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Last active January 19, 2021 07:20
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Telegraf Xen exec monitoring script
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socket
hostname = socket.gethostname()
import subprocess
import time
def print_influx_data(xendomain, item, value):
global timestamp
print('xen_' + item + ',domain=' + xendomain + ',host=' + hostname + ' ' + value + ' ' + timestamp)
def get_xentop_lines():
# Using -i1 does not show correct CPU usage
# Since collecting data is slow, we must run xentop only once and collect all the needed data from one run
p = subprocess.Popen(['xentop', '-b', '-f', '-i2'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
out, _ = p.communicate(timeout=60)
out = out.decode('utf-8')
# Ignore the first iteration, as data there is not correct (e.g. CPU usage 0%)
# Start reading lines only after second line starting with 'NAME' (second iteration)
iteration = 0
xentop = []
for line in out.splitlines():
if iteration < 2 and line.strip().startswith('NAME'):
iteration += 1
elif iteration == 2 and not line.strip().startswith('NAME'):
return xentop
xentop_lines = get_xentop_lines()
timestamp = str("%.9f" % time.time()).replace('.', '') # A little bit more exact than doing this for each xentop line
for line in xentop_lines:
domain = line.split()
print_influx_data(domain[0],'cpu_time','cpu_time=' + domain[2] + 'i')
print_influx_data(domain[0],'cpu','load=' + domain[3])
print_influx_data(domain[0],'mem','kb=' + domain[4] + 'i')
print_influx_data(domain[0],'nettx','nettx=' + domain[10] + 'i')
print_influx_data(domain[0],'netrx','netrx=' + domain[11] + 'i')
print_influx_data(domain[0],'disk_rd','disk_rd=' + domain[14] + 'i')
print_influx_data(domain[0],'disk_wr','disk_wr=' + domain[15] + 'i')
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