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Created September 23, 2011 17:20
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An interesting technique for creating a linked list like structure using SQL with minimal overhead.

I wrote this a long time ago as a proof-of-concept for a vaporware project. Recently I have had the need to something which seems easy at a high-level standpoint, but is actually quite hard to implement.

The original purpose for this concept was to easily maintain a strict order of data held within the rows, while still having the option to reorder the rows in an efficient manner (one table, no joins, no special embedded scripts etc).

A little insight into what I was doing: I once worked on a network security team for a tier-1 ISP. A coworker and myself had already written some really nice code to deal with the thousands (yes, thousands) of firewalls we dealt with on a daily basis. We created an API which generated abstracted structures of firewall configurations; by abstracting I mean creating a singular data-structure which represented rules, and rule-sets (a nice side-effect of this method was we could morph one firewall syntax structure to another. E.g., juniper filters -> netscreen rules. Needless to say we spent a great deal of time writing EBNF, but I digress.

My co-worker and I had a longing (or should I say, pipe dream) to create database abstractions around this. It was hard, lots of discussions, but we just didn't have the time. One of the pitfalls was the aforementioned ordering. Sometimes a firewall rule would have to be moved up or down in a single database; not something that can be accomplished efficiently or atomically.

The most efficient way of creating a strict order of data which where data can still be moved is to use a simple doubly linked-list. But in SQL, this is easier said than done. But the following snippet I found laying around still seems pretty damned cool to me. So I'm sharing it with all.

import psycopg
import sys
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from pprint import pprint
start out with this data:
rule BIGINT,
prev BIGINT,
INSERT INTO list (rule, prev, next) VALUES (1, -1, 2);
INSERT INTO list (rule, prev, next) VALUES (2, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO list (rule, prev, next) VALUES (3, 2, 4);
INSERT INTO list (rule, prev, next) VALUES (4, 3, 5);
INSERT INTO list (rule, prev, next) VALUES (5, 4, -1);
o = psycopg.connect('dbname=test user=ellzey')
c = o.cursor()
def fetch_nodes(cursor):
nodehash = dict()
root = None
cursor.execute("SELECT rule, prev, next FROM list")
nodes = c.dictfetchall()
for node in nodes:
if node['prev'] == -1:
root = node
nodehash[node['rule']] = node
return root, nodehash
def print_nodes(root, nodes):
# start off with the
next = root['rule']
while next > 0:
print next
next = nodes[next]['next']
def move_node(db, nodes, x, y):
# move node x before y
x = nodes[x]
y = nodes[y]
if y['prev'] == x['rule']:
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("UPDATE list SET next=%d WHERE rule=%d" % (x['next'], x['prev']))
c.execute("UPDATE list SET prev=%d WHERE rule=%d" % (x['prev'], x['next']))
c.execute("UPDATE list SET next=%d WHERE rule=%d" % (y['rule'], x['rule']))
c.execute("UPDATE list SET prev=%d WHERE rule=%d" % (y['prev'], x['rule']))
c.execute("UPDATE list SET next=%d WHERE rule=%d" % (x['rule'], y['prev']))
c.execute("UPDATE list SET prev=%d WHERE rule=%d" % (x['rule'], y['rule']))
root, nodehash = fetch_nodes(c)
print_nodes(root, nodehash)
move_node(o, nodehash, int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))
print "AFTER MOVE"
root, nodehash = fetch_nodes(c)
print_nodes(root, nodehash)
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