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Last active December 28, 2015 22:59
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App names reports


Total files with title or name meta tags: 5597

Files with more than one title tag: 469

Top tag combinations

  • 155 application-name title
  • 130 og:site_name og:title
  • 39 apple-mobile-web-app-title application-name
  • 33 og:title title
  • 24 application-name application-name
  • 19 title title
  • 11 og:site_name og:title title
  • 9 apple-mobile-web-app-title application-name application-name
  • 8 apple-mobile-web-app-title title
  • 5 og:site_name title
  • 5 name title
  • 4 site_name title
  • 4 application-name application-name title
  • 3 shareaholic:site_name title
  • 2 site_name title title
  • 2 application-name og:site_name title
  • 2 application-name og:site_name og:title title
  • 2 application-name og:site_name
  • 2 apple-mobile-web-app-title application-name title
  • 2 apple-mobile-web-app-title apple-mobile-web-app-title
  • 1 og:site_name og:title og:title
  • 1 og:site_name og:site_name og:title
  • 1 name og:site_name
  • 1 application-name og:title title
  • 1 application-name og:title
  • 1 application-name og:site_name og:title
  • 1 application-name name
  • 1 apple-mobile-web-app-title og:title

Top used tags

  • 3478 title
  • 1571 application-name
  • 320 og:title
  • 250 shareaholic:site_name
  • 244 apple-mobile-web-app-title
  • 194 og:site_name
  • 29 name
  • 13 site_name
  • 1 title_publisher
  • 1 title-—Å–º–æ—Ç—Ä–µ—Ç—å –ø–æ—Ä–Ω–æ –æ–Ω–ª–∞–π–Ω –Ω–∞
  • 1 title
  • 1 namecontroller
  • 1 description

Content length stats for top 5 tags

Tag: title

  1. column1
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 0
	Max: 3100
	Sum: 255243
	Mean: 62.5289073983
	Median: 45.0
	Standard Deviation: 93.4127164394
	Unique values: 308
	5 most frequent values:
		2:	127
		9:	92
		10:	86
		8:	79
		6:	78

Row count: 4082

Tag: application-name

  1. column1
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 2
	Max: 312
	Sum: 31879
	Mean: 20.2663699936
	Median: 13
	Standard Deviation: 25.4261253804
	Unique values: 111
	5 most frequent values:
		8:	107
		12:	107
		10:	106
		11:	105
		13:	103

Row count: 1573

Tag: og:title

  1. column1
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 1
	Max: 628
	Sum: 23112
	Mean: 71.3333333333
	Median: 53.0
	Standard Deviation: 77.4040624831
	Unique values: 138
	5 most frequent values:
		2:	10
		56:	8
		69:	8
		39:	7
		12:	7

Row count: 324

Tag: shareaholic:site_name

  1. column1
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 3
	Max: 190
	Sum: 5573
	Mean: 22.1150793651
	Median: 17.0
	Standard Deviation: 17.3803920146
	Unique values: 50
	5 most frequent values:
		15:	20
		17:	19
		13:	17
		12:	15
		20:	14

Row count: 252

Tag: apple-mobile-web-app-title

  1. column1
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 2
	Max: 190
	Sum: 2644
	Mean: 10.7479674797
	Median: 8.0
	Standard Deviation: 14.8184643642
	Unique values: 28
	5 most frequent values:
		6:	40
		9:	36
		7:	28
		8:	24
		10:	20

Row count: 246

Script usage

csvstat on script_tags.csv

  1. column1
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Unique values: 71638
	5 most frequent values:
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//ed/sport.es_ed4432f366e75980f7c6a325ebc1a49c.html.txt:	1788
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//43/pulsarmedia.eu_43caf935d14ae0beeb550c169c0c0eaf.html.txt:	129
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//a8/mro-store.com_a8d4683d7a275941d17658250d78b478.html.txt:	109
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//15/goldbetsports.com_15810951daf055146af2fe49d32b0dbf.html.txt:	109
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//5c/zarahome.com_5cb9dfe3838154e65b6ee61ff31f4f78.html.txt:	104
	Max length: 167
  2. column2
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Values: script
  3. column3
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: True
	Unique values: 58
	5 most frequent values:
		text/javascript:	556735
		text/JavaScript:	1106
		text/javaScript:	139
		application/javascript:	121
		text/Javascript:	92
	Max length: 41
  4. column4
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: True
	Unique values: 428989
	5 most frequent values:	17992	5877
		//	4044	3773
		//	2173
	Max length: 43906
  5. column5
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: True
	Unique values: 7
	5 most frequent values:
		async:	1351
		true:	856
		1:	4
		false:	2
		”true”:	1
	Max length: 16

Row count: 640948

Tag usage

Top 20 tags used

  • 77534 head
  • 77070 html
  • 76976 body
  • 76955 title
  • 76419 meta
  • 75318 script
  • 74841 a
  • 74386 div
  • 73101 link
  • 72473 img
  • 66813 span
  • 64228 li
  • 64033 ul
  • 62531 p
  • 61470 input
  • 61003 br
  • 59785 form
  • 46721 h2
  • 42536 h1
  • 38867 h3
  • 36287 strong
  • 34815 style
  • 34333 noscript
  • 32500 table
  • 32394 tr
  • 32371 td
  • 26731 b
  • 24982 label
  • 24902 iframe
  • 20223 h4

csvstat on all_tags.csv

  1. column1
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Unique values: 78147
	5 most frequent values:
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//76/sovsport.ru_76889730585cd38be1f24c2e3bdaebb7.html.txt:	60
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//a8/sovsport.md_a8f9004151b2f523c3d1b25311ba89b5.html.txt:	60
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//a1/	57
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//91/	56
		/Users/ernesto/webmob-reports/webdevdata-latest//de/	56
	Max length: 167
  2. column2
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: True
	Unique values: 1857
	5 most frequent values:
		head:	77534
		html:	77070
		body:	76976
		title:	76955
		meta:	76419
	Max length: 149
  3. column3
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 1
	Max: 18590
	Sum: 61668091
	Mean: 31.8998349351
	Median: 4
	Standard Deviation: 115.878928077
	Unique values: 2351
	5 most frequent values:
		1:	643993
		2:	159003
		3:	106904
		4:	84978
		5:	66869

Row count: 1933179

Viewport information

Total sites with viewport tag: 15910

Total sites with more than one viewport tag: 339

Top 10 normalised viewport values

  • 5033 width=device-width initial-scale=1
  • 2587 width=device-width
  • 1779 width=device-width initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1
  • 497 width=device-width initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1 user-scalable=no
  • 452 width=1100
  • 433 width=1024
  • 353 width=device-width initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1 user-scalable=0
  • 156 width=1000
  • 145 width=device-width initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1 minimum-scale=1 user-scalable=no
  • 122 width=device-width initial-scale=1 minimum-scale=1 maximum-scale=1

Top 10 normalised viewport properties

  • 12606 width=device-width
  • 9826 initial-scale=1
  • 4462 maximum-scale=1
  • 1447 user-scalable=no
  • 1086 minimum-scale=1
  • 634 user-scalable=yes
  • 537 user-scalable=0
  • 536 width=1024
  • 467 width=1100
  • 207 width=1000
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