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Last active January 2, 2016 22:49
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Some fundamental algorithms. Currently ; Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Binary Search, Heap_Sort, Quick_sort
Eren Golge -
written for experience and experiment
import pdb
import math
import random
import time
-> set heap_sort able to sort in descending order
-> set heap_sort able to sort in place
-> tail_recursive_quick_sort does not work for some unknown REASON
def insertion_sort( A, inc_flag = True ):
for j in range(2, len(A), 1):
key = A[j]
i = j - 1
while ((inc_flag and A[i] > key) or (not inc_flag and A[i] < key)) and i >= 0:
A[i+1] = A[i]
i = i - 1
A[i+1] = key
return A
# Find maximum sun subarray
# does not work with all negative set
def max_subarray(A):
left_so_far = 0
right_so_far = 0
left = 0
right = 0
max_so_far = 0
up_to_here = 0
for i,a in enumerate(A):
up_to_here += a
if up_to_here < 0:
up_to_here = 0
left = i +1
up_to_here += a
if up_to_here > max_so_far:
max_so_far =up_to_here
right_so_far = i
left_so_far = left
return max_so_far, left_so_far, right_so_far
MERGER SORTY => theta(nlogn)
def merge_sort(A, inc_flag = True):
_merge_sort(A, 0, len(A)-1, inc_flag)
def _merge_sort(A,p,q, inc_flag):
if p < q:
r = (q+p)/2
_merge_sort(A, p, r, inc_flag)
_merge_sort(A, r+1, q, inc_flag)
_merge_arrays(A, p, r, q, inc_flag)
def _merge_arrays(A, p, r, q, inc_flag):
nL = (r-p+1)
nR = (q-r)
L = A[p:r+1]
R = A[r+1:q+1]
i = 0
j = 0
for k in range(p,q+1,1):
if j < nR and i < nL:
if (L[i] < R[j] and inc_flag) or (L[i] > R[j] and not inc_flag):
A[k] = L[i]
i += 1
A[k] = R[j]
j += 1
elif i == nL and j < nR:
A[k] = R[j]
j += 1
elif j == nR and i < nL:
A[k] = L[i]
i += 1
return A
def bubble_sort(A, inc_flag = True):
for i in range(len(A)-1):
for j in range(len(A)-1, 0, -1):
cond = (A[j] < A[j-1] and inc_flag) or (A[j] > A[j-1] and not inc_flag)
if cond:
temp = A[j]
A[j] = A[j-1]
A[j-1] = temp
def binary_search(A,x):
if A[-1] < x or A[0] > x:
return -1
left_last = 0
right_last = len(A)-1
result = False
while not result:
#print left_last,' ', right_last
indx = int(math.floor((left_last+right_last)/2))
next_num = A[indx]
if next_num == x:
return indx
elif next_num > x:
right_last = indx
left_last = indx
if left_last + 1 == right_last:
if A[left_last] == x:
return left_last
elif A[right_last] == x:
return right_last
return -1
heapify > theta(log N)
build_max_heap > O(N)
heap_sort > theta(N logN) so Best Case = Worst Case
l_child_indx = lambda i : 2*i+1
r_child_indx = lambda i : 2*i+2
def swap(A,i,j):
temp = A[i]
A[i] = A[j]
A[j] = temp
divide_floor = lambda A, k : int(math.floor(float(len(A)) / k))
# O(log n) correlated with the hegith of the heap tree
def heapify(A, i):
left_child = l_child_indx(i)
right_child = r_child_indx(i)
largest = i
if right_child < len(A) and A[right_child] > A[largest]:
largest = right_child
if left_child < len(A) and A[left_child] > A[largest]:
largest = left_child
if not largest == i:
swap(A, largest, i)
heapify(A, largest)
# O(n) is the complexity with fine grained calculation
def build_max_heap(A):
init_indx = divide_floor(A, 2)
for i in range(init_indx, -1, -1):
# It only sorts in ascending order
def heap_sort(A):
sorted_list = []
for i in range(len(A)-1, 0, -1):
swap(A, i, 0)
return sorted_list
O(N logN)>Best Case and Avg. Case
O(N^2)> Worst Case
def quick_sort(A, inc_flag = True):
_quick_sort(A, 0, len(A)-1, inc_flag)
# In practise it's assumed to be more efficient partition method
def _hoare_partition(A, p, q, inc_flag):
pivot = A[p]
i = p
j = q + 1
while True:
while True:
i += 1
if i > q or ((A[i] > pivot and inc_flag) or\
(A[i] < pivot and not inc_flag)) :
while True:
j -= 1
if j < p or ((A[j] < pivot and inc_flag) or\
(A[j] > pivot and not inc_flag)) :
if i < j:
swap(A, i, j)
elif j > p:
return j
return p
def _partition(A, p, q, inc_flag):
pivot = A[q]
i = p-1
for j in range(p, q, 1):
cond = ( A[j] < pivot and inc_flag ) or ( A[j] > pivot and not inc_flag)
if cond:
i += 1
return i+1
def _quick_sort(A, p, q, inc_flag):
if p < q:
r = _partition(A, p, q, inc_flag)
#r = _hoare_partition(A, p, q, inc_flag)
_quick_sort(A, p, r-1, inc_flag)
_quick_sort(A, r+1, q, inc_flag)
def tail_recursive_quick_sort(A, inc_flag = True):
# _quick_sort(A, 0, len(A)-1, inc_flag)
_tail_recursive_quick_sort(A, 0, len(A)-1, inc_flag)
def _tail_recursive_quick_sort(A, p, q, inc_flag):
if p < q:
r = _partition(A, p, q, inc_flag)
_tail_recursive_quick_sort(A, p, r-1, inc_flag)
p = r+1
test functions
if __name__ == '__main__':
N = 2000
inc_flag = True
times = 10
#a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(N)]
# start = time.time()
# insertion_sort(a)
# stop = time.time()
# print 'Insertion Sort with size ',N, ' : ', stop - start
#print max_subarray(a)
# a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(N)]
# start = time.time()
# a_sorted = sorted(a, reverse = not inc_flag)
# stop = time.time()
# print 'Built-in Python sort with size ',N, ' : ', stop - start
total_time = 0
for i in range(times):
a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(N)]
a_sorted = sorted(a, reverse = not inc_flag)
start = time.time()
merge_sort(a, inc_flag)
stop = time.time()
total_time += stop - start
print 'Merge Sort with size ',N, ' : ', total_time, 'sort order is ', a == a_sorted
# a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(N)]
# a_sorted = sorted(a, reverse = not inc_flag)
# start = time.time()
# bubble_sort(a, inc_flag)
# stop = time.time()
# print 'Bubble Sort with size',N, ' : ', stop - start, 'sort order is ', a == a_sorted
# a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(N)]
# a_sorted = sorted(a, reverse = True)
# start = time.time()
# sorted_a = heap_sort(a)
# stop = time.time()
# print 'Heap Sort with size',N, ' : ', stop - start, 'sort order is ', sorted_a == a_sorted
total_time = 0
for j in range(times):
a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(N)]
a_sorted = sorted(a, reverse = not inc_flag)
start = time.time()
quick_sort(a, inc_flag)
stop = time.time()
total_time += stop - start
print 'Quick Sort with size',N, ' : ', total_time, 'sort order is ', a == a_sorted
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