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Created October 10, 2020 01:24
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from math import sin, cos, atan2, sqrt
def get_distance(from_lat, from_long, to_lat, to_long):
dlon = to_long - from_long
dlat = from_lat - to_lat
a = (sin(dlat/2)) ** 2 + cos(from_lat) * cos(to_lat) * (sin(dlon/2)) ** 2
c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))
distance = a * c
return distance
'Ground': 1,
'Priority': 1.6,
'Overnight': 2.3,
def format_price(price):
return "${0:.2f}".format(price)
from nile import get_distance, format_price, SHIPPING_PRICES
from test import test_function
# Define calculate_shipping_cost() here:
def calculate_shipping_cost(from_coords, to_coords, shipping_type='Overnight'):
from_lat, from_long = from_coords
to_lat, to_long = to_coords
distance = get_distance(from_lat, from_long, to_lat, to_long)
shipping_rate = SHIPPING_PRICES.get(shipping_type)
price = distance * shipping_rate
return format_price(price)
# Test the function by calling
# Define calculate_driver_cost() here
def calculate_driver_cost(distance, *drivers):
cheapest_driver = None
cheapest_driver_price = None
for driver in drivers:
driver_time = driver.speed * distance
price_for_driver = driver_time * driver.salary
if cheapest_driver is None:
cheapest_driver, cheapest_driver_price = driver, price_for_driver
elif price_for_driver < cheapest_driver_price:
cheapest_driver, cheapest_driver_price = driver, price_for_driver
return cheapest_driver_price, cheapest_driver
# Test the function by calling
# Define calculate_money_made() here
def calculate_money_made(**trips):
total_money_made = 0
for tri_id, trip in trips.items():
trip_revenue = trip.cost - trip.driver.cost
total_money_made += trip_revenue
return total_money_made
# Test the function by calling
def test_function(fn):
if fn.__name__ == "calculate_shipping_cost":
if fn.__name__ == "calculate_driver_cost":
if fn.__name__ == "calculate_money_made":
def test_shipping(f):
costs = f((0, 0), (1, 1))
except TypeError:
print("calculate_shipping_cost() did not provide default argument for shipping_type")
if not type(costs) is str:
print("calculate_shipping_cost() did not format the result in a string")
if costs != "$1.04":
print("calculate_shipping_cost((0, 0), (1, 1)) returned {}. Expected result is {}".format(costs, "$1.04"))
print("OK! calculate_shipping_cost() passes tests")
class Driver:
def __init__(self, speed, salary):
self.speed = speed
self.salary = salary
def __repr__(self):
return "Nile Driver speed {} salary {}".format(self.speed, self.salary)
driver1 = Driver(2, 10)
driver2 = Driver(7, 20)
def test_driver(f):
price, driver = f(80, driver1, driver2)
except TypeError:
print("calculate_driver_cost() doesn't expect multiple driver arguments")
if type(driver) is not Driver:
print("calculate_driver_cost() did not return driver")
if price != 1600:
print("calculate_driver_cost() did not provide correct final price (expected {}, received {})".format(price,1600))
if driver is not driver1:
print("calculate_driver_cost() did not provide least expensive driver")
print("OK! calculate_driver_cost() passes tests")
class Trip:
def __init__(self, cost, driver, driver_cost):
self.cost = cost
driver.cost = driver_cost
self.driver = driver
trip1 = Trip(200, driver1, 15)
trip2 = Trip(300, driver2, 40)
def test_money(f):
money = f(UEXODI=trip1, DEFZXIE=trip2)
except TypeError:
print("calculate_money_made() doesn't expect multiple trip keyword arguments")
if type(money) not in (int, float):
print("calculate_driver_cost() did not return a number")
if money != 445:
print("calculate_driver_cost() did not provide correct final price (expected {}, received {})".format(money, 445))
print("OK! calculate_money_made() passes tests")
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