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Created December 12, 2013 11:45
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python crypto AES
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
BS = AES.block_size
pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)
unpad = lambda s : s[0:-ord(s[-1])]
key = os.urandom(16) # the length can be (16, 24, 32)
text = 'to be encrypted'
cipher =
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(pad(text)).encode('hex')
print encrypted # will be something like 'f456a6b0e54e35f2711a9fa078a76d16'
decrypted = unpad(cipher.decrypt(encrypted.decode('hex')))
print decrypted # will be 'to be encrypted'
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