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Last active August 30, 2023 01:53
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Untyped Push Interpreter Prototype
(ns upush
(:require [clojure.math :refer [log]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.math.combinatorics :refer [selections]]))
(def instructions
{'+ {:fn +
:arity 2
:invariant (fn [a b]
(and (number? a) (number? b)))}
'/ {:fn /
:arity 2
:invariant (fn [n d]
(and (number? n)
(number? d)
(not (zero? d))))}
'log {:fn log
:arity 1
:invariant (fn [x]
(and (number? x) (pos? x)))}
'nth {:fn nth
:arity 2
:invariant (fn [s idx]
(and (or (sequential? s)
(string? s))
(nat-int? idx)
(< idx (count s))))}
'merge {:fn merge
:arity 2
:invariant (fn [a b]
(and (map? a)
(map? b)))}
'count {:fn count
:arity 1
:invariant (fn [x]
(or (coll? x)
(string? x)))}})
(defn dropvec
"Drops items in the vector at `indices`."
[v indices]
(let [idxs (set indices)]
(into []
(comp (map-indexed (fn [i e] [i e]))
(remove (fn [[i _]] (contains? idxs i)))
(map second))
(defn interleave-pad
"Returns a lazy seq of the first item in each coll, then the second etc.
Fills `pad` when a coll has been totally consumed.
Cannot be used with infinite collections.
Modified copy of clojure.core.interleave"
([_] ())
([_ c1] (lazy-seq c1))
([pad c1 c2]
(let [s1 (seq c1)
s2 (seq c2)]
(when (or s1 s2)
(cons (nth s1 0 pad)
(cons (nth s2 0 pad)
(interleave-pad pad (rest s1) (rest s2))))))))
([pad c1 c2 & colls]
(let [ss (map seq (conj colls c2 c1))]
(when (some identity ss)
(concat (map #(nth % 0 pad) ss) (apply interleave-pad pad (map rest ss))))))))
(defn z-order
(Long/parseLong (->> dims
(map #(reverse (Long/toString % 2)))
(apply interleave-pad \0)
(defn find-arg-idxs
[values instruction]
;; Create a deterministiclly ordered seq of distinct indice combinations of size `:arity`.
(selections (range (count values))
(:arity instruction))
(filter #(apply distinct? %))
(map vec)
(sort-by z-order)
;; Find first set of indices whose values satisfy the invariant function.
(filter (fn [idxs]
(let [;; Get candidate args at given indices
args (mapv #(nth values %) idxs)
;; Extract invariant of instruction, default to passing in none.
invariant (get instruction :invariant (constantly true))]
;; Call invariant check on candidate args.
(apply invariant args))))
;; Take the first set of indices that passes the invariant, null otherwise.
(defn run
(loop [code program
values []]
(println {:code code :values values})
;; Check if we are done.
(if (empty? code)
;; Return the first valid return value.
;; Evaluate the next Push unit.
(let [unit (first code)]
;; Check if unit is instruction symbol or not.
;; List units are code blocks to unpack.
(list? unit)
(recur (concat (reverse unit) (rest code))
;; Symbol units are instruction names.
(symbol? unit)
(let [;; Get instruction's definition.
instruction (get instructions unit)
;; Attempt to find indices of values that satisfy invariants.
arg-idxs (find-arg-idxs values instruction)]
(if (nil? arg-idxs)
;; If no complete set of args found, NOOP instruction.
(recur (rest code)
;; Perform the instruction.
(let [args (mapv #(nth values %) arg-idxs)
new-value (apply (:fn instruction) args)
;; Remove the consumed args.
values-no-args (dropvec values arg-idxs)]
;; Push new value to the "stack",
(recur (rest code)
(into [new-value] values-no-args)))))
;; Push non-instruction units to the "stack".
(recur (rest code)
(into [unit] values)))))))
;; Example programs
;; Only adding numbers.
(run (list 1 "A" 2 '+)) ;; => [3 "A"]
;; Adding different types of numbers
(run (list 1.2 0 '+)) ;; => [1.2]
;; Zero will never be the denominator.
(run (list 1 0 '/)) ;; => [0]
(run (list 0 1 '/)) ;; => [0]
;; Can't take the log of a negative number.
(run (list Math/E 'log)) ;; => [1.0]
(run (list -5 'log)) ;; => [-5]
(run (list Math/E -5 'log)) ;; => [1.0 -5]
;; Can't index out of bounds.
(run (list [:a :b :c 1 2 3]
;; => [:b]
(run (list [:a :b :c 1 2 3]
;; [100 [:a :b :c 1 2 3]]
;; Working with heterogeneous maps
;; Also counting size of anything that can be counted.
(run (list {:name "push" :version 3}
{:name "upush" :prototype true}
;; "Count this instead."
;; 'count
;; => [{:name "upush", :version 3, :prototype true}]
;; Finding instruction arguments
[1 :a "B" 2]
{:arity 2
:invariant (fn [a b]
(and (string? a)
(number? b)))}))
;; => [2 0]
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