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Last active August 1, 2021 20:03
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namespace List {
const EmptyList = new TypeError('The list is empty');
const IndexOutOfBounds = new RangeError('Index out of bounds');
type Empty = '@@EMPTY';
export const EMPTY: Empty = '@@EMPTY';
export type IList<T> = Empty | readonly [T, IList<T>];
export const head = <T>(list: IList<T>): T => {
if (list === EMPTY) throw EmptyList;
const [head, tail] = list;
return head;
export const tail = <T>(list: IList<T>): IList<T> => {
if (list === EMPTY) throw EmptyList;
const [head, tail] = list;
return tail;
export const get = <T>(list: IList<T>, idx: number): T => {
if (list === EMPTY) {
throw IndexOutOfBounds;
const [head, tail] = list;
if (idx === 0) return head;
return get(tail, idx - 1);
export const set = <T>(list: IList<T>, idx: number, item: T,): IList<T> => {
if (list === EMPTY) {
throw IndexOutOfBounds;
const [head, tail] = list;
if (idx === 0) return [item, tail];
return [head, set(tail, idx - 1, item)];
export const _delete = <T>(list: IList<T>, idx: number): IList<T> => {
if (list === EMPTY) {
throw IndexOutOfBounds;
const [head, tail] = list;
if (idx === 0) return tail;
return [head, _delete(tail, idx - 1)];
export const concat = <T>(list1: IList<T>, list2: IList<T>): IList<T> => {
if (list1 === EMPTY) return list2;
const [head, tail] = list1;
return [head, concat(tail, list2)];
export const append = <T>(list: IList<T>, el: T): IList<T> => {
if (list === EMPTY) return [el, EMPTY];
const [head, tail] = list;
return [head, append(tail, el)];
export const prepend = <T>(list: IList<T>, el: T): IList<T> =>
[el, list]
export const len = <T>(list: IList<T>): number => {
if (list === EMPTY) return 0;
const [head, tail] = list;
return 1 + len(tail);
export const map = <T, R>(list: IList<T>, mapper: (item: T) => R): IList<R> => {
if (list === EMPTY) return EMPTY;
const [head, tail] = list;
return [mapper(head), map(tail, mapper)];
export const forEach = <T>(list: IList<T>, f: (item: T) => void): void => {
if (list === EMPTY) return;
const [head, tail] = list;
return forEach(tail, f);
export const filter = <T>(list: IList<T>, f: (item: T) => boolean): IList<T> => {
if (list === EMPTY) return EMPTY
const [head, tail] = list;
if (f(head)) return [head, filter(tail, f)];
return filter(tail, f);
export const reduce = <T, R>(list: IList<T>, reducer: (item: T, acc: R) => R, val: R): R => {
if (list === EMPTY) return val;
const [head, tail] = list;
return reduce(tail, reducer, reducer(head, val));
export const toArray = <T>(list: IList<T>): T[] => {
if (list === EMPTY) return [];
const [head, tail] = list;
return [head, ...toArray(tail)];
export const fromArray = <T>(arr: T[]): IList<T> => {
if (arr.length === 0) return EMPTY;
const [head, ...tail] = arr;
return [head, fromArray(tail)];
export const reverse = <T>(list: IList<T>): IList<T> => {
if (list === EMPTY) return EMPTY;
const [head, tail] = list;
return append(reverse(tail), head);
export const print = <T>(list: IList<T>): void => {
if (list === EMPTY) {
console.log('List []')
} else {
console.log(`List [ ${List.toArray(list).join(', ')} ]`);
class LinkedList<T> {
private readonly list: List.IList<T>;
static fromArray = <T>(arr: T[]) => new LinkedList(List.fromArray(arr));
static fromElements = <T>(...args: T[]) => new LinkedList(List.fromArray(args));
constructor(_list: List.IList<T> = List.EMPTY) {
this.list = _list;
// Calculatable values
head = () => List.head(this.list);
length = () => List.len(this.list);
get = (idx: number) => List.get(this.list, idx);
reduce = <R>(reducer: (item: T, acc: R) => R, val: R) => List.reduce(this.list, reducer, val);
toArray = () => List.toArray(this.list);
// Side effect methods
forEach = (f: (item: T) => void) => List.forEach(this.list, f);
print = () => List.print(this.list);
// Methods which generate new LinkedLists
tail = () => new LinkedList(List.tail(this.list));
set = (idx: number, item: T) => new LinkedList(List.set(this.list, idx, item));
delete = (idx: number) => new LinkedList(List._delete(this.list, idx));
append = (el: T): LinkedList<T> => new LinkedList(List.append(this.list, el));
prepend = (el: T): LinkedList<T> => new LinkedList(List.prepend(this.list, el));
concat = (list2: LinkedList<T>) => new LinkedList(List.concat(this.list, list2.list));
map = <R>(mapper: (item: T) => R) => new LinkedList(, mapper));
filter = (f: (item: T) => boolean) => new LinkedList(List.filter(this.list, f));
reverse = () => new LinkedList(List.reverse(this.list));
clear = () => new LinkedList();
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