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Created July 20, 2016 18:55
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(defn render-squares
[component props]
(let [svg (-> js/d3 (.select (dom/node component)))
data (clj->js (:squares props))
selection (-> svg
(.selectAll "rect")
(.data data (fn [d] (.-id d))))]
(-> (.enter selection)
(.append "rect")
(.style "fill" (fn [d] (.-color d)))
(.attr "x" "0")
(.attr "y" "0")
(.attr "x" (fn [d] (.-x d)))
(.attr "y" (fn [d] (.-y d)))
(.attr "width" (fn [d] (.-size d)))
(.attr "height" (fn [d] (.-size d))))
(-> selection
(.style "opacity" "0")
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