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Last active March 30, 2017 14:56
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Generate a QR for your network automatically
#!/usr/bin/env bash
SSID="sample\ network" # Spaces should be escaped with the backslash character "\".
PASSWORD="password would go here"
SECURITY_TYPE="WPA2" # Allowed types are "WPA", "WPA2", and "WEP"; though there may be more.
COLOR="9f8f68" # This is the hex value of the color you wish to generate
PLAINTEXT="Network Name: $SSID\nPassword: $PASSWORD\nSecurity type: $SECURITY_TYPE\n"
command_exists () {
type "$1" &> /dev/null;
INSTALL_WARN="Please install it before continuing"
if ! command_exists qrencode; then
echo "qrencode was not found on this system"
echo $INSTALL_WARN; exit 1
elif ! command_exists convert; then
echo "imagemagick's 'convert' was not found on this system"
echo $INSTALL_WARN; exit 1
qrencode -t SVG -o wifi-qr.svg "WIFI:S:$SSID;T:$SECURITY_TYPE;P:$PASSWORD;;" --background=00000000 --foreground=$COLOR -m 4 -s 30
echo "qrencode complete"
convert -background transparent -interline-spacing 8 -pointsize 26 -fill "#$COLOR" -gravity South -annotate 0 "$PLAINTEXT" -gravity Center -append wifi-qr.svg wifi-qr-pt.svg
echo "convert complete"
exit 0
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