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Last active September 3, 2023 21:03
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fc-json - print the output of `fc-cat` as JSON
## fc-json - print output of 'fc-cat' as valid JSON
## Usage:
## $ fc-json | jq -SC .
## Author: Kevin Ernst <ernstki -at->
## Date: 2 September 2023
## License: MIT
## Source:
fc-cat | awk '
FS = "[:\"]"
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if ($i ~ /=/) {
split($i, a, "=")
A[a[1]] = a[2]
if ("fullname" in A) {
for (k in A) {
B[A["fullname"]][k] = A[k]
print "["
c = 0
for (fn in B) {
printf " {\n"
cc = 0
for (k in B[fn]) {
v = B[fn][k]
if (v == "True")
printf " \"%s\": true", k
else if (v == "False")
printf " \"%s\": false", k
else if (v ~ /^[0-9][.0-9]*$/)
printf " \"%s\": %s", k, v
else if (k ~ /(lang|style|charset)/) {
printf " \"%s\": [", k
split(v, a, k=="charset" ? " " : "[,|]")
for (i=1; i<length(a); i++) {
printf "\"%s\", ", a[i]
printf "\"%s\"", a[length(a)]
printf "]"
printf " \"%s\": \"%s\"", k, v
printf ++cc < length(B[fn]) ? ",\n" : "\n"
printf " }" (++c < length(B) ? ",\n" : "\n")
print "]"
# vim: ft=awk
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ernstki commented Sep 3, 2023

Renders the output of fc-cat as valid JSON. The fc-cat binary is likely already on your system, as part of the fontconfig package.

Maybe there are other/better tools that already do this, but I did it for the challenge. In particular, figuring out how to create valid JSON, since trailing commas aren't allowed.


mkdir -p ~/bin
(curl $GIST || wget -O- $GIST) > ~/bin/fc-json 
chmod a+x ~/bin/fc-json

# make sure it works (if not, try logging out and back in)
fc-json | head

Most modern Unices will add ~/bin to your search path on login (if it exists), but if not, assuming the Bash shell:

dotprofile=~/.$([[ -f ~/.bash_profile ]] && echo bash_)profile
echo '
# add ~/bin/to my search path
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> $dotprofile

Example usage

fc-json | jq -SC . | less -R

# list all fonts which do not include `en` language
fc-json | jq -r '.[] | select(.lang?|index("en")|not) | .fullname'

See also

  • Fontconfig Developers Reference, heading "FONT PROPERTIES" -
  • ISO 639.2 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages" -
    • can convert to JSON, CSV, or tab-delimited with this trick
      curl -sS \
        | pup 'table tbody tr td table tr json{}' \
        | jq -r 'map(.children | map(.text))[] | @tsv'



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