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Created July 21, 2019 12:05
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API Lifecycle Stage / State Stage Description
Proposed A proposal to create new API, change existing API or retire existing API. Typically, the API Contract document would be drafted during this phase
Approved to Plan (Part of Candidate API Catalog) Approved API Proposal (New/Change/Retire) by Design Council. Typically, the API Contract would be further refined during this phase.
Approved to Build Approved API Specifications by Technical Architecture Board.
Draft Product or API definition is not deployed and is not associated with any catalog.
Staged A copy of the Product version is deployed to the target catalog. Staged is the initial state when you publish a Product. When a Product is in the staged state, it is not yet visible to, or subscribe-able by, any developers.
Published A fixed copy of the Product version is deployed to the target catalog. The Product version is visible to, and subscribe-able by, the targeted developers or communities. When a Product is published in a catalog, the visibility and subscription settings can be changed for the published version of that Product. Any further changes require a new version of the Product to be staged and published before they take effect.
Deprecated The Product version is visible only to developers whose applications are currently subscribed. No new subscriptions to the Plans in the Product are possible.
Retired The Product version can neither be viewed nor can its Plans be subscribed to, and all of the associated APIs are no longer available.
Archived The Product version can neither be viewed nor can its Plans be subscribed to, and all of the associated APIs are stopped. The Product version is not displayed by default in the Products tab of the catalog in API Manager.
Replace Applicable if new version has signature compatible with previous version?s All subscriptions are force-migrated; Original version is retired from catalog (May require approval, pending until then)
Supercede New version is published (with same visibility etc). Original version is deprecated (May require approval, pending until then)
Timely migration Auto-notify subscribers when product version is deprecated Force-migrate as last resort
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