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Created May 12, 2019 16:05
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swagger: '2.0' #version of Swagger
info: # High Level information of API
description: Sample Swagger Demo #Give the description of API
version: 1.0.0 #API version
title: Swagger Employee Demo # API title
license: #Swagger license info
name: Apache 2.0
url: ''
host: localhost # Host Name
basePath: /v1 #Basepath when there are multiple versions of API running
tags: # Tag information for each API operation. Multiple tags for multiple API operation
- name: employee #Tag name
description: Everything about your Employee #Tag description of API operation
- name: health
description: Readiness probe
- http #security schemes
- employee
summary: Add a new employee
description: Add a new employees
operationId: addEmployeeDetails
- in: body
name: body
description: Employees object that needs to be added
required: true
$ref: '#/definitions/Employee'
description: Invalid input
'/employees/{employeeId}': #Request Mapping path of REST API
get: #Request method type, GET,POST etc.
tags: # Refer to created tag above
- employee
summary: Find employee by ID #Summary
description: Returns a single Employee #Description of API operation
operationId: getEmployeeDetails #Method name
- application/json #Response content type
- name: employeeId #Input parameter
in: path #path variable
description: ID of Employee to return #description of parameter
required: true #Is mandatory
type: integer #data type
format: int64 #data type format, signed 64 bits
responses: # API response
'200': #Successful status code
description: successful operation #Successful status description
$ref: '#/definitions/Employee' #Response object details
'400': #Unsuccessful response code
description: Invalid Employee ID supplied #Unsuccessful response description
'404': #Unsuccessful response code
description: Employee not found #Unsuccessful response description
put: #Request method type, GET,POST etc.
tags: # Refer to created tag above
- employee
summary: Update employee by ID #Summary
description: Returns a single Employee #Description of API operation
operationId: updateEmployeeDetails #Method name
- application/json #Response content type
- name: employeeId
in: path
description: name that need to be updated
required: true
type: string
- in: body
name: body
description: Updated user object
required: true
$ref: '#/definitions/Employee'
responses: # API response
'400': #Unsuccessful response code
description: Invalid Employee ID #Unsuccessful response description
'404': #Unsuccessful response code
description: Employee not found #Unsuccessful response description
delete: #Request method type, GET,POST etc.
tags: # Refer to created tag above
- employee
summary: Deletes employee by ID #Summary
description: Returns a single Employee #Description of API operation
operationId: deleteEmployeeDetails #Method name
- application/json #Response content type
- name: employeeId #Input parameter
in: path #path variable
description: ID of Employee that needs to be updated #description of parameter
required: true #Is mandatory
type: integer #data type
format: int64 #data type format, signed 64 bits
responses: # API response
description: Invalid ID employee
description: employee not found
- health
operationId: getHealth
- application/json
'200': #Successfule status code
description: successful operation #Successful status description
definitions: # Object definition
Employee: #Employee Object
type: object
properties: #Object properties
id: #Id attribute
type: integer
format: int64
firstName: #Firstname attribute
type: string
description: Employee First Name #data type description
lastName: #Lastname attribute
type: string #Data type
description: Employee Last Name #Data type description
name: employee #xml root element when returning xml
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