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This is the MASTER
root@ed750:~# ntpq -pn
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* .SFDC. 12 l 19 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.001
This is the SLAVE
root@squire:~# ntpq -pn
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
------------------------------From Cassandra
DEBUG 20:52:17,268 batch_mutate
DEBUG 20:52:17,272 Mutations/ConsistencyLevel are [RowMutation(keyspace='sf', key='0000007e0000030003000001000000000000000000000300030000010000000000000000000000010000000000000000', modifications=[ColumnFamily(co
nnection_events [6170706c69636174696f6e4964:false:4@1340916716053000,636c69656e744964:false:4@1340916716065004,656772657373496e7466:false:16@1340916716065006,6567726573735a6f6e65:false:16@1340916716065002,6669727
susbscribing to
0 [main] INFO - Connecting to leatherface:9160
34 [main] INFO me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.CassandraHostRetryService - Downed Host Retry service started with queue size -1 and retry delay 10s
325 [main] DEBUG me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory.HThriftClientFactoryImpl - Creation of new client for host:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/cassandra/thrift/InvalidRequestException
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory.HThriftClientFactoryImpl.createClient(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.ConcurrentHClientPool.createClient(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.ConcurrentHClientPool.<init>(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.RoundRobinBalancingPolicy.createConnection(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionMan
root@franc:/Volume/5.1.0/opt/rabbitmq_server-2.8.4# sbin/rabbitmq-server
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
ERROR: generation of boot script file sbin/../var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@localhost-plugins-expand/rabbit.script failed:
def LogConfig(configItem: String, configValue: Any) = {
configValue match {
case configValueMap: Map[_,_] => val logString = "Configured " + configItem + " to " + configValueMap.mkString("{",", ","}") + "."
case _ => val logString = "Configured " + configItem + " to " + configValue + "."
root@ubuntu:/usr/local/sf/lib/perl/5.10.1# perl -e "require SF::Util;"
S_IFFIFO is not a valid Fcntl macro at /usr/share/perl/5.12/File/ line 41.
Printing stack trace:
called from /usr/lib/perl/5.12/ (182)
called from /usr/share/perl/5.12/File/ (41)
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: [SQL][1][]
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: SELECT COUNT(*), t13870_event.classification
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: FROM event_1329145200 t13870_event
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: LEFT JOIN rna_ip_host AS t13870_rna_ip_host
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: ON (t13870_event.ip_dst = t13870_rna_ip_host.ipaddr)
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: LEFT JOIN rna_ip_host_reported_by_sensor AS t13870_rna_ip_host_reported_by_sensor
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: ON (t13870_event.ip_dst = t13870_rna_ip_host_reported_by_sensor.ipaddr AND t13870_rna_ip_host_reported_by_sensor.secondary = 0)
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10Cacher[13870]: WHERE (t13870_rna_ip_host.criticality = '3' AND t13870_event.classification IS NOT NULL) AND tv_sec >= 1331134090 AND tv_sec < 1331137690
Mar 7 16:28:10 leatherface SFTop10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/django/core/handlers/", line 111, in get_response
response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/render/", line 105, in renderView
seriesList = evaluateTarget(requestContext, target)
File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/render/", line 10, in evaluateTarget
result = evaluateTokens(requestContext, tokens)
File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/render/", line 21, in evaluateTokens
return evaluateTokens(requestContext, tokens.expression)
File "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/render/", line 24, in evaluateTokens
def run_tight(*args, **kwargs):
Pass this function a kwarg like set="abc" where "abc" is picked from this list:
r = show running
R = hide running
e = show stderr
E = hide stderr
o = show stdout
O = hide stdout
p = pty=True
root@grizzly:/etc# ps ax | grep SFDataCorrelator
23006 ? Sl 0:15 /usr/local/sf/bin/SFDataCorrelator --nodaemon
23198 pts/7 S+ 0:00 grep SFDataCorrelator
root@grizzly:/etc# pgrep SFDataCorrelator
root@grizzly:/etc# pgrep SFDataCorrelato
root@grizzly:/etc# ps ax | grep perl