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Last active October 15, 2016 19:21
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Screen Edge Detection UE4
// This code is meant to be placed in a Player Camera Manager
// ScreenX - screen space coordinate from [-1, 1] left to right that you want to find the world location of
// ScreenY - screen space coordinate from [-1, 1] top to bottom that you want to find the world location of
// OutWorldLocation - The vector to put the resulting world location in
// OutWorldDirection - The vector to put the resulting world direction in
// Controller - Controller to use for deprojection
// ViewportSize - The size of the viewport
bool APlayerCameraManager::DeprojectScreenSpaceToWorld(float ScreenX, float ScreenY, FVector& OutWorldLocation, FVector& OutWorldDirection, APlayerController* Controller, const FVector2D ViewportSize) const
return Controller->DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld((ScreenX * ViewportSize.X + ViewportSize.X) * 0.5f, (ScreenY * ViewportSize.Y + ViewportSize.Y) * 0.5f, OutWorldLocation, OutWorldDirection);
void APlayerCameraManager::SomeOtherUpdateFunction()
// The vectors in world space that we'll be finding
FVector BoundaryTopLeft;
FVector BoundaryBottomRight;
FVector BoundaryCenter;
// We need to find the boundaries of our desired screen space. There are some assumptions here:
// * The controller of this camera owns/possesses a pawn
// * The pawn is on the screen
// * The pawn's world location is more or less the center of his bounding bolume
FVector dir;
const FVector playerLoc = Controller->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation();
const FVector cameraLoc = GetCameraLocation();
const float distanceFromPlayerToCam = FVector::Dist(playerLoc, cameraLoc);
const FVector2D ViewportSize = FVector2D(GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetSizeXY());
// You'd likely have these two vectors to adjust what percent of the screen that you're finding the bounds of. For the whole screen
// it'd be as below. But you could also find the bounds of just the central portion of the screen [-0.5, 0.5] if you wanted to
// do safe zones etc.
FVector ScreenSpaceMin = FVector2D(-1.f, -1.f);
FVector ScreenSpaceMax = FVector2D(1.f, 1.f);
// There's a chance that deprojection might fail below, you deal with that
// The result of this deprojection is that BoundaryTopLeft will have the starting location of the desired screen bounds
// and dir will have the direction vector that lets us travel along that screen bound.
DeprojectScreenSpaceToWorld(ScreenSpaceMin.X, ScreenSpaceMin.Y, BoundaryTopLeft, dir, Controller, ViewportSize);
// This calculation uses the distance from the camera to the player to determine the world space boundary location
// that is on the same plane as the player pawn simply by traveling along the boundary that was previously found.
BoundaryTopLeft = BoundaryTopLeft + dir * distanceFromPlayerToCam;
// Now the same thing for the other two world space locations.
DeprojectScreenSpaceToWorld(ScreenSpaceMax.X, ScreenSpaceMax.Y, BoundaryBottomRight, dir, Controller, ViewportSize);
BoundaryBottomRight = BoundaryBottomRight + dir * distanceFromPlayerToCam;
DeprojectScreenSpaceToWorld(0, 0, BoundaryCenter, dir, Controller, ViewportSize);
BoundaryCenter = BoundaryCenter + dir * distanceFromPlayerToCam;
// You now have world space coordinate of the left/right/center. You can calculate the width and height of this play area as follows
const float CurrentTravelWidth = ((BoundaryBottomRight - BoundaryTopLeft) * 0.5f).ProjectOnTo(GetActorRightVector()).Size();
const float CurrentTravelHeight = ((BoundaryTopLeft - BoundaryBottomRight) * 0.5f).ProjectOnTo(GetActorUpVector()).Size();
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