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Created April 12, 2022 12:21
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Enum and enum arrays support for psycopg3.
import itertools
from enum import Enum
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Generic, List, Union
import psycopg.adapt
from psycopg.adapt import Buffer
from psycopg.types import TypeInfo
E = TypeVar("E", bound=Enum)
class TypeNotFound(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, pg_type_name: str, pg_namespaces: List[str] = None):
self.pg_namespaces = pg_namespaces
self.pg_type_name = pg_type_name
super().__init__(f'Postgres type {pg_type_name} not found within namespaces {",".join(pg_namespaces)}')
def psycopg_register_enum_type(
connection: psycopg.Connection,
enum_type: Generic[E],
pg_type_name: str,
pg_namespaces: Union[str, List[str], None] = None,
) -> None:
Register enum type for psycopg connection.
:param connection: psycopg connection (tuple_row, namedtuple_row and dict_row row factories are supported).
:param enum_type: enum type.
:param pg_type_name: enum type name in Postgres database.
:param pg_namespaces: namespace(s) in Postgres database. If set to None, will be used current search path.
if pg_namespaces is None:
search_path = connection.execute("SHOW search_path").fetchone()
if type(search_path) == dict:
search_path = tuple(search_path.values())
pg_namespaces = [namespace.strip() for namespace in search_path[0].split(',')]
elif type(pg_namespaces) == str:
pg_namespaces = [pg_namespaces]
type_data = connection.execute(
"UNION ALL".join([
SELECT pt.oid, pt.typarray FROM pg_catalog.pg_type pt
WHERE pt.typnamespace = (
SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn WHERE pn.nspname = %s
AND pt.typname = %s
AND pt.typtype = 'e'
for _ in pg_namespaces
*[(pg_namespace, pg_type_name) for pg_namespace in pg_namespaces]
if type_data is None:
raise TypeNotFound(pg_type_name, pg_namespaces)
if type(type_data) == dict:
type_data = tuple(type_data.values())
oid = type_data[0]
array_oid = type_data[1]
class _PsycopgEnumLoader(psycopg.adapt.Loader, Generic[E]):
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> E:
return enum_type(data.tobytes().decode())
class _PsycopgEnumArrayLoader(psycopg.adapt.Loader, Generic[E]):
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> List[E]:
return [enum_type(value) for value in data.tobytes().decode().lstrip('{').rstrip('}').split(',')]
connection.adapters.register_loader(oid, _PsycopgEnumLoader[enum_type])
connection.adapters.register_loader(array_oid, _PsycopgEnumArrayLoader[enum_type])
# CREATE TYPE some_namespace.some_enum AS ENUM('ONE', 'TWO');
# CREATE TYPE public.some_enum AS ENUM('OTHER_ONE', 'OTHER_TWO');
# CREATE TABLE some_namespace.some_table( id UUID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value some_namespace.some_enum );
# CREATE TABLE public.some_table_arr( id UUID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, values public.some_enum[] );
class SomeEnum(str, Enum):
class SomeOtherEnum(str, Enum):
class SomeModel(BaseModel):
id: UUID
value: SomeEnum
class SomeModelArr(BaseModel):
id: UUID
values: List[SomeOtherEnum]
connection = psycopg.connect(
options="-c search_path=some_namespace,public",
psycopg_register_enum_type(connection, SomeEnum, pg_type_name="some_enum")
psycopg_register_enum_type(connection, SomeEnum, pg_type_name="some_enum", pg_namespaces="public")
connection.execute("SELECT * FROM some_namespace.some_table").fetchall()
connection.execute("SELECT * FROM some_namespace.some_table_arr").fetchall()
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ertaquo commented Apr 12, 2022

I found that psycopg3 has no support for Postgres enum and enum arrays. So I wrote this support function to add custom loaders for enums. Hope it can be useful for someone else :)

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I can send you some comments, but if you create a MR for psycopg 3 it would be better. Eyeballing:

  • creating an explicit array loader should not be necessary. Once the type is registered in the type system (so it knows OID2 is the array type of the OID1 type) it is able to load/dump arrays itself.
  • a more specific TypeInfo would be useful, similar to CompositeTypeInfo (knowing the attributes of a composite type)
  • I am pretty sure that it is possible to query the catalog without a loop on the namespaces. Examples of calalog inspections (for range, composite, ...) are available in this module.

More info in psycopg/psycopg#273

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