);
// Matches a comma separated list of tokens. Can take a callback to validate
// the input on each iteration. Note: this always returns a list. The calling
// function should determine if an empty list is a syntax error or not.
function commaSeparated (fn, inp, cb) {
var all = [], res;
while (1) {
res = fn(inp);
if ((res && !cb) || (res && cb(res, inp))) {
if (inp.skipWs().takeAPeek(",")) {
} else break;
} else break;
return all;
// Returns a function that can be used as a callback to `commaSeparated`. It
// checks that only one rest expression is used in a series.
function multiRestCallback () {
var count = 0;
return function (res, inp) {
if (res.type === "rest" && ++count > 1) {
// Put the pattern back on the buffer so the error reporting points to
// the beginning of the rest instead of at the end since its already
// been consumed.
syntaxError(inp, "Multiple ...'s not allowed");
return true;
// String Parsers
// --------------
function parseString (inp) {
return parseQuotedString('"', DOUBLE_QUOTED_CHAR, inp)
|| parseQuotedString("'", SINGLE_QUOTED_CHAR, inp);
function parseQuotedString (q, regx, inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek(q)) {
var str = parseQuotedStringChars(regx, inp);
if (inp.takeAPeek(q)) return str;
else syntaxError(inp, "Expected " + q);
function parseQuotedStringChars (regx, inp) {
var str = "";
while (1) {
var res = inp.takeAPeek(regx);
if (res) str += res;
else if (inp.peek("\\")){
res = parseEscapeSeq(inp);
if (res) str += res;
else break;
} else break;
return str;
function parseEscapeSeq (inp) {
return parseNullEscapeSeq(inp)
|| parseSpecialEscapeSeq(HEX_SEQ, inp)
|| parseSpecialEscapeSeq(UNICODE_SEQ, inp)
|| parseCharEscapeSeq(inp);
function parseNullEscapeSeq (inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek(NULL_ESCAPE_CHAR)) return "\0";
function parseSpecialEscapeSeq (regx, inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(regx);
if (match) return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + match[1]));
function parseCharEscapeSeq (inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(ESC_CHAR);
if (match) {
return match[1]
.replace("b", "\b")
.replace("f", "\f")
.replace("n", "\n")
.replace("r", "\r")
.replace("t", "\t")
.replace("v", "\x0B");
match = inp.takeAPeek(ESC_ANY);
if (match) return match[1];
// Number Parsers
// --------------
function parseNumber (inp) {
var res = "";
if (inp.takeAPeek("-")) res += "-";
var match = parseInteger(inp);
if (match) res += match;
match = parseFraction(inp);
if (match) res += match;
if (res && res !== "-") {
match = parseExponent(inp);
if (match) res += match;
if (res === "-") syntaxError(inp, "Expected number");
return res || null;
function parseFraction (inp) {
if (inp.takeAPeek(".")) {
var ds = inp.takeAPeek(DIGITS);
if (ds) return "." + ds;
syntaxError(inp, "Expected digit");
function parseExponent (inp) {
var match = inp.takeAPeek(E_SIGN);
if (match) {
var ds = inp.takeAPeek(DIGITS);
if (ds) return match[0] + ds;
function parseInteger (inp) {
return inp.takeAPeek(DIGIT_TEN_PLUS)
|| inp.takeAPeek(DIGIT);
// Parser RegExps
// --------------
var UNDEF = /^(undefined)\b/;
var NULL = /^(null)\b/;
var BOOL = /^(true|false)\b/;
var IDENT = /^[a-z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*/;
var JS_IDENT = /^[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*/;
var CLASS = /^[A-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*/;
var EXTRACTOR = /^\$([_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*)/;
var DOUBLE_QUOTED_CHAR = /^(?!["\\])./;
var SINGLE_QUOTED_CHAR = /^(?!['\\])./;
var ESC_ANY = /^\\(.)/;
var ESC_CHAR = /^\\(['"\\bfnrtv])/;
var NULL_ESCAPE_CHAR = /^\\0(?![0-9])/;
var UNICODE_SEQ = /^\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/;
var HEX_SEQ = /^\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/;
var E_SIGN = /^[eE](\+|-)?/;
var DIGIT_HEX = /^[0-9a-fA-F]/;
var DIGIT_TEN_PLUS = /^[1-9][0-9]+/;
var DIGITS = /^[0-9]+/;
var DIGIT = /^[0-9]/;
// Parser Nodes
// ------------
// Nodes are comprised of a type, a normalized pattern, and optionally a
// value and/or children. The `children` attribute is always used for child
// patterns even if there is no `value`. The `value` attribute is always
// used for simple values (like for booleans or numbers), never for patterns.
function node (type, pattern, val, children) {
var ret = { pattern: pattern, type: type };
if (val !== undefined) ret.value = val;
if (children !== undefined) ret.children = children;
return ret;
function nodeArgumentList (res) {
return node("argumentList", patternStrings(res).join(","), undefined, res);
function nodeRest (res) {
return node("rest", "..." + res.pattern, undefined, [res]);
function nodeWildcard () {
return node("wildcard", "_");
function nodeNullLiteral () {
return node("null", "null");
function nodeUndefinedLiteral () {
return node("undefined", "undefined");
function nodeBooleanLiteral (res) {
return node("boolean", res, res === "true");
function nodeNumberLiteral (res) {
return node("number", res, parseFloat(res));
function nodeStringLiteral (res) {
return node("string", quote(res), res);
function nodeArray (res) {
return node("array", "[" + patternStrings(res).join(",") + "]", undefined, res);
function nodeObject (res) {
return node("object", "{" + patternStrings(res).join(",") + "}", undefined, res);
function nodeBinder (res, patt) {
return node("binder", res + "@" + patt.pattern, res, [patt]);
function nodeIdentifier (res) {
return node("identifier", res, res);
function nodeKey (res) {
res = quote(res);
return node("key", res, res);
function nodeKeyValue (key, value) {
key = quote(key);
return node("keyValue", key + ":" + value.pattern, key, [value]);
// Array-like class destructuring results in a child array node, but the
// pattern is inacurately reflected as being surrounded by brackets. We
// check for that and correct it.
function nodeClass (name, res) {
var patt = name;
if (res) {
patt += res.type === "array"
? "(" + res.pattern.substring(1, res.pattern.length - 1) + ")"
: res.pattern;
return node("class", patt, name, res ? [res] : undefined);
function nodeExtractor (name, res) {
return res
? node("extractor", "$" + name + "(" + res.pattern + ")", name, [res])
: node("extractor", "$" + name, name);
// Parser Utility Functions
// ------------------------
function patternStrings (children) {
return (child) {
return child.pattern;
// Takes a string and wraps it in quotes, properly escaping everything that
// needs to be escaped so we have a string of a string.
function quote (s) {
return '"' + s
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/\x08/g, '\\b')
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/\f/g, '\\f')
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
.replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E-\x1F\x80-\uFFFF]/g, escape)
+ '"';
function escape (ch) {
var code = ch.charCodeAt(0), esc, len;
if (code <= 0xFF) {
esc = 'x';
len = 2;
} else {
esc = 'u';
len = 4;
var seq = code.toString(16);
return '\\' + esc + (Array(len - seq.length).join("0")) + seq;
function syntaxError (inp, reason) {
reason || (reason = "Unexpected character");
reason += " at column " + (inp.pos + 1);
throw new SyntaxError(reason
+ "\n" + inp.input + "\n"
+ Array(inp.input.length - inp.buffer.length + 1).join(" ")
+ "^"
// Compiler
// --------
function compile (tree) {
if (typeof tree === "string") tree = parse(tree);
// Every compiled function gets called with a reference to the runtime.
return new Function(["args", "runt"], [
'var ret = [];',
'return ret;'
// Mapping of node types to compiler functions
var compilers = {
"wildcard" : compileWildcard,
"null" : compileLiteral,
"undefined" : compileLiteral,
"boolean" : compileLiteral,
"number" : compileLiteral,
"string" : compileLiteral,
"identifier" : compileIdentifier,
"binder" : compileBinder,
"array" : compileArray,
"object" : compileObject,
"class" : compileClass,
"extractor" : compileExtractor
function compileArgumentList (node) {
return compileArray('args', node);
function compilePattern (argName, node) {
return compilers[node.type](argName, node);
// Wildcards don't perform any matching or stash any values, so just return
// an empty string.
function compileWildcard () {
return '';
// The simple literals like null, undefined, booleans, strings, numbers can
// all use the same checking.
function compileLiteral (argName, node) {
return 'if (' + argName + ' !== ' + node.pattern + ') return false;';
function compileIdentifier (argName) {
return 'ret[ret.length] = ' + argName + ';';
function compileBinder (argName, node) {
var source = [
compilePattern(argName, node.children[0])
return source.join('\n');
function compileArray (argName, node) {
return hasRest(node)
? compileArrayRest(argName, node)
: compileArrayStrict(argName, node);
function compileArrayStrict (argName, node) {
var arrLen = node.children.length;
var source = [
'if (!(' + argName + ' instanceof Array) || ' +
argName + '.length !== ' + arrLen + ') return false;'
var i = 0, len = node.children.length, childArgName;
for (; i < len; i++) {
childArgName = argName + '_' + i;
'var ' + childArgName + ' = ' + argName + '[' + i + '];',
compilePattern(childArgName, node.children[i])
return source.join('\n');
function compileArrayRest (argName, node) {
var arrLen = node.children.length;
var minLen = arrLen - 1;
var posName = argName + '_pos'; // Used for calculating the slice position
var restName = argName + '_rest'; // Used for storing the rest
var source = [
'if (!(' + argName + ' instanceof Array) ||' +
argName + '.length < ' + minLen + ') return false;',
'var ' + posName + ' = 0;',
'var ' + restName + ';'
var i = 0, len = node.children.length, childArgName, child, restType;
for (; i < len; i++) {
child = node.children[i];
childArgName = argName + '_' + i;
if (child.type !== "rest") {
'var ' + childArgName + ' = ' + argName + '[' + posName + '++];',
compilePattern(childArgName, child)
// If the current child is a rest token, perform the appropriate slicing
// and stashing. Different slices are used depending on whether the token
// is in the middle of the child patterns or at the end.
// Rest is at the end.
if (i === minLen) {
source.push(restName + ' = ' + argName + '.slice(' + i + ');');
// Rest is at the beginning.
else if (i === 0) {
posName + ' = ' + argName + '.length - ' + minLen + ';',
restName + ' = ' + argName + '.slice(0, ' + posName + ');'
// Rest is in the middle.
else {
posName + ' = ' + argName + '.length - ' + (minLen - i) + ';',
restName + ' = ' + argName + '.slice(' + i + ', ' + posName + ');'
// The type of the rest expression.
restType = child.children[0].type;
// Just stash slice if its an identifier.
if (restType === "identifier") {
// No need to do anything for wildcards, otherwise compile the rest
// expression.
else if (restType !== "wildcard") {
source.push(compileRest(restName, child));
return source.join('\n');
function compileObject (argName, node) {
var source = [
'if (!(' + argName + ' instanceof Object)) return false;'
var i = 0, len = node.children.length, childArgName, child;
for (; i < len; i++) {
child = node.children[i];
childArgName = argName + '_' + i;
// Check that the key exists in the object.
source.push('if (!(' + child.value + ' in ' + argName + ')) return false;');
// If the child is just a key, stash it
if (child.type === "key") {
source.push(compileIdentifier(argName + '[' + child.value + ']'));
// If the child is a keyValue, perform further compilation.
else {
'var ' + childArgName + ' = ' + argName + '[' + child.value + '];',
compilePattern(childArgName, child.children[0])
return source.join('\n');
function compileClass (argName, node) {
var source = [
'if (!runt.matchesTypeName(' + argName + ', "' + node.value + '")) return false;'
if (node.children) {
var isArray = node.children[0].type === 'array';
var unapply = isArray ? 'unapply' : 'unapplyObj';
var compFn = isArray ? compileArray : compileObject;
var valsName = argName + '_vals';
'if (!' + argName + '.constructor || ' +
'!' + argName + '.constructor.' + unapply + ') return false;',
'var ' + valsName + ' = ' + argName + '.constructor.' + unapply + '(' + argName +');',
compFn(valsName, node.children[0])
return source.join('\n');
function compileExtractor (argName, node) {
var extName = argName + '_ext';
var valName = argName + '_val';
var source = [
'var ' + extName + ' = runt.callExtractor("' + node.value + '", ' + argName + ');',
'if (!' + extName + ' || !(' + extName + ' instanceof runt.Pass)) return false;'
if (node.children) {
source.push('var ' + valName + ' = ' + extName + '.val;');
source.push(compilePattern(valName , node.children[0]));
return source.join('\n');
// The basic idea of rest expressions is that we create another matching
// function and call that function on all items in the array. We then
// aggregate all the stashed values and concat them with the `ret` array.
// We need to know ahead of time how many values are going to be stashed,
// so we call `countIdentifiers` to traverse the children, returning the
// number of nodes that can cause a value to be stashed.
function compileRest (argName, node) {
var source = [];
var retInit = [];
// Count the number of identifiers we will need to stash.
var i = 0, len = countIdentifiers(node);
for (; i < len; i++) retInit.push('[]');
var retName = argName + '_ret';
var loopName = argName + '_loop';
var iName = argName + '_i';
var lenName = argName + '_len';
var retArgsName = argName + '_retargs';
'var ' + retName + ' = [' + retInit.join(',') + '];',
'var ' + loopName + ' = function (val) {',
' var ret = [];',
indent(2, compilePattern('val', node.children[0])),
' return ret;',
'var ' + iName + ' = 0, ' + lenName + ' = ' + argName + '.length, ' + retArgsName + ';',
'for (; ' + iName + ' < ' + lenName + '; ' + iName + '++) {',
' ' + retArgsName + ' = ' + loopName + '(' + argName + '[' + iName + ']);',
' if (!' + retArgsName + ') return false;',
(function () {
var src = [];
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
src.push(' ' + retName + '[' + i + '].push(' + retArgsName + '[' + i + ']);');
return src.join('\n');
'ret =, ' + retName + ');'
return source.join('\n');
// Checks if a rest expression is present in the node's children.
function hasRest (node) {
for (var i = 0, child; (child = node.children[i]); i++) {
if (child.type === "rest") return true;
return false;
// Scans all children for a node and counts the number of identifier patterns.
// Identifier patterns include captures and object keys.
function countIdentifiers (node) {
if (!node.children) return 0;
var count = 0, i = 0, len = node.children.length, type;
for (; i < len; i++) {
type = node.children[i].type;
if (type === "identifier" || type === "binder" || type === "key") count += 1;
else count += countIdentifiers(node.children[i]);
return count;
// Indents a section of code by the specified number of spaces. This is just
// so the compiled code looks nice.
function indent (spaces, str) {
return str.replace(/^/gm, Array(spaces + 1).join(" "));
// Runtime
// -------
var runtime = {};
var extractors = {};
// Given an object and a class name, tries to determine if the object is an
// instance of said class.
runtime.matchesTypeName = function (obj, name) {
// Check the toString name first. This is for core Javascript types like
// String, Number, Boolean, etc.
var typeStr =;
if (typeStr.substring(8, typeStr.length - 1) === name) {
return true;
// Check the function name.
if (obj.constructor) {
if (obj.constructor.className === name || === name) {
return true;
// No match
return false;
// Given a name and value, looks up an extractor and calls it. If the
// extractor does not exist, it will throw an error.
runtime.callExtractor = function (name, val) {
if (!extractors.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
throw new Error("Extractor does not exist: " + name);
return extractors[name](val, runtime.Pass);
// Extractors must return an instance of `Pass` to count as a successful
// match. We can't use a sentinal value like `undefined` to count as a fail
// since its a valid value to match on.
runtime.Pass = function (val) {
if (!(this instanceof runtime.Pass)) return new runtime.Pass(val);
this.val = val;
// Matcher
// -------
// Matcher constructor that acts as a linked list of match alternatives.
function Matcher (patternFn, successFn, next) {
this.patternFn = patternFn;
this.successFn = successFn; = next;
// Tries to match a given array of args. If not successful, passes it on to
// the `next` matcher.
Matcher.prototype.match = function (args, context) {
var args2 = this.patternFn(args, runtime);
if (args2) return this.successFn.apply(context, args2);
else if ( return, context);
else throw new TypeError("All patterns exhausted");
// Clones itself and the next item in the list.
Matcher.prototype.clone = function () {
var clone = new Matcher(this.patternFn, this.successFn);
if ( =;
return clone;
// Finds the last Matcher in the chain.
Matcher.prototype.last = function () {
var m = this;
while ( m =;
return m;
// Remove and return the last item off the chain.
Matcher.prototype.pop = function () {
var m = this, prev;
while ( {
prev = m;
m =;
if (prev) = null;
return m;
// Matches.js Core
// ---------------
// Cache slice
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
// Internal cache of all patterns
var patterns = {};
// Internal cache of all unique, normalized patterns
var normalized = {};
// Retrieves a patternFn from the cache or compiles it if it's not there.
function getOrCompile (patternStr) {
var tree, fn;
if (!patterns.hasOwnProperty(patternStr)) {
tree = parse(patternStr);
if (!normalized.hasOwnProperty(tree.pattern)) {
fn = compile(tree);
fn.pattern = tree.pattern;
normalized[tree.pattern] = fn;
patterns[patternStr] = normalized[tree.pattern];
return patterns[patternStr];
// Creates a pattern matching function given a string and a fn to execute.
// The `chain` argument is for internal use only. It's a reference to the
// chain that we are adding a pattern to.
function pattern () {
var targ0 = typeof arguments[0];
var targ1 = typeof arguments[1];
var targ2 = typeof arguments[2];
// Shared vars
var matcherFn, patternObj, patternFn, patternStr, successFn, chain, tree, last;
// pattern(matcherFn, chain)
if (targ0 == "function" && (targ1 == "undefined" || targ1 == "object")) {
matcherFn = arguments[0];
chain = arguments[1];
// Throw an error if the supplied function does not have a match chain.
if (!matcherFn.__matchChain) throw new Error("Not a matcher function");
// Splice the chains together.
if (chain) {
chain = chain.clone();
chain.last().next = matcherFn.__matchChain.clone();
} else {
chain = matcherFn.__matchChain.clone();
last = chain.pop();
return matcher(last.patternFn, last.successFn, chain);
// pattern(patternObj, chain)
else if (targ0 == "object" && (targ1 == "undefined" || targ1 == "object")) {
patternObj = arguments[0];
chain = arguments[1] ? arguments[1].clone() : null;
for (patternStr in patternObj) {
matcherFn = pattern(patternStr, patternObj[patternStr], chain);
chain = matcherFn.__matchChain;
return matcherFn;
// pattern(patternFn, successFn, chain)
else if (targ0 == "function" && targ1 == "function") {
chain = arguments[2] ? arguments[2].clone() : null;
return matcher(arguments[0], arguments[1], chain);
// pattern(patternStr, successFn, chain)
else {
patternStr = arguments[0];
successFn = arguments[1];
chain = arguments[2] ? arguments[2].clone() : null;
patternFn = getOrCompile(patternStr);
return matcher(patternFn, successFn, chain);
// Creates a function that tries a match and executes the given fn if
// successful. If not it tries subsequent patterns.
function matcher (patternFn, successFn, chain) {
var matcherObj = new Matcher(patternFn, successFn);
// If a chain was provided, add the new matcher to the end of the chain.
if (chain) {
chain.last().next = matcherObj;
} else {
chain = matcherObj;
var fn = function () {
// This seems like an odd optimization, but manually copying the
// arguments object over to an array instead of calling `slice` can
// speed up dispatch time 2-3x.
var args = [], i = 0, len = arguments.length;
for (; i < len; i++) args[i] = arguments[i];
return chain.match(args, this);
fn.alt = function () {
var args =;
return pattern.apply(null, args);
fn.__matchChain = chain;
return fn;
// Sugar for creating a new pattern and immediately invoking it with arguments.
// This just lets you put the arguments first instead of after the patterns.
function caseOf (/* ...args, matcher */) {
var args =, 0, -1);
var matcher = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
var context = this === exports ? null : this;
if (typeof matcher === "function") {
if (!matcher.__matchChain) throw new Error("Not a matcher function");
return matcher.apply(context, args);
return pattern(matcher).apply(context, args);
// Extract works similar to regular expression matching on strings. If the
// pattern fails to match, it returns null. If it is successful it will return
// an array of extracted values.
function extract (/* pattern, ...args */) {
var args =, 1);
var context = this === exports ? null : this;
var patternFn = getOrCompile(arguments[0]);
return, args, runtime) || null;
// Like extract, but returns the first extracted value or undefined.
function extractOne (/* pattern, ...args */) {
var res = extract.apply(this, arguments);
return res === null ? void 0 : res[0];
// Recursive constructor
// Mod by ermouth
function TreeMatch (rulesTree){
function _go (tree) {
var i, obj = {}, acc, prev = null;
for (i in tree) {
if (tree.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
acc = tree[i];
if (acc instanceof Array) {
prev = obj[i] = (function(a) {
return function(){return a;}
else if (typeof acc === "string") {
if (obj[acc]) prev = obj[i] = obj[acc];
else if (tree[acc]) throw new SyntaxError("Early reference "+acc+" in rule "+i);
else throw new SyntaxError("Invalid reference "+acc+" in rule "+i);
else if (typeof acc === "function") prev = obj[i] = acc;
else if (true === acc) {
if (null !== prev) obj[i] = prev;
else throw new SyntaxError("No preceding rule for rule "+i);
else if (false === acc || null === acc) prev = obj[i] = function(){return null;};
else if (
acc === Object(acc)
&& !(acc instanceof Array)
&& !(acc instanceof RegExp)
) prev = obj[i] = _go (acc);
return pattern(obj);
return _go(rulesTree);
// Export
// ------
var Pattern = {
pattern : pattern,
caseOf : caseOf,
extract : extract,
extractOne : extractOne,
extractors : extractors,
parse : parse,
compile : compile,
compilers : compilers,
runtime : runtime,
Matcher : Matcher,
// ermouth
tree : TreeMatch
// CommonJS bindings
if( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
exports.Pattern = Pattern;
if ( typeof window === 'object' ) {
window.Pattern = Pattern;
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ermouth commented Nov 16, 2015

Original matches.js syntax bit extended to describe recursive rules, also added some sugar.

Syntax for CouchDB functions:

  • treematch.js code source as a String must be in the node Matches of ddoc
  • can‘t be used in reduce functions.
// treematches.js code source as a String 
// must be in the node `Matches` of ddoc

var Pattern = require("Matches").Pattern;
var matcher = Pattern.tree ({
  '[cmd@String,...tail]': {
    '"save", []' : [null],  // returns first elt of array, null
    '"load", []' : true,    // gets previous rule result
    '"save", [docid]' : function(docid) { return {id:docid} },
    '"load", [docid,...options]' : [true],
    '...' : ["Invalid command"]
  '...' : ["Invalid arguments"]

// matcher (["save", "ID123"]) -> {id: "ID123"}
// matcher (["load"]) -> null
// matcher (["del"]) -> "Invalid command"
// matcher ({}) -> "Invalid arguments"

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