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Created September 20, 2013 18:19
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discover file paths recursively to the deeps of your computer given the root folder
function [varargout] = rdir(rootdir,varargin)
% Lists the files in a directory and its sub directories.
% function [D] = rdir(ROOT,TEST)
% Recursive directory listing.
% ROOT is the directory starting point and includes the
% wildcard specification.
% The function returns a structure D similar to the one
% returned by the built-in dir command.
% There is one exception, the name field will include
% the relative path as well as the name to the file that
% was found.
% Pathnames and wildcards may be used. Wild cards can exist
% in the pathname too. A special case is the double * that
% will match multiple directory levels, e.g. c:\**\*.m.
% Otherwise a single * will only match one directory level.
% e.g. C:\Program Files\Windows *\
% TEST is an optional test that can be performed on the
% files. Two variables are supported, datenum & bytes.
% Tests are strings similar to what one would use in a
% if statement. e.g. 'bytes>1024 & datenum>now-7'
% If not output variables are specified then the output is
% sent to the screen.
% See also DIR
% examples:
% D = rdir('*.m');
% for ii=1:length(D), disp(D(ii).name); end;
% % to find all files in the current directory and sub directories
% D = rdir('**\*')
% % If no output is specified then the files are sent to
% % the screen.
% rdir('c:\program files\windows *\*.exe');
% rdir('c:\program files\windows *\**\*.dll');
% % Using the test function to find files modified today
% rdir('c:\win*\*','datenum>floor(now)');
% % Using the test function to find files of a certain size
% rdir('c:\program files\win*\*.exe','bytes>1024 & bytes<1048576');
% use the current directory if nothing is specified
if ~exist('rootdir','var'),
rootdir = '*';
% split the file path around the wild card specifiers
prepath = ''; % the path before the wild card
wildpath = ''; % the path wild card
postpath = rootdir; % the path after the wild card
I = find(rootdir==filesep,1,'last');
if ~isempty(I),
prepath = rootdir(1:I);
postpath = rootdir(I+1:end);
I = find(prepath=='*',1,'first');
if ~isempty(I),
postpath = [prepath(I:end) postpath];
prepath = prepath(1:I-1);
I = find(prepath==filesep,1,'last');
if ~isempty(I),
wildpath = prepath(I+1:end);
prepath = prepath(1:I);
I = find(postpath==filesep,1,'first');
if ~isempty(I),
wildpath = [wildpath postpath(1:I-1)];
postpath = postpath(I:end);
% disp([' "' prepath '" ~ "' wildpath '" ~ "' postpath '" ']);
if isempty(wildpath),
% if no directory wildcards then just get file list
D = dir([prepath postpath]);
D([D.isdir]==1) = [];
for ii = 1:length(D),
if (~D(ii).isdir),
D(ii).name = [prepath D(ii).name];
% disp(sprintf('Scanning "%s" %g files found',[prepath postpath],length(D)));
elseif strcmp(wildpath,'**'), % a double wild directory means recurs down into sub directories
% first look for files in the current directory (remove extra filesep)
D = rdir([prepath postpath(2:end)]);
% then look for sub directories
Dt = dir('');
tmp = dir([prepath '*']);
% process each directory
for ii = 1:length(tmp),
if (tmp(ii).isdir && ~strcmpi(tmp(ii).name,'.') && ~strcmpi(tmp(ii).name,'..') ),
Dt = [Dt; rdir([prepath tmp(ii).name filesep wildpath postpath])];
D = [D; Dt];
% Process directory wild card looking for sub directories that match
tmp = dir([prepath wildpath]);
D = dir('');
% process each directory found
for ii = 1:length(tmp),
if (tmp(ii).isdir && ~strcmpi(tmp(ii).name,'.') && ~strcmpi(tmp(ii).name,'..') ),
D = [D; rdir([prepath tmp(ii).name postpath])];
% Apply filter
if (nargin>=2 && ~isempty(varargin{1})),
date = [];
datenum = [D.datenum];
bytes = [D.bytes];
eval(sprintf('D((%s)==0) = [];',varargin{1}));
warning('Error: Invalid TEST "%s"',varargin{1});
% display listing if no output variables are specified
if nargout==0,
pp = {'' 'k' 'M' 'G' 'T'};
for ii=1:length(D),
sz = D(ii).bytes;
if sz<=0,
disp(sprintf(' %31s %-64s','',D(ii).name));
ss = min(4,floor(log2(sz)/10));
disp(sprintf('%4.0f %1sb %20s %-64s ',sz/1024^ss,pp{ss+1},D(ii).date,D(ii).name));
% send list out
varargout{1} = D;
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