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Last active June 3, 2017 02:04
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  • Save errorseven/559681eb1fa122c14a75455d272abbea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save errorseven/559681eb1fa122c14a75455d272abbea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extended Objects - Ideas for built in methods came from Tidbits Object Wishlist -
__ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _
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/_\ \ \/ / __/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ _` | // // '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| __/ __|
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\__/ /_/\_\\__\___|_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__,_| \___/ |_.__// |\___|\___|\__|___/
Coded by errorseven @ 5-14-17 |__/ v1.1.2
Change Log:
v1.1.2 @ 6-2-17:
- Fixed Formating issue
- Added Documention and Usage examples
v1.1.1 @ 6-2-17:
- Added default declaration of Options in Sort()
- Fixed Sort() from returning array with new deliminator
- Added override StrSplit() to intialize an Extended Object
v1.1 @ 5-29-17:
- Added Sort method to ease sorting Arrays/Objects
Class _Object {
Count[] {
Returns an actual Count of objects contained in Array
Obj := {a:1, b:2, c:3}
obj.count ; --> 3
get {
return NumGet(&this + 4*A_PtrSize)
IsLinear[] {
Deterimines if an Array is Linear
Intended for Internal use, but have at it if you find a use
Get {
While (A_Index != this.MaxIndex())
If !(this.hasKey(A_Index))
Return False
Return True
Print[] {
Returns an accurate Str representation of your Object/Array
obj := [1, 2, 3, {a: 1, b: 2}]
obj.print ; --> [1, 2, 3, {a:1, b:2}]
Get {
If this.IsCircle()
Return "Error: Object contains a Circluar Reference"
Linear := this.IsLinear
For k, v in this {
if (Linear == False) {
if (IsObject(v))
r .= k ":" this[k].print ", "
else {
r .= k ":"
if v is number
r .= v ", "
r .= """" v """, "
} else {
if (IsObject(v))
r .= this[k].print ", "
else {
if v is number
r .= v ", "
r .= """" v """, "
return Linear ? "[" trim(r, ", ") "]"
: "{" trim(r, ", ") "}"
Reverse[] {
Returns a reverse ordered Array/Object
obj := [1, 2, 3].reverse
obj.print ; --> [3, 2, 1]
get {
x := []
loop % this.count
return x
IsCircle(Objs=0) {
Function by GeekDude
Returns True if Object contains a reference to itself
Intended for internal use, but have at it if you find a use
if !Objs
Objs := {}
For Key, Val in this
if (IsObject(Val)&&(Objs[&Val]||Val.IsCircle((Objs,Objs[&Val]:=1))))
return 1
return 0
Contains(x, y:="") {
Returns a Str index (True) or False
obj := [1, 3, 2, [5, 4]]
obj.contains(4) ; --> [4][2]
If this.IsCircle()
return 0
For k, v in this {
if (v == x)
return y "[" k "]"
if (IsObject(v) && v != this)
z := this[k].contains(x, y "[" k "]" )
if (z)
return z
return 0
Sort(options:="", delim:="`n") {
Use Sort Command documentation to interpret options. The deliminator is
seperate for ease of implementation.
obj := [c, d, b, a].sort()
obj.print ; --> [a, b, c, d]
For e, v in this
r .= v delim
Sort, r, % options "D" delim
return StrSplit(trim(r, delim), delim)
Class _Array Extends _Object {
; Just here to extend functions
Array(prm*) {
Since prm is already an array of the parameters, just give it a
new base object and return it. Using this method, _Array.__New()
is not called and any instance variables are not initialized.
x := {}
loop % prm.length()
x[A_Index] := prm[A_Index]
x.base := _Array
return x
Object(prm*) {
Create a new object derived from _Object.
obj := new _Object
; For each pair of parameters, store a key-value pair.
Loop % prm.MaxIndex()//2
obj[prm[A_Index*2-1]] := prm[A_Index*2]
; Return the new object.
return obj
StrSplit(x, dlm:="", opt:="") {
Use help documentation definition to determine options. This override
is here to properly intialize an Extended Object using our class.
Obj := StrSplit("abc")
Obj.print ; --> ["a", "b", "c"]
r := []
StringSplit, o, x, %dlm%, %opt%
loop, %o0%
return r
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