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Last active December 27, 2023 19:21
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  • Save ernestohs/e3fc2d8c936f173128cca159391ca324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ernestohs/e3fc2d8c936f173128cca159391ca324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
how lazy I am
alias push='git push origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'
alias pull='git pull --recurse-submodules origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'
alias s="git status -s"
alias c="git commit -m "
alias a='git add . && git status -s'
alias l='git log --oneline --all --graph --decorate'
alias gb='git fetch && git checkout '
alias undo='git checkout --'
alias reset='git reset --hard HEAD~1'
alias clean='git clean -dnx'
alias branch='git checkout -b'
alias friday='pull && git commit -a -m "[WIP] Lastest changes from Friday" && push'
alias changes='git diff --'
alias nomerge='git merge --abort'
alias dc='sudo docker-compose'
alias dcu='sudo docker-compose up'
alias dcb='sudo docker-compose up --build -d'
alias dcd='sudo docker-compose down'
alias dcc='sudo docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans'
alias nr='npm run'
alias nrs='npm run start'
alias nrb='npm run build'
alias npi='npm install'
alias dp='sudo docker ps'
alias ls='ls -lah --color=auto'
function Get-GitPush { & git push origin (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) $args }
New-Alias -Name push -Value Get-GitPush -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitPull { & git pull --recurse-submodules origin (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) $args }
New-Alias -Name pull -Value Get-GitPull -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitStatus { & git status -sb $args }
New-Alias -Name s -Value Get-GitStatus -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitCommit { & git commit -ev $args }
New-Alias -Name c -Value Get-GitCommit -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitAdd {
if (!$args) {
git add .
} else {
git add $args
git status -sb
New-Alias -Name a -Value Get-GitAdd -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitTree { & git log --graph --oneline --decorate $args }
New-Alias -Name l -Value Get-GitTree -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitSwitchBranch { & (git fetch) -and (git checkout $args) }
New-Alias -Name gb -Value Get-GitSwitchBranch -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitUndo { & git checkout -- $args }
New-Alias -Name undo -Value Get-GitUndo -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitReset { & it reset --hard HEAD~1 $args }
New-Alias -Name reset -Value Get-GitReset -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitClean { & git clean -dfx $args }
New-Alias -Name clean -Value Get-GitClean -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitBranch { & git checkout -b $args }
New-Alias -Name branch -Value Get-GitBranch -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitChanges { & git status -vv $args }
New-Alias -Name changes -Value Get-GitChanges -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitNoMerge { & git git merge --abort }
New-Alias -Name nomerge -Value Get-GitNoMerge -Force -Option AllScope
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Add a Powershell version, is still green but works

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